走出黑暗幽谷,重見美麗藍天~ . 人生的…

Walk out of the dark secluded valley and regain sight of the beautiful blue sky ~
The path of life is often filled with endless exploration and learning. Like a hare running in the jungle, we often stumble and fall. When you accidentally fall into a deep valley, you might feel that you have lost friends, and all hope in life. You will find it hard to face life. At times like that, how do you regain confidence to leap over the obstacles and run towards the vast grassland?
Let us listen to the sharing of Jiqun Yang from Malaysia – a story of how he found a ray of light in the scary, secluded valley and walked out of darkness to regain sight of the vast blue sky.
Perhaps, with a little bit of courage, you will be able to transform your life.
I look forward to hear you share about your transformation on how you regain your health.
(Note: meditation results vary for each individual.)
*Bodhi Meditation does not advocate stopping or reducing dosage of medication on your own. Please follow advice from the doctor.
#Depression, #Meditation, #Health, #Happiness, #MeditationJournal, #WalkingTowardsTheBrightness


帕金森──我要征服你!! . . 說起帕…

Parkinson – I want to conquer you! !
Parkinson’s disease is like “a deadly form of cancer”: trembling, stiff limbs, abnormal way of walking, slow movement, severe dementia and depression… For the elderly and middle-aged group, Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is now the third leading cause of death after cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Up till 2017, there are approximately 5 million people with PD worldwide. This figure is increasing every year.
Yilin Lu is stricken with PD for 6 1/2 years. Apart from feeling weak and dizzy, he often trembles and struggles to make the slightest movement. When his depression becomes more severe, he felt that there is no hope in life; his world is dark and he often have suicidal thoughts. The current available medical treatment is of no help to him.
In the midst of frantically searching for medical treatment which, so far, were unsuccessful, he came to know Bodhi Meditation.
What is the miracle Yilin Lu found at last? Let’s hear him out.
(Note: meditation results vary for each individual)

* Bodhi Meditation does not advocate stopping or reducing dosage of medication, please follow the doctor’s advice.
#Parkinson, #LuYilin, #Depression, #MeditationSharing


禪修帶他走出「創傷後壓力症候群」 . 人…

