【金菩提宗師 原石風水盤】

【金菩提宗師 原石風水盤】 (金菩提宗師 Facebook)

【金菩提宗師 原石風水盤】
1. 健康快樂 🌳
2. 聚財聚合 💰
3. 增強吸引力 🤝
4. 化煞(例如:路沖)✅
原始風水盤特別適合於擺放在房子的中央部位。如果你的房子正好面對路沖,可以把 “化煞” 風水盤擺在對著門窗的位置(注意方向:竹圍欄的長邊對著門口)。
🎬 金菩提宗師講解『原石風水盤』:https://youtu.be/tN84WMfDK6Q?t=4118
🎬 『如何選到風水好的房子?』:https://youtu.be/6iN6TQQioG8
#風水 #好風水 #鎮宅 #好運氣 #化煞 #路衝 #化解煞氣 #原石風水盤 #金菩提 #金菩提宗師



買房是人生的一件大事!🏠 如果您只關注房子的面積和價格,那麼是時候更新您的選房理念了。
👉 選擇合適的位置:包括 山、水、交通情況等。選擇房子周圍的環境,應該考慮哪些元素呢?應該避免在哪些地方附近購買房子?
👉 路沖怎麼化解?
👉 佈局和裝飾的注意事項:包括 房屋顏色、車庫和洗手間、裝飾品的樣式、植物的選擇
👉 房間裡有陰冷感,該怎麼處理?
#風水 #選房 #買房 #買房子 #買房看風水 #風水寶地 #好運氣 #運勢 #金菩提 #金菩提宗師


立蛋秘笈! . 一年一度的端午節,除了划…



Tips for Egg Balancing

During Dragon Boat Festival, other than the dragon boat race, hanging of wormwood grass, eating rice dumplings and drinking realgar wine, do you know that there is also another custom known as ‘Egg balancing’? According to legend, if you can balance an egg upright at mid-day on the Dragon Boat Festival, you will enjoy good luck in the coming year.

To perfect the skill of egg balancing, a group of youngsters come up with an ‘Egg Balancing’ game. What other conditions are required besides having the skill? Let’s take a look!

Wishing everyone:
Success in egg balancing and enjoy abundance of luck after.
Happy Dragon Boat Festival!

Tips for balancing an egg…
1. The key to success when balancing an egg is patience, calm mind and a steady pair of hands. Do not tremble.

2. It is important to select the correct location to balance the egg. Do not try to balance a round and slippery egg on glass, smooth metal or plastic sheets. A “good place” will be one with more friction, for example, cement or asphalt ground.

3. Practice the skill of balancing an egg indoors . It is not easy to balance an egg outdoors as it may be windy.

** There are even more powerful tricks shown in the video, making it impossible not to balance the egg. ***

Friends, have you pick up the skills?
Wish you success on Dragon Boat Festival!

#DragonBoatFestival, #TipsForEggBalancing, #GoodLuck


一次微笑一條路 一句讚美能開山 . 微笑…

A smile opens a door;
A praise moves a mountain.
How big is the power of a smile? I have heard of a good story, and will like to share it with everyone …
There was a person who boarded a plane. He asked a beautiful stewardess for a glass of water so as to take his medicine. As the service staff were busy before take-off, the beautiful stewardess promised that she would serve his drink as soon as the flight stabilized after take-off.
However, long after the flight stabilized, the water was not served. So, the passenger pressed the service button. The stewardess was alerted and immediately realized her mistake in forgetting to serve the water. She brought the drink over, smiled at him, and said, “Very sorry sir, due to my negligence, I’d delayed your medication. Please accept my apology.” The man did not accept the stewardess’ apology, and threatened to complain about her. To make up for her mistake, the beautiful stewardess continued to greet the passenger with smiles whenever she saw him, and to ask him if he needed assistance, yet it was not accepted.
As the plane was about to arrive at the destination, he requested the stewardess to provide him with the feedback survey card. The stewardess thought that he was going to complain about her. After everyone had left, the stewardess opened the card, and unexpectedly found the writing within the content, “Although you had delayed my medication time and made me very unhappy, you were most sincere and apologetic throughout the process, especially in the nine times you gave your beautiful smiles. I am deeply moved by the gestures, and have decided not to complain about you. If there is a chance, I will definitely take your flight again.”
In fact, when the stewardess smiled for the first to second time, he was still insistent on apologies. By the third time, he started to waver about the complaint, and after the fifth smile, he had completely forgiven her.
So, no matter what your thoughts are right now, please learn to smile, as it may solve several kinds of problems for you, and bring you good fortune.
Because in the process of doing so, you convey a sense of happy, warm, and joyful energy to others.
#SmileAndPraise, #PowerOfSmile, #ConveyPositiveEnergy, #GoodFortune, #HappyAndJoyful


灶神賜「福」賜「吉祥」 . . 民以食為…

民以食為天「灶神」是家家戶戶的守護神 。


菩提效果: https://www.putixiaoguo.com/.
Kitchen God sends Fortune and Good Luck

Just as food is the primary need of the common people, Kitchen God is the resident Deity of every household.
Legend has it that during the Spring Festival, Kitchen God will return to the Heavens to report on the merits and misdeeds of the household under his charge. With the turn of the New Year, he will return to Earth and shower upon that household the blessings bestowed by the Heavens.

Some amongst us may not fully comprehend why our reverence to Kitchen God will bring us good fortune and wealth.

This is because Kitchen God is one of many house Deities. He goes by many titles, reflecting his many roles in our household. He holds the key to your family’s well-being, ranging from your basic needs of food to your trouble-free daily existence. With his request to the Heavens, your household can be bestowed with a multitude of good luck and fortune.

That is why when you chant sincerely to Buddha during the Spring Festival, you will be bless with good fortune. Likewise, the Deities shall reward your acts of kindness with blessings.

Today is the auspicious Spring Festival and I shall carry forth blessings for all of you. May Kitchen God bestow upon you overflowing good luck and fortune.

Wishing all good health, good wealth, great prosperity, a blessed marriage, a blissful family, with endless luck and happiness.

? ? For more tips on how to enjoy better luck and fortune during Spring Festival, click on the below links ?
Bodhi’s way to good fortune

Tips for the 5 horoscopes that conflict with Taishui this year

Results of Bodhi Meditation: https://www.putixiaoguo.com/.

#BessingsFromKitchenGod, #Auspicious, #GoodLuck,
