【夢想是怎麼煉成的?】 寸草不生的荒地上,竟然能種出葡萄? 很多人都有過夢想,但是僅僅作夢和已實現夢想的人,他們之間的差異是什麼呢? 相信這段故事能帶給你一些啟發! #金菩提 #金菩提宗師 #夢想 #實現夢想 #成功 #成功的秘訣



很多人都有過夢想,但是僅僅作夢和已實現夢想的人,他們之間的差異是什麼呢? 相信這段故事能帶給你一些啟發!

#金菩提 #金菩提宗師 #夢想 #實現夢想 #成功 #成功的秘訣



【直播預告_我憑啥努力?】 (金菩提宗師 Facebook)

北美溫哥華 2020年09月9日,晚上06:00開始。
亞洲台北 2020年09月10日,上午09:00開始。
中文 YouTube
英文 YouTube
1. 溫哥華/西雅圖/波特蘭/矽谷/舊金山/洛杉磯/聖地亞哥
北美太平洋時間:2020年09月09日 晚上06:00開始
2. 台北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡/香港:
2020年09月10日 上午09:00開始
3. 多倫多/紐約/波士頓/華盛頓DC/邁阿密/亞特蘭大/奧蘭多:
北美東部時間:2020年09月09日 晚上09:00開始
4. 英國倫敦時間:2020年09月10日 凌晨01:00開始
5. 巴黎/柏林/巴塞羅那/斯德哥爾摩時間:2020年09月10日 凌晨03:00開始
6. 羅馬尼亞時間:2020年09月10日 凌晨04:00開始
7. 緬甸仰光時間:2020年09月10日 早上07:30開始
8. 印尼雅加達時間:2020年09月10日 早上08:00開始
9. 韓國首爾時間:2020年09月10日 上午10:00開始
10.澳大利亞墨爾本時間:2020年09月10日 上午11:00開始
#直播預告 #努力 #成功

北美溫哥華 2020年09月9日,晚上06:00開始。 
亞洲台北 2020年09月10日,上午09:00開始。
中文 YouTube 
英文 YouTube
1. 溫哥華/西雅圖/波特蘭/矽谷/舊金山/洛杉磯/聖地亞哥
北美太平洋時間:2020年09月09日 晚上06:00開始
2. 台北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡/香港:
2020年09月10日 上午09:00開始
3. 多倫多/紐約/波士頓/華盛頓DC/邁阿密/亞特蘭大/奧蘭多:
北美東部時間:2020年09月09日 晚上09:00開始
4. 英國倫敦時間:2020年09月10日 凌晨01:00開始
5. 巴黎/柏林/巴塞羅那/斯德哥爾摩時間:2020年09月10日 凌晨03:00開始
6. 羅馬尼亞時間:2020年09月10日 凌晨04:00開始
7. 緬甸仰光時間:2020年09月10日 早上07:30開始
8. 印尼雅加達時間:2020年09月10日 早上08:00開始
9. 韓國首爾時間:2020年09月10日 上午10:00開始
10.澳大利亞墨爾本時間:2020年09月10日 上午11:00開始
#直播預告 #努力 #成功


【11月台曆】按計畫修行,功到自然成。 …


#台曆 #計畫 #成功 #八卦內功 #正向積極


#台曆 #計畫 #成功 #八卦內功 #正向積極


【本週連載】開學了-精華篇 ───智商高…

根據英國專家 Joan Freeman,從1974年追蹤了210位有潛質的兒童。發現他們的優秀表現很少能持續到成年,這群孩子中長大後達到「成功」標準者僅僅6人!這是為什麼呢?要如何保持孩子優秀的表現?


「成功源於努力」 . 成功的要件是什麼?…












本週連載「學佛的目的之一」_上 ───我…




破繭重生,讓自己變得更強大! . 一隻美…


Break Free From the Cocoon, reborn into a stronger you!

A beautiful butterfly needs to undergo the hardships of metamorphosis!
A towering tree needs to undergo the ravages of wind and rain!

All the difficulties in life are the cornerstones that help us succeed.
In the face of obstacles, please be brave and accept the challenges, focus on the goal, and persevere to the end.
After you have bravely overcome them, you will realize that you have become stronger.

In fact, every stage in our life is here to guide us into a better realm, and every experience allows us to be stronger and more robust.

I welcome everyone to join me. Let us learn together to become stronger!!

If you have some experiences about your metamorphosis from the caterpillar to a butterfly, you are most welcome to share it in Comments so that we can discuss.

#BreakFreeFromTheCocoon, #Metamorphosis, #Succeed, #Persevere, #Transform


與青年人聊天 (之二) . 青年朋友最常…

與青年人聊天 (之二)
我還遇過加拿大的一位女孩, 女孩頭腦特別靈活,儘管她並沒有上過世界一流的學校。她在溫哥華的大學畢業之後,第一份工作做了兩年。兩年之後,她朋友的母親在非洲一個很貧窮的國家做救援的工作。給她介紹那地方:那裡的生活很苦,水都吃不上,很多河溝就是大家涉水過河,有些地方還有鱷魚,過著特別原始的生活,很缺技術和錢。

Chat with the youths (Part 2)

One predominant problem faced by youngsters: a sense of loss about their future…

Question: “Hi Master, in the near future, which area should I develop myself so as to create the greatest value? To make a difference so as not to waste my life.”

My reply: “That will depend on your goals and priorities in life.”

Recently, I watched a matchmaking television program from China. In the show, a Harvard graduate participated in the program. A few young ladies were eager to be match make with him. However, he posed them a question: “If you suddenly strike lottery and win ten million dollars, what will you do with the money?” Some of the replies by the young ladies: “Go traveling, visit Italy, but lots of branded bags and shoes, or buy a house for my mother…”

In the end, the young man did not choose anyone.

The program host interviewed the young man: “Why did you not choose any of the young ladies here?”

He replied: “I was hoping to hear a reply from one of them that she would donate the sum of money to help the less fortunate in the society. As Harvard graduates, we are the cream of the crop in the society. Hence, it is our mission to serve, create or even transform society.”

⭐Generally, lower class people are only interested in transforming their own lives. On the contrary, people who belong to the upper class, though they may not be very rich or earning a lot at the current moment, have great aspirations. Hence, our aspiration determines how far we will go in life. ⭐

I also met a Canadian young lady. She was very bright and intelligent although she was not from any top university. After she graduated from a University in Canada, she stayed two years in her first job. Two years later, she was introduced to her friend’s mother who was helping the poor in Africa. From her friend’s mother, the young lady got to know: Life was hard in Africa. Even getting clean water was difficult. People there needed to cross streams by foot. Some parts of the streams even had crocodiles. The people there led primitive lives since the country lacked technology and money.

After listening to this, the young lady made a vow: she wanted to use her skills to help the people in Africa. She knew how to build bridges as she was an architect. She said: “I want to build bridges for the Africans. If I can get used to the life there within 3 years, I will stay there my entire life.”

She discussed with her classmate: “I will go to Africa to design, build and supervise the building of bridges. You will try to get monetary donations at Canada and America. Let’s build roads and bridges in Africa.” These 2 young ladies were in their early twenties. Never in my wildest dream did I expect that the silly “ugly duckling”” whom I had seen a few years ago would suddenly made such a great vow. In reality, I praised her from the bottom of my heart.

⭐⭐⭐So, how do you create value out of your life?

Once a person had such a great aspiration to help society, how great is her capability? Only capable enough to earn money to support her family? In fact, her capability is far greater than that!

I believe that it would be an easy task for this girl even if she wanted to start an international enterprise in future. Because she is used to performing great tasks, her intellect had gone beyond herself, her thinking would be from a societal, international and global perspective. Hence, we should aspire to have a caring heart to achieve something for the society.

To the youths out there!!
If you understand what I am saying, if you are willing to let your life become more interesting and wants to be more capable and charismatic, you should aspire to serve the society. Perhaps it would be difficult during the initial stages, you may be overwhelmed by fear. However, once you understand and start to work hard in the right direction, success is not far!

#ChatWithTheYouths, #ChatWithTheYouthsPart2, #DoNotWasteLife, #Aspiration, #Successrnrn與青年人聊天 (之二)
我還遇過加拿大的一位女孩, 女孩頭腦特別靈活,儘管她並沒有上過世界一流的學校。她在溫哥華的大學畢業之後,第一份工作做了兩年。兩年之後,她朋友的母親在非洲一個很貧窮的國家做救援的工作。給她介紹那地方:那裡的生活很苦,水都吃不上,很多河溝就是大家涉水過河,有些地方還有鱷魚,過著特別原始的生活,很缺技術和錢。

Chat with the youths (Part 2)

One predominant problem faced by youngsters: a sense of loss about their future…

Question: “Hi Master, in the near future, which area should I develop myself so as to create the greatest value? To make a difference so as not to waste my life.”

My reply: “That will depend on your goals and priorities in life.”

Recently, I watched a matchmaking television program from China. In the show, a Harvard graduate participated in the program. A few young ladies were eager to be match make with him. However, he posed them a question: “If you suddenly strike lottery and win ten million dollars, what will you do with the money?” Some of the replies by the young ladies: “Go traveling, visit Italy, but lots of branded bags and shoes, or buy a house for my mother…”

In the end, the young man did not choose anyone.

The program host interviewed the young man: “Why did you not choose any of the young ladies here?”

He replied: “I was hoping to hear a reply from one of them that she would donate the sum of money to help the less fortunate in the society. As Harvard graduates, we are the cream of the crop in the society. Hence, it is our mission to serve, create or even transform society.”

⭐Generally, lower class people are only interested in transforming their own lives. On the contrary, people who belong to the upper class, though they may not be very rich or earning a lot at the current moment, have great aspirations. Hence, our aspiration determines how far we will go in life. ⭐

I also met a Canadian young lady. She was very bright and intelligent although she was not from any top university. After she graduated from a University in Canada, she stayed two years in her first job. Two years later, she was introduced to her friend’s mother who was helping the poor in Africa. From her friend’s mother, the young lady got to know: Life was hard in Africa. Even getting clean water was difficult. People there needed to cross streams by foot. Some parts of the streams even had crocodiles. The people there led primitive lives since the country lacked technology and money.

After listening to this, the young lady made a vow: she wanted to use her skills to help the people in Africa. She knew how to build bridges as she was an architect. She said: “I want to build bridges for the Africans. If I can get used to the life there within 3 years, I will stay there my entire life.”

She discussed with her classmate: “I will go to Africa to design, build and supervise the building of bridges. You will try to get monetary donations at Canada and America. Let’s build roads and bridges in Africa.” These 2 young ladies were in their early twenties. Never in my wildest dream did I expect that the silly “ugly duckling”” whom I had seen a few years ago would suddenly made such a great vow. In reality, I praised her from the bottom of my heart.

⭐⭐⭐So, how do you create value out of your life?

Once a person had such a great aspiration to help society, how great is her capability? Only capable enough to earn money to support her family? In fact, her capability is far greater than that!

I believe that it would be an easy task for this girl even if she wanted to start an international enterprise in future. Because she is used to performing great tasks, her intellect had gone beyond herself, her thinking would be from a societal, international and global perspective. Hence, we should aspire to have a caring heart to achieve something for the society.

To the youths out there!!
If you understand what I am saying, if you are willing to let your life become more interesting and wants to be more capable and charismatic, you should aspire to serve the society. Perhaps it would be difficult during the initial stages, you may be overwhelmed by fear. However, once you understand and start to work hard in the right direction, success is not far!

#ChatWithTheYouths, #ChatWithTheYouthsPart2, #DoNotWasteLife, #Aspiration, #Success

與青年人聊天 (之二)
我還遇過加拿大的一位女孩, 女孩頭腦特別靈活,儘管她並沒有上過世界一流的學校。她在溫哥華的大學畢業之後,第一份工作做了兩年。兩年之後,她朋友的母親在非洲一個很貧窮的國家做救援的工作。給她介紹那地方:那裡的生活很苦,水都吃不上,很多河溝就是大家涉水過河,有些地方還有鱷魚,過著特別原始的生活,很缺技術和錢。
Chat with the youths (Part 2)
One predominant problem faced by youngsters: a sense of loss about their future…
Question: “Hi Master, in the near future, which area should I develop myself so as to create the greatest value? To make a difference so as not to waste my life.”
My reply: “That will depend on your goals and priorities in life.”
Recently, I watched a matchmaking television program from China. In the show, a Harvard graduate participated in the program. A few young ladies were eager to be match make with him. However, he posed them a question: “If you suddenly strike lottery and win ten million dollars, what will you do with the money?” Some of the replies by the young ladies: “Go traveling, visit Italy, but lots of branded bags and shoes, or buy a house for my mother…”
In the end, the young man did not choose anyone.
The program host interviewed the young man: “Why did you not choose any of the young ladies here?”
He replied: “I was hoping to hear a reply from one of them that she would donate the sum of money to help the less fortunate in the society. As Harvard graduates, we are the cream of the crop in the society. Hence, it is our mission to serve, create or even transform society.” 
⭐Generally, lower class people are only interested in transforming their own lives. On the contrary, people who belong to the upper class, though they may not be very rich or earning a lot at the current moment, have great aspirations. Hence, our aspiration determines how far we will go in life. ⭐
I also met a Canadian young lady. She was very bright and intelligent although she was not from any top university. After she graduated from a University in Canada, she stayed two years in her first job. Two years later, she was introduced to her friend’s mother who was helping the poor in Africa. From her friend’s mother, the young lady got to know: Life was hard in Africa. Even getting clean water was difficult.  People there needed to cross streams by foot. Some parts of the streams even had crocodiles. The people there led primitive lives since the country lacked technology and money.
After listening to this, the young lady made a vow: she wanted to use her skills to help the people in Africa. She knew how to build bridges as she was an architect. She said: “I want to build bridges for the Africans. If I can get used to the life there within 3 years, I will stay there my entire life.”
She discussed with her classmate: “I will go to Africa to design, build and supervise the building of bridges. You will try to get monetary donations at Canada and America. Let’s build roads and bridges in Africa.” These 2 young ladies were in their early twenties. Never in my wildest dream did I expect that the silly “ugly duckling”” whom I had seen a few years ago would suddenly made such a great vow. In reality, I praised her from the bottom of my heart.
⭐⭐⭐So, how do you create value out of your life?
Once a person had such a great aspiration to help society, how great is her capability? Only capable enough to earn money to support her family? In fact, her capability is far greater than that!
I believe that it would be an easy task for this girl even if she wanted to start an international enterprise in future. Because she is used to performing great tasks, her intellect had gone beyond herself, her thinking would be from a societal, international and global perspective. Hence, we should aspire to have a caring heart to achieve something for the society.
To the youths out there!!
If you understand what I am saying, if you are willing to let your life become more interesting and wants to be more capable and charismatic, you should aspire to serve the society. Perhaps it would be difficult during the initial stages, you may be overwhelmed by fear. However, once you understand and start to work hard in the right direction, success is not far!
#ChatWithTheYouths, #ChatWithTheYouthsPart2, #DoNotWasteLife, #Aspiration, #Successrnrn與青年人聊天 (之二)
我還遇過加拿大的一位女孩, 女孩頭腦特別靈活,儘管她並沒有上過世界一流的學校。她在溫哥華的大學畢業之後,第一份工作做了兩年。兩年之後,她朋友的母親在非洲一個很貧窮的國家做救援的工作。給她介紹那地方:那裡的生活很苦,水都吃不上,很多河溝就是大家涉水過河,有些地方還有鱷魚,過著特別原始的生活,很缺技術和錢。
Chat with the youths (Part 2)
One predominant problem faced by youngsters: a sense of loss about their future…
Question: “Hi Master, in the near future, which area should I develop myself so as to create the greatest value? To make a difference so as not to waste my life.”
My reply: “That will depend on your goals and priorities in life.”
Recently, I watched a matchmaking television program from China. In the show, a Harvard graduate participated in the program. A few young ladies were eager to be match make with him. However, he posed them a question: “If you suddenly strike lottery and win ten million dollars, what will you do with the money?” Some of the replies by the young ladies: “Go traveling, visit Italy, but lots of branded bags and shoes, or buy a house for my mother…”
In the end, the young man did not choose anyone.
The program host interviewed the young man: “Why did you not choose any of the young ladies here?”
He replied: “I was hoping to hear a reply from one of them that she would donate the sum of money to help the less fortunate in the society. As Harvard graduates, we are the cream of the crop in the society. Hence, it is our mission to serve, create or even transform society.” 
⭐Generally, lower class people are only interested in transforming their own lives. On the contrary, people who belong to the upper class, though they may not be very rich or earning a lot at the current moment, have great aspirations. Hence, our aspiration determines how far we will go in life. ⭐
I also met a Canadian young lady. She was very bright and intelligent although she was not from any top university. After she graduated from a University in Canada, she stayed two years in her first job. Two years later, she was introduced to her friend’s mother who was helping the poor in Africa. From her friend’s mother, the young lady got to know: Life was hard in Africa. Even getting clean water was difficult.  People there needed to cross streams by foot. Some parts of the streams even had crocodiles. The people there led primitive lives since the country lacked technology and money.
After listening to this, the young lady made a vow: she wanted to use her skills to help the people in Africa. She knew how to build bridges as she was an architect. She said: “I want to build bridges for the Africans. If I can get used to the life there within 3 years, I will stay there my entire life.”
She discussed with her classmate: “I will go to Africa to design, build and supervise the building of bridges. You will try to get monetary donations at Canada and America. Let’s build roads and bridges in Africa.” These 2 young ladies were in their early twenties. Never in my wildest dream did I expect that the silly “ugly duckling”” whom I had seen a few years ago would suddenly made such a great vow. In reality, I praised her from the bottom of my heart.
⭐⭐⭐So, how do you create value out of your life?
Once a person had such a great aspiration to help society, how great is her capability? Only capable enough to earn money to support her family? In fact, her capability is far greater than that!
I believe that it would be an easy task for this girl even if she wanted to start an international enterprise in future. Because she is used to performing great tasks, her intellect had gone beyond herself, her thinking would be from a societal, international and global perspective. Hence, we should aspire to have a caring heart to achieve something for the society.
To the youths out there!!
If you understand what I am saying, if you are willing to let your life become more interesting and wants to be more capable and charismatic, you should aspire to serve the society. Perhaps it would be difficult during the initial stages, you may be overwhelmed by fear. However, once you understand and start to work hard in the right direction, success is not far!
#ChatWithTheYouths, #ChatWithTheYouthsPart2, #DoNotWasteLife, #Aspiration, #Success


不怕路途遙,就怕你堅持!! . 從前有個…

Worry not about the long journey. Persistence will bring you to your destination.
Once there lived a young man who wanted to travel to faraway lands to learn from a great Master. However, he remained undecided about making the trip.
Sensing the young man’s hesitation, his Father asked “Why have you not made up your mind?”
The young man replied “I am worried that if I am away and either you or Mother falls ill, I will not be around to look after you”.
Father pointed outside the window and explained “Look at that bird on the tree. When the chicks are grown, she will set them free from the nest. If you continue to hesitate, I will have to boot you from my house!”
The young man continues to hesitate “The road to travel is far and treacherous. I am worried that the journey will be difficult and I will meet with many obstacles”.
Father said with encouragement “Look up at the wild goose flying high up in the sky. He does not worry about meeting a storm during his flight. So do not worry needlessly about the future. If you do not start you journey, you will never know the real future”.
Although the young man was more determined after hearing his Father’s words, he still had some reservations. “I am worried that I am not smart and will not be a good learner. It will be so embarrassing if I fail”.
Father continues to encourage him “Look at the tortoise in the pond. When he latches onto something, he will never let go. Likewise, strengthen your resolve and do not give up easily!”
In his parting words, Father said “There are many smart people in this world but not many of them have the resolve to follow through with their commitments. The successful ones are those who are true to their words. So strengthen your resolve and nothing will be insurmountable”.
If you want to succeed, you will need courage and resolve. These are especially important when you are besieged with difficulties and obstacles. As long as you do not back down and stand firm to your beliefs, you will eventually emerge as the winner.
Your heart is the most difficult to hold steadfast.
Meditation is best suited for stabilizing such fluidity.
A person who is full of resolve and determination will always prevail and be successful in all his endeavors.
——Grandmaster JinBodhi
#Resolve, #Determination, #Succeed, #BeTrueToYourWords, #StoryFromMasterJinBodhi


要想修好親情、友情、愛情的秘法? . ….

The secret to building great relationships

A wealthy man wanted to increase his wealth and went to a Zen master for help. With his eyes closed, the Zen master contemplated and said, “Sure, but please donate part of your wealth to some charitable organizations first.” Upon hearing this, the man mumbled something and left hurriedly without promising anything.

Not only did the man’s investments fail eventually, he also got into a lot of trouble and went bankrupt. The Zen master told his disciples: “His fortune at that time was like a bag that was already filled to the brim. If only he was content! He wanted to increase his wealth further, yet he is not willing to remove some of what was already in the bag. When you force things into a bag that is already full, the bag will break eventually.”

Dharma practice is all encompassing. The secret to building great relationships and riches lies in 5 words: Generous giving to abundance. (Give up to gain more. )
In the short span of life that we have, spend the limited time that we have in doing good deeds – compassionate deeds and deeds that help other people. In helping others, we help ourselves. This sacrificial spirit is the key to success.

#MasterJinBodhi #SecretMethod #GivingUpToGetMore #Successrnrn要想修好親情、友情、愛情的秘法?
The secret to building great relationships

A wealthy man wanted to increase his wealth and went to a Zen master for help. With his eyes closed, the Zen master contemplated and said, “Sure, but please donate part of your wealth to some charitable organizations first.” Upon hearing this, the man mumbled something and left hurriedly without promising anything.

Not only did the man’s investments fail eventually, he also got into a lot of trouble and went bankrupt. The Zen master told his disciples: “His fortune at that time was like a bag that was already filled to the brim. If only he was content! He wanted to increase his wealth further, yet he is not willing to remove some of what was already in the bag. When you force things into a bag that is already full, the bag will break eventually.”

Dharma practice is all encompassing. The secret to building great relationships and riches lies in 5 words: Generous giving to abundance. (Give up to gain more. )
In the short span of life that we have, spend the limited time that we have in doing good deeds – compassionate deeds and deeds that help other people. In helping others, we help ourselves. This sacrificial spirit is the key to success.

#MasterJinBodhi #SecretMethod #GivingUpToGetMore #Success
