門神的故事 . 年節到了,家家戶戶都貼上…

門神怎麼貼?? https://bit.ly/2VUWSI5

The story of door gods

As Lunar New Year approaches, every household are busy putting up new spring couplets! But why do we put up images of door gods? What is the story behind this custom? There are many legends about door gods, but the most famous one is the legend about Wei Zheng killing the Dragon King.

According to legend, one night Emperor Tang Taizong had a dream of the Dragon King. In the dream, the Dragon King asked Tang Taizong for help: apparently the Dragon King had incurred the wrath of the Jade Emperor by going against his wishes. Without consulting the Jade Emperor, he made the decision to bring torrential rain down upon the people which had resulted in a great disaster. In his fury, the Jade Emperor had decided to send one of Tang Taizong’s officials Wei Zheng to kill the Dragon King. This was why the Dragon King needed Tang Taizong’s help: he wanted Tang Taizong to find excuses to keep Wei Zheng at his side around 11.45am the following day. Being soft-hearted, Tang Taizong agreed.

The next day, Tang Taizong kept to his word and kept Wei Zheng occupied with official matters, walks in the park and chess games. Around 11.45am, in the midst of a chess game, Wei Zheng dozed off. As he dozed, beads of perspiration appeared on his forehead. Seeing this, Tang Taizong took up a fan next to him and fanned it at Wei Zheng.

Not long later, Wei Zheng woke. He told Tang Taizong about the dream that he just had. In the dream, the Jade Emperor commanded him to kill the Dragon King. He chased after the Dragon King but was unable to catch up with him. Suddenly he felt the breeze of Tang Taizong’s fan which gave him strength. He managed to catch up with the Dragon King and succeeded in killing him.

Tang Taizong got a big shock upon hearing this. To think that his act of kindness in fanning Wei Zheng has somehow caused the death of the Dragon King! From that day onwards, Tang Taizong could not sleep well. Every night, he would dream of the blood-soaked Dragon King coming after him for revenge.
One day, Tang Taizong had an idea. He got two of his most highly-skilled generals – Qin Qiong (also known as Qin Shu Bao) and Wei Chi Gong (also known as Wei Chi Jing De) – to stand guard at the door of his sleep chambers to block the vengeful Dragon King. And it worked! He never dreamt of the Dragon King again!

But he can’t possibly have the two generals stand guard outside his chambers every day. So Tang Taizong had another idea. He got his artists to paint the likenesses of the two generals on paper and pasted them on the doors of his chambers. Surprisingly this was just as effective. The common people who heard this story decided to emulate Tang Taizong and put up drawings of Qin Qiong and Wei Chi Gong on their own doors. They believed that the images of these two generals will be able to dispel evil spirits and protect their homes. This is how the custom of “door gods” was born!

After reading this story, are you tempted to put up images of “door gods” on your door for protection? Every year, Bodhi Meditation centers around the world prepare images of door gods for free for anyone who is interested. As the quantity is limited, please hurry if you would like to have them!

How do we put up the drawings of the door gods?

#DoorGods, #TangTaiZong, #DragonKing, #WeiZheng, #QinQiong, #WeiChiGongrnrn門神的故事
門神怎麼貼?? https://bit.ly/2VUWSI5

The story of door gods

As Lunar New Year approaches, every household are busy putting up new spring couplets! But why do we put up images of door gods? What is the story behind this custom? There are many legends about door gods, but the most famous one is the legend about Wei Zheng killing the Dragon King.

According to legend, one night Emperor Tang Taizong had a dream of the Dragon King. In the dream, the Dragon King asked Tang Taizong for help: apparently the Dragon King had incurred the wrath of the Jade Emperor by going against his wishes. Without consulting the Jade Emperor, he made the decision to bring torrential rain down upon the people which had resulted in a great disaster. In his fury, the Jade Emperor had decided to send one of Tang Taizong’s officials Wei Zheng to kill the Dragon King. This was why the Dragon King needed Tang Taizong’s help: he wanted Tang Taizong to find excuses to keep Wei Zheng at his side around 11.45am the following day. Being soft-hearted, Tang Taizong agreed.

The next day, Tang Taizong kept to his word and kept Wei Zheng occupied with official matters, walks in the park and chess games. Around 11.45am, in the midst of a chess game, Wei Zheng dozed off. As he dozed, beads of perspiration appeared on his forehead. Seeing this, Tang Taizong took up a fan next to him and fanned it at Wei Zheng.

Not long later, Wei Zheng woke. He told Tang Taizong about the dream that he just had. In the dream, the Jade Emperor commanded him to kill the Dragon King. He chased after the Dragon King but was unable to catch up with him. Suddenly he felt the breeze of Tang Taizong’s fan which gave him strength. He managed to catch up with the Dragon King and succeeded in killing him.

Tang Taizong got a big shock upon hearing this. To think that his act of kindness in fanning Wei Zheng has somehow caused the death of the Dragon King! From that day onwards, Tang Taizong could not sleep well. Every night, he would dream of the blood-soaked Dragon King coming after him for revenge.
One day, Tang Taizong had an idea. He got two of his most highly-skilled generals – Qin Qiong (also known as Qin Shu Bao) and Wei Chi Gong (also known as Wei Chi Jing De) – to stand guard at the door of his sleep chambers to block the vengeful Dragon King. And it worked! He never dreamt of the Dragon King again!

But he can’t possibly have the two generals stand guard outside his chambers every day. So Tang Taizong had another idea. He got his artists to paint the likenesses of the two generals on paper and pasted them on the doors of his chambers. Surprisingly this was just as effective. The common people who heard this story decided to emulate Tang Taizong and put up drawings of Qin Qiong and Wei Chi Gong on their own doors. They believed that the images of these two generals will be able to dispel evil spirits and protect their homes. This is how the custom of “door gods” was born!

After reading this story, are you tempted to put up images of “door gods” on your door for protection? Every year, Bodhi Meditation centers around the world prepare images of door gods for free for anyone who is interested. As the quantity is limited, please hurry if you would like to have them!

How do we put up the drawings of the door gods?

#DoorGods, #TangTaiZong, #DragonKing, #WeiZheng, #QinQiong, #WeiChiGong

門神怎麼貼?? https://bit.ly/2VUWSI5
The story of door gods 
As Lunar New Year approaches, every household are busy putting up new spring couplets! But why do we put up images of door gods? What is the story behind this custom? There are many legends about door gods, but the most famous one is the legend about Wei Zheng killing the Dragon King.
According to legend, one night Emperor Tang Taizong had a dream of the Dragon King. In the dream, the Dragon King asked Tang Taizong for help: apparently the Dragon King had incurred the wrath of the Jade Emperor by going against his wishes. Without consulting the Jade Emperor, he made the decision to bring torrential rain down upon the people which had resulted in a great disaster. In his fury, the Jade Emperor had decided to send one of Tang Taizong’s officials Wei Zheng to kill the Dragon King. This was why the Dragon King needed Tang Taizong’s help: he wanted Tang Taizong to find excuses to keep Wei Zheng at his side around 11.45am the following day. Being soft-hearted, Tang Taizong agreed.
The next day, Tang Taizong kept to his word and kept Wei Zheng occupied with official matters, walks in the park and chess games. Around 11.45am, in the midst of a chess game, Wei Zheng dozed off. As he dozed, beads of perspiration appeared on his forehead. Seeing this, Tang Taizong took up a fan next to him and fanned it at Wei Zheng.
Not long later, Wei Zheng woke. He told Tang Taizong about the dream that he just had. In the dream, the Jade Emperor commanded him to kill the Dragon King. He chased after the Dragon King but was unable to catch up with him. Suddenly he felt the breeze of Tang Taizong’s fan which gave him strength. He managed to catch up with the Dragon King and succeeded in killing him.
Tang Taizong got a big shock upon hearing this. To think that his act of kindness in fanning Wei Zheng has somehow caused the death of the Dragon King! From that day onwards, Tang Taizong could not sleep well. Every night, he would dream of the blood-soaked Dragon King coming after him for revenge. 
One day, Tang Taizong had an idea. He got two of his most highly-skilled generals – Qin Qiong (also known as Qin Shu Bao) and Wei Chi Gong (also known as Wei Chi Jing De) – to stand guard at the door of his sleep chambers to block the vengeful Dragon King. And it worked! He never dreamt of the Dragon King again!
But he can’t possibly have the two generals stand guard outside his chambers every day. So Tang Taizong had another idea. He got his artists to paint the likenesses of the two generals on paper and pasted them on the doors of his chambers. Surprisingly this was just as effective. The common people who heard this story decided to emulate Tang Taizong and put up drawings of Qin Qiong and Wei Chi Gong on their own doors. They believed that the images of these two generals will be able to dispel evil spirits and protect their homes. This is how the custom of “door gods” was born!
After reading this story, are you tempted to put up images of “door gods” on your door for protection? Every year, Bodhi Meditation centers around the world prepare images of door gods for free for anyone who is interested. As the quantity is limited, please hurry if you would like to have them! 
How do we put up the drawings of the door gods?
#DoorGods, #TangTaiZong, #DragonKing, #WeiZheng, #QinQiong, #WeiChiGongrnrn門神的故事
門神怎麼貼?? https://bit.ly/2VUWSI5
The story of door gods 
As Lunar New Year approaches, every household are busy putting up new spring couplets! But why do we put up images of door gods? What is the story behind this custom? There are many legends about door gods, but the most famous one is the legend about Wei Zheng killing the Dragon King.
According to legend, one night Emperor Tang Taizong had a dream of the Dragon King. In the dream, the Dragon King asked Tang Taizong for help: apparently the Dragon King had incurred the wrath of the Jade Emperor by going against his wishes. Without consulting the Jade Emperor, he made the decision to bring torrential rain down upon the people which had resulted in a great disaster. In his fury, the Jade Emperor had decided to send one of Tang Taizong’s officials Wei Zheng to kill the Dragon King. This was why the Dragon King needed Tang Taizong’s help: he wanted Tang Taizong to find excuses to keep Wei Zheng at his side around 11.45am the following day. Being soft-hearted, Tang Taizong agreed.
The next day, Tang Taizong kept to his word and kept Wei Zheng occupied with official matters, walks in the park and chess games. Around 11.45am, in the midst of a chess game, Wei Zheng dozed off. As he dozed, beads of perspiration appeared on his forehead. Seeing this, Tang Taizong took up a fan next to him and fanned it at Wei Zheng.
Not long later, Wei Zheng woke. He told Tang Taizong about the dream that he just had. In the dream, the Jade Emperor commanded him to kill the Dragon King. He chased after the Dragon King but was unable to catch up with him. Suddenly he felt the breeze of Tang Taizong’s fan which gave him strength. He managed to catch up with the Dragon King and succeeded in killing him.
Tang Taizong got a big shock upon hearing this. To think that his act of kindness in fanning Wei Zheng has somehow caused the death of the Dragon King! From that day onwards, Tang Taizong could not sleep well. Every night, he would dream of the blood-soaked Dragon King coming after him for revenge. 
One day, Tang Taizong had an idea. He got two of his most highly-skilled generals – Qin Qiong (also known as Qin Shu Bao) and Wei Chi Gong (also known as Wei Chi Jing De) – to stand guard at the door of his sleep chambers to block the vengeful Dragon King. And it worked! He never dreamt of the Dragon King again!
But he can’t possibly have the two generals stand guard outside his chambers every day. So Tang Taizong had another idea. He got his artists to paint the likenesses of the two generals on paper and pasted them on the doors of his chambers. Surprisingly this was just as effective. The common people who heard this story decided to emulate Tang Taizong and put up drawings of Qin Qiong and Wei Chi Gong on their own doors. They believed that the images of these two generals will be able to dispel evil spirits and protect their homes. This is how the custom of “door gods” was born!
After reading this story, are you tempted to put up images of “door gods” on your door for protection? Every year, Bodhi Meditation centers around the world prepare images of door gods for free for anyone who is interested. As the quantity is limited, please hurry if you would like to have them! 
How do we put up the drawings of the door gods?
#DoorGods, #TangTaiZong, #DragonKing, #WeiZheng, #QinQiong, #WeiChiGong


【不可不知的門神張貼禁忌】 . 一年一度…

1、 門神通常配對貼於臨街的大門上,兩位門神臉部相對,意為同心合力,守護家宅,拒邪氣於門外(左貼尉遲恭,右貼秦叔寶)。

2、 去年貼的舊門神需換下,重新貼上今年的新門神,有除舊佈新的意義在裡頭。撕下前可以雙手合十跟門神講一下要更新的事,請祂們在新的一年可以繼續保佑一家平安。

3、 舊的換下來門神,可以燒掉或妥善包起來後再丟棄,不要隨處亂扔,這樣也是對門神的尊敬。

4、 如果有的大門不方便貼,也能夠貼在自宅進出的大門上、或是房間的門上、甚至牆上,沒有方位上的禁忌,更重要的是保持恭敬的心。


