【八卦内功 身心健康之道_中】 ───你…

【八卦内功 身心健康之道_中】
1.八卦內功課程教學 https://www.puti.org/ch/?s=%E5%85%AB%E5%8D%A6
2..到慈悲音網購 https://www.cibeiyin.com/bagua
#生命能量 #健康長壽 #貴在堅持 #手腳不再冰冷

【Energy Bagua Brings You Wellness, Part 2】
Your must-read to the secret to good health and longevity!

The secret to good health and longevity is: [ Time+ Method= Good health and longevity ].

Through practicing Energy Bagua, we can replenish our body’s energy quickly to strengthen our body, lose weight, boost immunity system and alleviate cold body constitution. These in turn will enable us to live a long life!

Energy Bagua is a fast and comprehensive wellness practice method. Hence I highly recommend it to you. However, do bear in mind you need to persevere in your practice for an extended period of time before you can see its effect. Given a good methodology and sufficient time spent, you will enjoy good health and longevity.

So, how do we overcome the obstacles in our self-cultivation path? The answer lies in perseverance.

I welcome all to join me in 【Energy Bagua Brings You Wellness, Part 2】
. May all be filled with energy, and blessed with good health and longevity.
To understand more about Energy Bagua, please click ??
1. Energy Bagua Class https://www.puti.org/en/?s=Energy+Bagua
2. Purchase at Cibeiyin web portal https://www.cibeiyin.com/

#EnergyBaguaBringsYouWellnessPart2, #EnergyBaguaBringsYouWellness, #LifeVitality, #HealthyAndLongevity, #Perseverance, #Persistence, #LimbsNoLongerCold


健康有捷徑嗎? 給想健康,卻又苦尋不著方…

有一種養生方法,它不僅簡單易學,還能夠快速補充身體 #元氣,而且還能有效幫助人體 #增強免疫力。八卦內功的效果,從實用的角度來說,就是對我們的 #健康有好處。


Short cut to Good Health?
Specially for those of you who crave for good health but have not been able to find the way~

There is a method which is easy to learn and allows the body to quickly replenish vital energy and improve its immunity. Judging from the effects of practicing Energy Bagua, it is apparent that Energy Bagua is beneficial for our health.

Energy Bagua is one of the easiest exercises to learn, and it can be practiced indoors or outdoors, regardless of weather conditions. It is also suitable for people of all ages. If you would like to improve your strength and overall health, or if you would like to get pregnant, you ought to give it a try. Energy Bagua lets you attain good health in a easy and relaxed manner.

【My Suggestions for Good Health】
First of all, for those who need to recover from sicknesses, you ought to practice at least one to two hours of Energy Bagua daily, for 108 days continuously. It is best to practice at the same time every day. For instance, you can choose to practice at 5am, 6am, 7am, 8am, 9am or 10am every morning.
Secondly, morning is the best time to practice. According to energy and cosmology, as we view the sun rising, we are exposed to rising levels of energy, which is beneficial to our health. In comparison, practicing in the afternoon does not yield as much benefit as practicing in the morning.

I welcome all of you to join me to “Walking around a tree brings you longevity”.
May all of you be blessed with good health, longevity, good fortune and happiness!

To gain a better understanding of Energy Bagua, please click on the following:
1. Energy Bagua Practice Music CD

#EnergyBagua, #HealthImprovement, #Longevity, #FirmAndQuickSteps, #WarmingUpTheHandsAndLegs
