學會「寬恕」就能過得幸福美好! . 要想…

#寬恕 #光明 #解脫 #幸福

Learn to 「forgive」 so as to lead a happy and beautiful life!

If you want to enjoy a happy and beautiful life, you must learn to 「forgive those who had hurt you, and be a person who does not feel hurt easily」.

How do you do it?

First, learn to 「forgive」 those who had hurt you in love.
By letting go of the emotional past, and learning to cherish ourselves, we can enrich our personalities. This could help us find our true love, and regain our regular, blissful life.

Second, learn to 「forgive」 loved ones who had misunderstood us. Realize that it is love that has bonded us in such relationships, and that blood is thicker than water. We have to appreciate the good in others. Then, we would find that there is no misunderstanding deeper than the love the other party has given us.
In misunderstandings with our loved ones, we should reciprocate with 「love」 and 「gentleness」; this could in turn give us real happiness.

Third, learn to 「forgive」 those who had criticized and rebutted us at work.
In addition, humbly accept, conscientiously embrace challenges and innovate, so as to deliver outstanding performance to convince our superiors of our career standings and aspirations.

In reality, 「forgiveness」 brings about a sense of serenity in us.
「Forgiveness」 is like a series of mirrors. By forgiving one another, we are liberating ourselves, enabling a more beautiful and happier future.

May everyone be blessed with a happy and beautiful life!

#Forgiveness #Illumination #Liberated #Happiness


寬恕如鏡,相映光明! . 也許,「寬恕」…




Forgiveness is like the mirror that reflects illumination!

Perhaps it is more difficult to ‘forgive’ someone than to love someone, as forgiving requires more courage.

Yet, ‘forgiveness’ not just relieves the other party’s suffering, it actually helps you to elevate spiritually.
Only through understanding how to forgive others, can we attain true happiness.
Then can everything become more perfect, more complete in our lives.

Please click on the link to watch …
A Bright Full Moon _ Part 1

A Bright Full Moon _ Part 2

#AphorismFromMasterJinBodhi, #Forgiveness, #Illumination, #ABrightFullMoonrnrn寬恕如鏡,相映光明!



Forgiveness is like the mirror that reflects illumination!

Perhaps it is more difficult to ‘forgive’ someone than to love someone, as forgiving requires more courage.

Yet, ‘forgiveness’ not just relieves the other party’s suffering, it actually helps you to elevate spiritually.
Only through understanding how to forgive others, can we attain true happiness.
Then can everything become more perfect, more complete in our lives.

Please click on the link to watch …
A Bright Full Moon _ Part 1

A Bright Full Moon _ Part 2

#AphorismFromMasterJinBodhi, #Forgiveness, #Illumination, #ABrightFullMoon


Forgiveness is like the mirror that reflects illumination!
Perhaps it is more difficult to 'forgive' someone than to love someone, as forgiving requires more courage.
Yet, 'forgiveness' not just relieves the other party's suffering, it actually helps you to elevate spiritually.
Only through understanding how to forgive others, can we attain true happiness.
Then can everything become more perfect, more complete in our lives.
Please click on the link to watch ...
A Bright Full Moon _ Part 1
A Bright Full Moon _ Part 2
#AphorismFromMasterJinBodhi, #Forgiveness, #Illumination, #ABrightFullMoonrnrn寬恕如鏡,相映光明!

Forgiveness is like the mirror that reflects illumination!
Perhaps it is more difficult to 'forgive' someone than to love someone, as forgiving requires more courage.
Yet, 'forgiveness' not just relieves the other party's suffering, it actually helps you to elevate spiritually.
Only through understanding how to forgive others, can we attain true happiness.
Then can everything become more perfect, more complete in our lives.
Please click on the link to watch ...
A Bright Full Moon _ Part 1
A Bright Full Moon _ Part 2
#AphorismFromMasterJinBodhi, #Forgiveness, #Illumination, #ABrightFullMoon


【預錄直播預告】原諒的作用 . 「週六直…

亞洲_台北:2019年3月9日(星期六),上午10:00 開始。
北美_溫哥華:2019年3月8日(星期五),晚上06:00 開始。
1. 溫哥華/西雅圖/波特蘭/矽谷/舊金山/洛杉磯/聖地亞哥
北美太平洋時間:2019年03月08日 晚上06:00開始
2. 台北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡/香港:
2019年03月09日 上午10:00開始
3. 多倫多/紐約/波士頓/華盛頓DC/邁阿密/亞特蘭大/奧蘭多:
北美東部時間:2019年03月08日 晚上09:00開始
4. 英國倫敦時間:2019年03月09日 凌晨02:00開始
5. 巴黎/柏林/巴塞羅那/斯德哥爾摩時間:2019年03月09日 凌晨03:00開始
6. 羅馬尼亞時間:2019年03月09日 凌晨04:00開始
7. 緬甸仰光時間:2019年03月09日 早上08:30開始
8. 印尼雅加達時間:2019年03月09日 上午09:00開始
9. 韓國首爾時間:2019年03月09日 上午11:00開始
10.澳大利亞墨爾本時間:2019年03月09日 下午01:00開始

Live Stream Schedule
1. Vancouver/Seattle/Portland/Silicon Valley/San Francisco/Los Angeles/San Diego
North America Pacific Time:Start at 2019-03-08 18:00
2. Taipei/Beijing/Malaysia/Singapore/HongKong:
Start at 2019-03-09 10:00
3. Toronto/New York/Boston/Washington DC/Miami/Atlanta/Orlando:
North America Eastern time: Start at 2019-03-08 21:00
4. London (England) time: Start at 2019-03-09 02:00
5. Paris/Berlin/Barcelona/Stockholm Time: Start at 2019-03-09 03:00
6. Romanian time: Start at 2019-03-09 04:00
7. Myanmar Yangon Time: Start at 2019-03-09 08:30
8. Indonesia Jakarta Time: Start at 2019-03-09 09:00
9. Korea Seoul Time: Start at 2019-03-09 11:00
10.Australia Melbourne time: Start at 2019-03-09 13:00

【Pre-recorded Live Broadcast Notice】The Effect of Forgiveness

「Saturday Live Broadcast Time」
Taipei (Asia): March 9, 2019 (Saturday), at 10:00 am.
Vancouver (North America): March 8, 2019 (Friday), at 6:00 pm.

Do you know how great the effect of forgiveness is?

A research from the University of St Andrews in the UK reveals when one makes a decision to forgive, his/her brain would launch a system to forget the painful memories done to him/her.

Forgiveness is the fundamental way to liberate the mind and the body.

This Saturday, I welcome all of you to learn the lesson of 「The Effect Of Forgiveness」.

Open your mind and learn to be grateful and forgive. Every one of your cells will illumines with compassion; merging compassion into your life. I hope all of you be liberated and happy.

【Global Live Broadcast Schedule】
1. Vancouver/Seattle/Portland/Silicon Valley/San Francisco/Los Angeles/San Diego
North America Pacific time zone:March 8, 2019 at 18:00hrs
2. Taipei/Beijing/Malaysia/Singapore/HongKong:
March 9, 2019 at 10:00hrs
3. Toronto/New York/Boston/Washington DC/Miami/Atlanta/Orlando:
North America Eastern time: March 8, 2019 at 21:00hrs
4. London (England): March 9, 2019 at 02:00hrs
5. Paris/Berlin/Barcelona/Stockholm: March 9, 2019 at 03:00hrs
6. Romanian: March 9, 2019 at 04:00hrs
7. Yangon (Myanmar ): March 9, 2019 at 08:30hrs
8. Jakarta (Indonesia): March 9, 2019 at 09:00hrs
9. Seoul (Korea): March 9, 2019 at 11:00hrs
10. Melbourne (Australia ): March 9, 2019 at 13:00hrs

#PreRecordedLiveBroadcastNotice, #Forgiveness, #Brightness, #Compassion, #Liberated, #Happinessrnrn【預錄直播預告】原諒的作用
亞洲_台北:2019年3月9日(星期六),上午10:00 開始。
北美_溫哥華:2019年3月8日(星期五),晚上06:00 開始。
1. 溫哥華/西雅圖/波特蘭/矽谷/舊金山/洛杉磯/聖地亞哥
北美太平洋時間:2019年03月08日 晚上06:00開始
2. 台北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡/香港:
2019年03月09日 上午10:00開始
3. 多倫多/紐約/波士頓/華盛頓DC/邁阿密/亞特蘭大/奧蘭多:
北美東部時間:2019年03月08日 晚上09:00開始
4. 英國倫敦時間:2019年03月09日 凌晨02:00開始
5. 巴黎/柏林/巴塞羅那/斯德哥爾摩時間:2019年03月09日 凌晨03:00開始
6. 羅馬尼亞時間:2019年03月09日 凌晨04:00開始
7. 緬甸仰光時間:2019年03月09日 早上08:30開始
8. 印尼雅加達時間:2019年03月09日 上午09:00開始
9. 韓國首爾時間:2019年03月09日 上午11:00開始
10.澳大利亞墨爾本時間:2019年03月09日 下午01:00開始

Live Stream Schedule
1. Vancouver/Seattle/Portland/Silicon Valley/San Francisco/Los Angeles/San Diego
North America Pacific Time:Start at 2019-03-08 18:00
2. Taipei/Beijing/Malaysia/Singapore/HongKong:
Start at 2019-03-09 10:00
3. Toronto/New York/Boston/Washington DC/Miami/Atlanta/Orlando:
North America Eastern time: Start at 2019-03-08 21:00
4. London (England) time: Start at 2019-03-09 02:00
5. Paris/Berlin/Barcelona/Stockholm Time: Start at 2019-03-09 03:00
6. Romanian time: Start at 2019-03-09 04:00
7. Myanmar Yangon Time: Start at 2019-03-09 08:30
8. Indonesia Jakarta Time: Start at 2019-03-09 09:00
9. Korea Seoul Time: Start at 2019-03-09 11:00
10.Australia Melbourne time: Start at 2019-03-09 13:00

【Pre-recorded Live Broadcast Notice】The Effect of Forgiveness

「Saturday Live Broadcast Time」
Taipei (Asia): March 9, 2019 (Saturday), at 10:00 am.
Vancouver (North America): March 8, 2019 (Friday), at 6:00 pm.

Do you know how great the effect of forgiveness is?

A research from the University of St Andrews in the UK reveals when one makes a decision to forgive, his/her brain would launch a system to forget the painful memories done to him/her.

Forgiveness is the fundamental way to liberate the mind and the body.

This Saturday, I welcome all of you to learn the lesson of 「The Effect Of Forgiveness」.

Open your mind and learn to be grateful and forgive. Every one of your cells will illumines with compassion; merging compassion into your life. I hope all of you be liberated and happy.

【Global Live Broadcast Schedule】
1. Vancouver/Seattle/Portland/Silicon Valley/San Francisco/Los Angeles/San Diego
North America Pacific time zone:March 8, 2019 at 18:00hrs
2. Taipei/Beijing/Malaysia/Singapore/HongKong:
March 9, 2019 at 10:00hrs
3. Toronto/New York/Boston/Washington DC/Miami/Atlanta/Orlando:
North America Eastern time: March 8, 2019 at 21:00hrs
4. London (England): March 9, 2019 at 02:00hrs
5. Paris/Berlin/Barcelona/Stockholm: March 9, 2019 at 03:00hrs
6. Romanian: March 9, 2019 at 04:00hrs
7. Yangon (Myanmar ): March 9, 2019 at 08:30hrs
8. Jakarta (Indonesia): March 9, 2019 at 09:00hrs
9. Seoul (Korea): March 9, 2019 at 11:00hrs
10. Melbourne (Australia ): March 9, 2019 at 13:00hrs

#PreRecordedLiveBroadcastNotice, #Forgiveness, #Brightness, #Compassion, #Liberated, #Happiness

亞洲_台北:2019年3月9日(星期六),上午10:00 開始。
北美_溫哥華:2019年3月8日(星期五),晚上06:00 開始。
1. 溫哥華/西雅圖/波特蘭/矽谷/舊金山/洛杉磯/聖地亞哥
北美太平洋時間:2019年03月08日 晚上06:00開始
2. 台北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡/香港:
2019年03月09日 上午10:00開始
3. 多倫多/紐約/波士頓/華盛頓DC/邁阿密/亞特蘭大/奧蘭多:
北美東部時間:2019年03月08日 晚上09:00開始
4. 英國倫敦時間:2019年03月09日 凌晨02:00開始
5. 巴黎/柏林/巴塞羅那/斯德哥爾摩時間:2019年03月09日 凌晨03:00開始
6. 羅馬尼亞時間:2019年03月09日 凌晨04:00開始
7. 緬甸仰光時間:2019年03月09日 早上08:30開始
8. 印尼雅加達時間:2019年03月09日 上午09:00開始
9. 韓國首爾時間:2019年03月09日 上午11:00開始
10.澳大利亞墨爾本時間:2019年03月09日 下午01:00開始

Live Stream Schedule
1. Vancouver/Seattle/Portland/Silicon Valley/San Francisco/Los Angeles/San Diego
North America Pacific Time:Start at 2019-03-08 18:00
2. Taipei/Beijing/Malaysia/Singapore/HongKong:
Start at 2019-03-09 10:00
3. Toronto/New York/Boston/Washington DC/Miami/Atlanta/Orlando:
North America Eastern time: Start at 2019-03-08 21:00
4. London (England) time: Start at 2019-03-09 02:00
5. Paris/Berlin/Barcelona/Stockholm Time: Start at 2019-03-09 03:00
6. Romanian time: Start at 2019-03-09 04:00
7. Myanmar Yangon Time: Start at 2019-03-09 08:30
8. Indonesia Jakarta Time: Start at 2019-03-09 09:00
9. Korea Seoul Time: Start at 2019-03-09 11:00
10.Australia Melbourne time: Start at 2019-03-09 13:00
【Pre-recorded Live Broadcast Notice】The Effect of Forgiveness 
「Saturday Live Broadcast Time」 
Taipei (Asia): March 9, 2019 (Saturday), at 10:00 am. 
Vancouver (North America):  March 8, 2019 (Friday), at 6:00 pm. 
Do you know how great the effect of forgiveness is? 
A research from the University of St Andrews in the UK reveals when one makes a decision to forgive, his/her brain would launch a system to forget the painful memories done to him/her. 
Forgiveness is the fundamental way to liberate the mind and the body. 
This Saturday, I welcome all of you to learn the lesson of 「The Effect Of Forgiveness」. 
Open your mind and learn to be grateful and forgive. Every one of your cells will illumines with compassion;  merging compassion into your life. I hope all of you be liberated and happy. 
【Global Live Broadcast Schedule】
1. Vancouver/Seattle/Portland/Silicon Valley/San Francisco/Los Angeles/San Diego
North America Pacific time zone:March 8, 2019 at 18:00hrs
2. Taipei/Beijing/Malaysia/Singapore/HongKong:
March 9, 2019 at 10:00hrs
3. Toronto/New York/Boston/Washington DC/Miami/Atlanta/Orlando:
North America Eastern time: March 8, 2019 at 21:00hrs
4. London (England): March 9, 2019 at 02:00hrs
5. Paris/Berlin/Barcelona/Stockholm: March 9, 2019 at 03:00hrs
6. Romanian: March 9, 2019 at 04:00hrs
7. Yangon (Myanmar ): March 9, 2019 at 08:30hrs
8. Jakarta (Indonesia): March 9, 2019 at 09:00hrs
9. Seoul (Korea): March 9, 2019 at 11:00hrs
10. Melbourne (Australia ): March 9, 2019 at 13:00hrs
#PreRecordedLiveBroadcastNotice, #Forgiveness, #Brightness, #Compassion, #Liberated, #Happinessrnrn【預錄直播預告】原諒的作用
亞洲_台北:2019年3月9日(星期六),上午10:00 開始。
北美_溫哥華:2019年3月8日(星期五),晚上06:00 開始。
1. 溫哥華/西雅圖/波特蘭/矽谷/舊金山/洛杉磯/聖地亞哥
北美太平洋時間:2019年03月08日 晚上06:00開始
2. 台北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡/香港:
2019年03月09日 上午10:00開始
3. 多倫多/紐約/波士頓/華盛頓DC/邁阿密/亞特蘭大/奧蘭多:
北美東部時間:2019年03月08日 晚上09:00開始
4. 英國倫敦時間:2019年03月09日 凌晨02:00開始
5. 巴黎/柏林/巴塞羅那/斯德哥爾摩時間:2019年03月09日 凌晨03:00開始
6. 羅馬尼亞時間:2019年03月09日 凌晨04:00開始
7. 緬甸仰光時間:2019年03月09日 早上08:30開始
8. 印尼雅加達時間:2019年03月09日 上午09:00開始
9. 韓國首爾時間:2019年03月09日 上午11:00開始
10.澳大利亞墨爾本時間:2019年03月09日 下午01:00開始

Live Stream Schedule
1. Vancouver/Seattle/Portland/Silicon Valley/San Francisco/Los Angeles/San Diego
North America Pacific Time:Start at 2019-03-08 18:00
2. Taipei/Beijing/Malaysia/Singapore/HongKong:
Start at 2019-03-09 10:00
3. Toronto/New York/Boston/Washington DC/Miami/Atlanta/Orlando:
North America Eastern time: Start at 2019-03-08 21:00
4. London (England) time: Start at 2019-03-09 02:00
5. Paris/Berlin/Barcelona/Stockholm Time: Start at 2019-03-09 03:00
6. Romanian time: Start at 2019-03-09 04:00
7. Myanmar Yangon Time: Start at 2019-03-09 08:30
8. Indonesia Jakarta Time: Start at 2019-03-09 09:00
9. Korea Seoul Time: Start at 2019-03-09 11:00
10.Australia Melbourne time: Start at 2019-03-09 13:00
【Pre-recorded Live Broadcast Notice】The Effect of Forgiveness 
「Saturday Live Broadcast Time」 
Taipei (Asia): March 9, 2019 (Saturday), at 10:00 am. 
Vancouver (North America):  March 8, 2019 (Friday), at 6:00 pm. 
Do you know how great the effect of forgiveness is? 
A research from the University of St Andrews in the UK reveals when one makes a decision to forgive, his/her brain would launch a system to forget the painful memories done to him/her. 
Forgiveness is the fundamental way to liberate the mind and the body. 
This Saturday, I welcome all of you to learn the lesson of 「The Effect Of Forgiveness」. 
Open your mind and learn to be grateful and forgive. Every one of your cells will illumines with compassion;  merging compassion into your life. I hope all of you be liberated and happy. 
【Global Live Broadcast Schedule】
1. Vancouver/Seattle/Portland/Silicon Valley/San Francisco/Los Angeles/San Diego
North America Pacific time zone:March 8, 2019 at 18:00hrs
2. Taipei/Beijing/Malaysia/Singapore/HongKong:
March 9, 2019 at 10:00hrs
3. Toronto/New York/Boston/Washington DC/Miami/Atlanta/Orlando:
North America Eastern time: March 8, 2019 at 21:00hrs
4. London (England): March 9, 2019 at 02:00hrs
5. Paris/Berlin/Barcelona/Stockholm: March 9, 2019 at 03:00hrs
6. Romanian: March 9, 2019 at 04:00hrs
7. Yangon (Myanmar ): March 9, 2019 at 08:30hrs
8. Jakarta (Indonesia): March 9, 2019 at 09:00hrs
9. Seoul (Korea): March 9, 2019 at 11:00hrs
10. Melbourne (Australia ): March 9, 2019 at 13:00hrs
#PreRecordedLiveBroadcastNotice, #Forgiveness, #Brightness, #Compassion, #Liberated, #Happiness


種福田,得富貴! . 佛說:「布施能得富…


Sow the blessings and reap the wealth!

The Buddha said, “Giving brings you wealth!”
Giving is the cause while wealth is the effect in the law of karma.

We see a lot of rich people in this world. Where does their wealth come from?
It may be in this life, or in the past, they have planted the cause of wealth. In giving generously, they are more broad-minded and happy. This leads to more wealth.

So, please insist on doing a good deed a day. By doing so, buddhas and bodhisattvas will provide protection and guidance throughout your life, eradicate disasters, and illuminate your path with auspiciousness!

#SowTheBlessings, #ReapTheWealth, #Auspicious, #Bright



當我們觀想自己進入光明的思維狀態時,不但能夠快速地改變我們的生命、運氣 、智慧、甚至是改變我們的健康。
因為光明而產生的慈悲,能產生很多正面的能力。其中能產生忍耐力 、創造力,還能產生凝聚力以及很好的表達力。

當我們觀想自己進入光明的思維狀態時,不但能夠快速地改變我們的生命、運氣 、智慧、甚至是改變我們的健康。
因為光明而產生的慈悲,能產生很多正面的能力。其中能產生忍耐力 、創造力,還能產生凝聚力以及很好的表達力。 


修行路上(之一) . 在學習的過程中,有…

On the Path of Self-Cultivation (Part 1)
In the process of learning, there are numerous problems that trouble our mind. The persons involved are ignorant because they do not have wisdom due to lack of knowledge, poor understanding and no access to intuition.
So how do we change our inherited genes and karma?
I only share with you my conclusive experience and feelings which I have fine-tuned on my path of self-cultivation. Thus, imparting you the best medicine and most accurate information.
On the path of self-cultivation, if you focus on these three types of illumination, your gains will be greatest and your life will experience fundamental change. You will achieve more within a short time, be it better health or mind, and you will gain great wisdom.
Which are the three types of illumination?
They are illuminations of the body, heart and mind.
How do we practice them?
Be it chanting or practicing the Meditation of Greater Illumination, always visualize that you are most compassionate. Only when you have a compassionate and loving heart, will you be truly attractive and have boundless charm and appeal.

On the Path of Self-Cultivation (Part 1)
In the process of learning, there are numerous problems that trouble our mind. The persons involved are ignorant because they do not have wisdom due to lack of knowledge, poor understanding and no access to intuition.
So how do we change our inherited genes and karma?
I only share with you my conclusive experience and feelings which I have fine-tuned on my path of self-cultivation. Thus, imparting you the best medicine and most accurate information.
On the path of self-cultivation, if you focus on these three types of illumination, your gains will be greatest and your life will experience fundamental change. You will achieve more within a short time, be it better health or mind, and you will gain great wisdom.
Which are the three types of illumination? 
They are illuminations of the body, heart and mind. 
How do we practice them?
Be it chanting or practicing the Meditation of Greater Illumination, always visualize that you are most compassionate. Only when you have a compassionate and loving heart, will you be truly attractive and have boundless charm and appeal.


《六字大明咒》靈感記之三 簡單易學的方法…


Inspiration from Six-Syllable Mantra (Part 3)
A simple and easy way to learn the mantra; welcome all to experience it yourself.
Let me share with you a real story for reference!

Who is not confuse during your youth?

I have learn Bodhi Meditation for about three years. During these three years, I have personally experienced various changes in my body; my health has improved greatly and my personality has changed for the better. I am more mild temper now. This is a great contrast to my past where I often find my husband an eyesore. My husband has also noticed that my personality had changed and he no longer goes out to drink everyday, but returns home for meals daily. Our relationship as husband and wife had deepened and has gradually returned to the sweetness we shared in the past.

In the past eight years, the only thing that made me very worried and distressed is my daughter who is in her adolescence. Her favorite activity is to argue with me and spot the loopholes in my speech, giving her a great sense of satisfaction. Three months ago, I started chanting the Six-Syllable Mantra at home everyday, visualizing the compassionate blessings and merits from chanting being transmitted to her.

Now, three months later, I have witnessed gradual changes in my daughter little by little. When conversing with me, her tone is no longer as sharp and she is willing to listen to me, understand and empathize with my feelings. Her mind has become calmer as well. In the past, when she comes home from school, she would confront me and complain about being dissatisfied with how I damaged her clothes when washing them, how I intruded in her private space, all because I accidentally touched her things while cleaning her room and so on….

Now, after my daughter comes home from school, she no longer flares her temper at me. Instead, stays in her room and quietly does her homework and read her books. There was once where I accidentally heard her chanting the Six-Syllable Mantra at home. Although my heart was filled with happiness, I did not make any comments and pretended that I did not notice anything. I persisted in chanting the mantra for her everyday.

At the end of her final exam, her class ranking has risen by more than 10 times since the last semester, making me really surprised and touched by her effort. While results might not be the most important thing, what’s more significant is my daughter’s physical and mental changes. She has become a lot more active, happier and sensible.

I am deeply grateful to Guanyin Bodhisattva for her great compassion, and all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas for helping me and my daughter. Through the compassionate blessing gained from chanting the Six-Syllable Mantra sincerely, my daughter’s rebelliousness had mellowed greatly and she has became more sensible and understanding.
I welcome all to try chanting the inspirational Six-Syllable Mantra!

#SixSyllableMantra, #EducatingDaughter, #Illumination, #Peaceful, #Wisdom, #Auspicious


【新視頻發佈】__喚醒慈悲 . 每個人的…

【New Video Release】- Awakening Our Inner Compassion

There live a good and bad “I” within the inner world of everyone.

When a person feel at peace, calm and compassionate, the body will automatically generate a lot of elements that benefit the body in the form of good health, happiness and greater wisdom. And vice versa.

If we can adopt a compassionate and loving heart in our daily lives, things will turn out well. In addition, our body will be in a calm, relaxed and gentle form.

In reality, when we are compassionate to others, we are being compassionate to ourselves. How then do we awaken the compassion in our heart? I welcome all to join me in learning Awakening OurInner Compassion so that we can lead a bright, healthy and happy life!

#SakyamuniBuddha, #BathingTheBuddha, #Chanting, #Compassionate, #Wisdom, #Gentle, #Illuminate, #GiveMoreBenefitToOthers


緬甸慈善光明行 . 3月13日,緬甸菩提…

3月13日,緬甸菩提慈善走進Yedashe 村,為當地患者進行眼科義診。為150名患者免費進行了白內障手術。恭喜大家重獲光明 。
#緬甸 #慈善 #白內障手術 #光明 #恢復健康

3月13日,緬甸菩提慈善走進Yedashe 村,為當地患者進行眼科義診。為150名患者免費進行了白內障手術。恭喜大家重獲光明 。
#緬甸 #慈善 #白內障手術 #光明 #恢復健康


學習六字大明咒(之一)預告片 六字大明咒…





聯絡郵箱:[email protected]

Learning the Six-Syllable Mantra – Preview
Six-Syllable Mantra, six illuminating mystical words

My life is bright and pure
The mantra I chant is compassion
The sound of the mantra, like waves, travel far and wide to corners of the world

May all beings immerse in this illumination
May all who chant or hear this mantra
Be purified, liberated and open-hearted
No worries, no diseases
Wishing everyone happiness and auspiciousness!

The video will be released soon. Sponsorship is welcome.
Contact email: [email protected]

#MeditationMasterJinBodhi, # Six-SyllableMantra#Brightness, #Compassion, #Love
