【一場春雨,一壺春茶】 . 4月20日進…

A Spring Rain, A Pot of Spring Tea – One of 24 Solar Terms “Grain Rain”

April 20 is the start of the Solar Term Grain Rain, the last solar term of Spring. The cold humid climate basically ends and the temperature quickly picks up. There is now minimum sudden fluctuation in temperature, the air is humid with an abundance of precipitation which is very conducive for the growth of crops. Thus, there is an old saying “After the rain, the grain growth begins.”

“The drizzle moistens my gown and the wind caressing my face chills me not”. Stepping outside to look at the flowers on a warm day makes one in an exceptionally good mood. However, some people are afraid of allergy. Spring is also a season that the skin is prone to allergy. In the novel “Dream of Red Chamber”, there is a chapter that describes: During Spring, the beauties of the Grand View Garden grew “apricot buds” on their skin and need to apply “rose ointment”. Although this is a fictional story, the skin allergy is related to a weak body immune system. The ladies of the ancient time did not move around much and therefore had a weak body constitution. It is a pity that no one taught them Energy Bagua at that time. If you want to increase your energy level in Spring, why not find a group of friends to practice Energy Bagua every morning to strengthen your health.

For those who love to drink tea, they will not want to miss the “Grain Rain Tea”. The tea trees, after resting for a few months in the winter, produce budding leaves that are plump, emerald in color and soft. They are rich in amino acids and vitamins, full of flavor and aromas. The China ancient tea monograph “Cha Shu” mentions “Qingming is too early, beginning of Summer is too late, around Grain Rain period is just right”. In recent years, some places in China started to celebrate “National Tea Drinking Day”, which falls on the Grain Rain solar term. This shows the importance of Grain Rain Tea. Now is the Grain Rain period, what are you waiting for? Let’s go and brew a pot of tea.

#SolarTerm, #GrainRain, #SpringTea, #EnergyBagua


【一場春雨,一壺春茶】 . 4月20日進…

