⭐ 2019年 一順百順的秘訣!⭐ . …

⭐ 2019年 一順百順的秘訣!⭐
(一) 佛前供燈:
(二) 多做功德:善念善行、天必佑之。
(三) 配戴大修行者加持的寶物:

⭐The secret to a super smooth 2019!⭐

It’s the start of a vivacious new year once again!

How do we lay a good foundation at the beginning of this new year, so that it is as smooth as can be, and as fulfilling as we aspire?
There are a few good approaches to share with everyone!!

(1) Offering light before the Buddha:
In the Buddhist sutras, it is recorded that offering light before the Buddha may help fulfill your aspirations, and avert crises and calamities. Especially during the Spring festivities with the arrival of the deities, if one sincerely offers lights before the Buddha and prays for blessings, it is especially effective in connecting with the Buddha and deities, conferring exceptional blessings. Correspondingly, life issues can be smoothly resolved, and the offerers are blessed with peace and auspicious energy.

(2) Accumulate more merit: kind intentions and deeds beget blessings from the Heavens. A person with kind intentions and often carries out good deeds enjoys body and mind that are filled with positive radiant energy. He also accumulates merits in the process that can eliminate ignorance and past negative deeds, and usher in auspiciousness and illumination in life.

(3) Wearing items that are blessed by an accomplished cultivator:
During the new year festivity, there would be auspicious blessed treasures at Bodhi Meditation Centers that help usher in good luck and auspiciousness. When we wear these blessed treasures, it can help avert negativity through the auspicious and compassionate energy of the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas as well as that of the Eastern Lupis Lazuli Pure Land.

In 2019 Year of the Boar, I hope that everyone can try the approaches above to help usher in the Buddhas’ and Bodhisattvas’ blessings, enjoy an exceptionally smooth year, and avert all negativity.

Last but not the least, I bless that everyone enjoys an auspicious and peaceful 2019 filled with bountiful prosperity, longevity and may all your wishes be realized!!

#ExceptionallySmoothJourney, #PointsToLookOutFor, #BodhiLightOffering, #AuspiciousnessAndPeace, #BlessedTreasures
