【歡喜功德】 為親人點盞光明燈吧,願你我…

【Joyful Merits】
Offer a light for your loved ones, may all be blessed with joy, peace, auspiciousness and great health!

In the “Medicine Buddha” sutra, Sakyamuni Buddha encouraged us to offer light to the Medicine Buddha for 49 consecutive days so as to be liberated from mental stress, have bright career success and fulfillment of wishes.

On the 15th day of the seventh lunar month, we offer lights, flowers, fruits, incense, rice, water and other daily necessities to the Buddha with sincerity and seek his blessings for a comfortable and prosperous year ahead.

With the merits gained through offerings to the Sangha and other great accomplished practitioners, our ancestors and loved ones would be liberated from suffering in the lower realms. They may be reprieved from punishment, suffering and fear. Our living elderly relatives and parents will enjoy longevity and good health

Our karmic creditors would also be relieved from their sufferings and our karmic debts would clear sooner so that we can start to accumulate good karmic merits and fortune.

We also inherit the good and bad karma of our parents from previous lifetimes through DNA; their wellbeing might affect us as their descendants and can manifest as uneasiness.

By repenting, chanting and making offerings to Buddha on behalf of our parents of previous lifetimes, Buddha will shine compassionate light on them, eradicate their karmic obstacles, debts and we can then be able to enjoy an auspicious life! We can be auspicious if our ancestors and deceased loved ones are at ease.

Hence, when we sincerely and joyfully make offerings to Buddha, we accumulate good merits and lead happy lives!

I welcome everyone to make use of this opportunity to accumulate merits for yourself, your ancestors and loved ones. When Buddha feels joyful from our offerings and bless our ancestors with auspiciousness, our sufferings and darkness dissipates and we enjoy a fulfilling and happy life. This is the best way to repay our parents of previous lifetimes.

Let me offer a light for you and lastly, make a wish for all:
“May the light of compassion shines on us and drives away all darkness from our hearts.”
“May the darkness, sufferings, illnesses and troubling thoughts of all sentient beings vanish
May all enjoy an auspicious and healthy life blessed with longevity!!”
#JoyfulMerits, #UllambanaFestival, #EndOfSummerEnjoyPeace, #AuspiciousAndSafe, #RepayParentsGratitude
#歡喜功德、#盂蘭盆會、#結夏安居、#祖宗、#吉祥平安、 #報答父母恩
