
【全新推出】藥師靈簽 (金菩提宗師 Facebook)

👉 開始抽籤:https://www.puticollege.com/drawlots
☯️ 我會在近期安排給幾位網友解籖,歡迎報名:https://www.bit.ly/qianwang
#藥師靈籖 #藥師佛 #抽籤 #解籖 #籖王 #新年 #虎年 #過新年 #運勢 #健康 #財富 #事業 #姻緣 #家庭 #犯太歲 #祈福 #新年祈福 #吉祥護佑 #菩提禪修 #菩提禪修學院 #金菩提 #金菩提宗師

👉 開始抽籤:https://www.puticollege.com/drawlots
☯️ 我會在近期安排給幾位網友解籖,歡迎報名:https://www.bit.ly/qianwang
#藥師靈籖 #藥師佛 #抽籤 #解籖 #籖王 #新年 #虎年 #過新年 #運勢 #健康 #財富 #事業 #姻緣 #家庭 #犯太歲 #祈福 #新年祈福 #吉祥護佑 #菩提禪修 #菩提禪修學院 #金菩提 #金菩提宗師


抽籤真的靈嗎? . 在加拿大溫哥華最近的…

Drawing divination lots – Is it really effective?

Students from all over the world came to Vancouver to attend the recent meditation retreat. Just before the class started, I ran into one of the students from Asia whom I know well. When she saw me, she asked me glumly,
“Master, I need your help. I’ve been really troubled recently; I have lost interest in food, movies and even traveling. I have visited all the famous mountains and rivers in many countries in Asia. Nothing seems to interest or motivate me anymore. What should I do?!”

I asked: “What happened? Have you run into difficulties at work? Or are your children giving you trouble?”

She replied: “Neither, Master! Someone is helping me manage my business and I am getting great results at work. The children’s careers are also off to a good start. There is nothing for me to worry about at all. But for some reason, I just feel very demotivated.” She looked down at her feet as she talked.

As I looked at her, I realized that she had been lost for some time. Every aspect of her life was so perfect that she has lost her motivation in life.

I told her, “The class begins tomorrow. Just focus on the class for now. Don’t worry too much.”
She nodded, “Ok.”

The next day, she came to look for me after class. She had undergone a vast transformation – she was jovial and full of energy. From afar, she called out to me, “Master! I feel as if your talk today was directed at me!”

I asked: “What happened?”

“Master, it’s really amazing! When I woke up this morning, I went to venerate Buddha and prayed for some inspiration during the class so that I can cheer up. I went to draw a divine lot right after that. Can you guess what?”

I asked curiously: “What lot did you draw?”

“The lot I drew told me to ‘Set a goal to help other people!’ I did not understand then how was I to help other people when I could not even help myself.

And then in your talk in class, you said this: You should set high goals for yourself. Once the goal is set, who knows, you might just let go of all the things that have been troubling you these few days. The pathways in your brain will clear. Your qi, blood, nutrition, oxygen… in fact, all your organs will function well. This is because setting a high goal for yourself is healthy for your spiritual self.

Right at that moment, I had a revelation – This is what the divination lot meant! My new goal is to help others for the rest of my life! Immediately I could think of so many things that I could do. Like you said, my brain gained clarity and I was filled with energy and motivation! All those troubles that I had disappeared without a trace!”

I was happy for her, “That’s fantastic! I am glad you have found your motivation and new goal in life!”

I continued, “All of us get confused and lose our direction sometimes. The words on the divination lot or what was said in class may touch you deeply, or even bring about a turning point in your life. May you gain even more benefits from the rest of the class!”

My wishes for everyone:
May you get enlightened and succeed in your search for the purpose and goal for your life. Forge your own paths for the future and soar into the vast blue sky in front of you.

#DivineLot, #Effective, #InspirationOfLife, #Vast, #SuddenRevelation, #HighGoals
