送子觀音_如何才能求得好孕? . . 多…


說來很好笑,我兒子是全世界200 名以內的名醫生,他接生了無數個嬰兒,幫過很多人生了小孩,雖然夫妻感情非常好,可是就是沒有小孩,他們也嘗試過去買卵子做試管嬰兒,價錢非常高,從1萬美金到5萬美金不等,付出這麼高的價錢,卻還是不保證能成功受孕,他們嘗試了好幾次試管嬰兒,結果不是失敗,就是中途流產,可能是因為子宮太冷了,宮寒不孕。
去年感恩節,醫生告訴他們這是最後一顆卵子,如果這次再不成功,就必需用別人的卵子或別人的子宮了, 這對女性來說也是非常痛苦的一件事,我就勸媳婦:不要再這麼痛苦了,沒有小孩也沒關係。
他們聖誕節來看我,聖誕節的禮物是,「我送給他們一盞燈」,在從洛杉磯來的前一天,我點了49天的燈,而且是專心點給我的媳婦及她肚子裡那顆卵子的。我本來也是抱著試試看的心情 ,沒想到最後一顆卵子「成功受孕了」!兒媳成功懷孕,今年孫子也順利生出來了,寶寶健康、可愛,相貌非常端莊,還很聰明呢!因此,佛前供燈不可思議,,能化腐朽為神奇,非常的感恩菩提禪修,感恩藥師佛陀,感恩送子觀音,為我和我的兒女找回希望。
Fertility Blessings by the Guanyin Bodhisattva _ how can we seek a smooth pregnancy?
There are many young couples who want to conceive, but are infertile due to societal pressures and high tension. This has become a typical “disease” of recent civilization! Thus, is there a way to ensure a smooth pregnancy, so as to fulfill the aspirations to carry on the family line?
The answer of course, is “yes.”
Let’s hear this true story!

Offering light before the Buddha for smooth pregnancy
I am Rong Tang from the Bailian Bodhi Meditation Center in Milpitas, U.S.
My son is distinguished; a top graduate from the Harvard Medical College who had started practicing at the hospital even before his graduation. At the same time, his marriage had been plain sailing, and my daughter-in-law is very capable, so I never had to worry about them. Yet, they remained childless, a question that I was hesitant to ask.
One day, my daughter-in-law suddenly came crying to me. I was most puzzled! What was it that the couple cannot solve? Concerned, I asked her and realized that the doctor’s report had indicated that my daughter-in-law had eggs that were aged and few. In combination with the poor womb condition, conception was nearly impossible.
Ironically, my son has a strong standing within the top-200 eminent doctors in the world. He had helped to deliver countless babies, and enabled many to have children, yet despite the strong relationship, the couple had no children. They had tried to buy donor eggs to conduct in-vitro fertilization (IVF) at a very high price, ranging from USD10,000 – 50,000, but this was without guarantee of success. They tried IVF several times, ending in failure or had to abort mid-way, as the weak uterus was not in the condition to conceive.
During Thanksgiving last year, the doctor advised that it was the last egg. If it was not successful, it would be necessary to use another donor’s eggs or womb – an option that was considered most distressing to my daughter-in-law. I had advised my daughter-in-law, “.. don’t dwell in the sorrow, it does not matter if you have no children.”
During that December, as the last egg was incepted, a thought came to mind, “My son has been capable, and never caused me any worry. I do not know what I can do for him. Let me offer a light before the Buddha on their behalf!”
Subsequently, they came to visit me during Christmas and my gift was the “light offering” – the day before I traveled from Los Angeles, I had made a light offering of 49 days on behalf of my daughter-in-law and the egg in her womb. I had adopted a “trying” mentality and did not expect the last egg to lead to successful conception! My daughter-in-law had a successful pregnancy, and my grandchild was smoothly delivered this year with good health, lovely character, dignified appearance, and good wits! Therefore, offering light to the Buddha is inconceivable; it can be alchemic. I’m immensely grateful to Bodhi Meditation, the Medicine Buddha, and the Fertility Blessing Guanyin Bodhisattva for fulfilling the wishes of my children.
(Note: The effect of meditation varies from person to person.)
* Bodhi Meditation does not advocate the withdrawal from or reduction in the use of prescribed medication. Please consult and follow your doctor’s advice.

Having heard the true story above, do you have more confidence and aspirations for the many young couples who hope to convey good news to the family? As we sincerely offer light before the Buddha, the child is blessed with merit and intelligence, and with dignified good looks.
The Universal Gate Sutra of the Guanyin Bodhisattva says, “If a woman, desires to seek a male companion, (and) worships and venerates the Guanyin Bodhisattva, (she) secures a man of merit and intelligence; if a male seeking a female companion (does the same), he secures a female of dignified good looks, of good character and virtues, and is well-loved and respected.”
Finally, we wish you all the best. And may all the wishes be fulfilled.
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Tatagatha Forum _ Bodhi Meditation Journal
#FertilityBlessingGuanyinBodhisattva, #SeekingSuccessfulConception, #DignifiedGoodLooks, #TestTubeBaby、#送子觀音、#不孕症、#得好孕、#端正有相、#試管嬰兒、#添喜訊
