【素材徵集活動—-八卦內功英雄帖】 …

八卦一出手,便知有沒有 。
2017年菩提禪修「八卦內功」照片、視頻、故事 徵集活動開始啦!
如今,越來越多的「八卦」愛好者源源不斷參與其中、健康其中、樂在其中! 您有沒有在走八卦呢?
投稿信箱:[email protected]
#八卦內功英雄帖、 #作品徵集、 #八卦視頻、 #八卦照片、 #八卦活動、 #健康快樂
Energy Bagua Hero Invitation: Special Invitation to submit photos and videos of Energy Bagua Events!

We have started the 2017 solicitation exercise for any photographs, videos or stories that you may have about Bodhi Meditation’s Energy Bagua!

Energy Bagua has become a new global fitness trend as we witness the response from the joyous Energy Bagua gathering held in Vancouver, the Energy Bagua event attended by four thousand practitioners with the adorable teddy mascot in Malaysia, and the thousand-practitioners Energy Bagua gala event held in California.

Energy Bagua is easy to learn and is suitable for people of all ages, especially the busy office workers of today. During the relaxing practice, practitioners will experience how it feels to be as one with nature – regardless of their age or state of health. In the process, they will accumulate positive energy and improve their health!

The number of happy and healthy Bagua practitioners is growing by the day. Are you one of them?

You are welcomed to share with us photographs and videos of your Energy Bagua practices, Energy Bagua station success stories and even the sumptuous food brought to the Bagua picnics! The photos and videos need not to be taken by professionals. The happy, beautiful moments can easily be taken with the touch of a finger using your mobile phones. Spread your joy to all Energy Bagua lovers in the world, and let those who are still searching for a path to good health hear your stories and share your happiness!

Ending date: Aug 31

Email your creations to: [email protected]

Special points to note:

1. All submissions must be original creations. The consequences of copyright infringement will be borne solely by the person who submit that piece of work.

2. There are no charges payable for this exercise.

3. Bodhi Meditation shall have the final say over the interpretation of all terms and conditions relating to this activity, and all decisions.

#EnergyBaguaSpecialInvitation, #SolicitationOfCreations, #EnergyBaguaVideos, #EvergyBaguaPhotos, #EnergyBaguaActivities #HealthAndHappiness
