【最新直播】舍一得万的秘密 | 吉祥解脱念佛班 第6天 ·

【最新直播】舍一得万的秘密 | 吉祥解脱念佛班 第6天
【 第6天 课程简介】
[Livestream Announcement] Auspicious Liberation Chanting Class (Day 6)
| The Secret of Giving One and Receiving Ten Thousandfold In Return
There are certain methods that can enable a person to make a small offering and receive a thousandfold return. Take a moment to listen or read, and you will be able to gather these methods, apply them in your daily life, and accumulate merit and virtues for yourself and your loved ones. These practices can help to eliminate disasters and obstacles, bringing auspiciousness and peace.
In addition to learning the various methods taught by the Buddha, through the stories shared by Grandmaster JinBodhi, you will gain a deeper understanding and mastery of these practices.
Suitable for:
✔Those who want to understand the Earth Store Sutra and the Earth Store Bodhisattva
✔Those who wish to recite the Earth Store Bodhisattva’s Mantra, sing praises, or honor the Earth Store Bodhisattva
✔Those who cherish life and their loved ones, and hope to improve their fate and that of their loved ones through methods such as sutra recitation and mantra chanting
✔Those who wish to receive the blessings and protection of the Earth Store Bodhisattva and Master JinBodhi, to bring auspiciousness to life



Youtube(Indonesian) :

Youtube(Thai) :
You are welcome to sponsor Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Online Classes,
Please refer to the following links for sponsorship:
※ 马来西亚地区:仅限非穆斯林
※ Malaysia: For non-Muslims only


【最新直播】供奉地藏王菩萨的十种好处 | 吉祥解脱念佛班 第5天 · 【 第5天 课程简介】 坚牢地神是诸天护法神之一,不仅拥护佛法,更发愿护佑一切众生。在《地藏经》「地神护法品」中,坚牢地神现身说法,述说在家中造设佛龛,供奉、礼拜、赞叹地藏王菩萨形像将能获得十种好处;并且只要真诚诵念《地藏菩萨本愿经》,将不受各种灾难恶事的侵扰。请听金菩提宗师深入解说十种利益及具体实践的方法。

【最新直播】供奉地藏王菩萨的十种好处 | 吉祥解脱念佛班 第5天
【 第5天 课程简介】
[Livestream Announcement] Auspicious Liberation Chanting Class (Day 5)
| Ten Benefits of Offering to Earth Store Bodhisattva
The Solid Earth Deity is one of the Dharma protectors, who not only safeguards the Dharma but also vows to protect all sentient beings. In the “Earth Deities Protecting the Dharma” chapter of the “Earth Store Bodhisattva’s Vow Sutra,” the Solid Earth Deity manifests to expound the Dharma, describing the ten benefits that can be gained by establishing a shrine in one’s home and by offering and praising the image of Earth Store Bodhisattva. Furthermore, simply by sincerely chanting the “Earth Store Bodhisattva’s Heart Mantra,” one can avoid various calamities and misfortunes.

Listen to Grandmaster JinBodhi as he provides an in-depth explanation of these ten benefits and how to practice them specifically.
Suitable for:
✔Those who want to understand the Earth Store Sutra and the Earth Store Bodhisattva
✔Those who wish to recite the Earth Store Bodhisattva’s Mantra, sing praises, or honor the Earth Store Bodhisattva
✔Those who cherish life and their loved ones, and hope to improve their fate and that of their loved ones through methods such as sutra recitation and mantra chanting
✔Those who wish to receive the blessings and protection of the Earth Store Bodhisattva and Master JinBodhi, to bring auspiciousness to life



Youtube(Indonesian) :

Youtube(Thai) :
You are welcome to sponsor Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Online Classes,
Please refer to the following links for sponsorship:
※ 马来西亚地区:仅限非穆斯林
※ Malaysia: For non-Muslims only


【最新直播】幫助往生親人得解脱 | 吉祥解脫念佛班 第4天 · 【 第4天 课程简介】 地藏菩薩說「眾生起心動念都是罪業」。那麼經過無始劫的流轉,每個人身上應該都背著數不盡的業債,或許這就是佛說「人生是苦」的原因所在。如果沒有修行,這一生走完不知又增加了多少負重。

【最新直播】幫助往生親人得解脱 | 吉祥解脫念佛班 第4天
【 第4天 课程简介】
[Livestream Announcement] Auspicious Liberation Chanting Class (Day 4)
| Help Departed Loved Ones Attain Liberation
Earth Store Bodhisattva once said, “Every thought and intention of sentient beings is rooted in karma.” Given the countless lifetimes we have lived, each of us carries an incalculable amount of karmic debt, which may be the reason why the Buddha said, “Life is suffering.” Without spiritual practice, by the end of this life, who knows how much more negative karma we will have accumulated.
However, the end of life is not the end of existence. When we say goodbye to this physical body, where will the soul go? Grandmaster JinBodhi says, “Whether one ascends to Heaven or descends to hell depends on their merits.” If one did not have the chance to accumulate merits during their lifetime, what can the remaining family or relatives do for them? If a departed loved one is suffering in hell, how can those still alive help them attain liberation?
Earth Store Bodhisattva, in his profound compassion, vowed to save all beings in hell, leading them away from suffering to attain happiness. In the Earth Store Bodhisattva’s Vow Sutra, the buddhas, bodhisattvas, and even the ghost kings earnestly pledge their protection and support. Let’s join Grandmaster JinBodhi in learning how to help departed loved ones quickly escape the sea of suffering and be reborn into a place of brightness and goodness?
Suitable for:
✔Those who want to understand the Earth Store Sutra and the Earth Store Bodhisattva
✔Those who wish to recite the Earth Store Bodhisattva’s Mantra, sing praises, or honor the Earth Store Bodhisattva
✔Those who cherish life and their loved ones, and hope to improve their fate and that of their loved ones through methods such as sutra recitation and mantra chanting
✔Those who wish to receive the blessings and protection of the Earth Store Bodhisattva and Master JinBodhi, to bring auspiciousness to life



Youtube(Indonesian) :

Youtube(Thai) :
You are welcome to sponsor Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Online Classes,
Please refer to the following links for sponsorship:
※ 马来西亚地区:仅限非穆斯林
※ Malaysia: For non-Muslims only


【最新直播】前世不欠,今世不见 | 吉祥解脱念佛班 第3天 · 【 第3天 课程简介】 人的一生会结识很多人,有生来就注定会在一起的家人,有陪伴成长的同学、老师、同事……但是,为什么我们会与这些人相识呢?佛说,人生是为酬业而来。

【最新直播】前世不欠,今世不见 | 吉祥解脱念佛班 第3天
【 第3天 课程简介】
[Livestream Announcement] Auspicious Liberation Chanting Class (Day 3)
| Without Past Debts, There Will Be No Present Encounters
In one’s lifetime, we will encounter many people. There are family members who are destined to be together, as well as classmates, teachers, and colleagues who accompany us as we grow. Why do we meet these people? The Buddha said that life is for repaying karmic debts.
As the saying goes, “If there is no debt from the past life, there is no encounter in this life.” Each individual is caught in the cycle of karma, whether good or bad. The people we encounter are either those we owe from the past or those who owe us. As long as we meet, there is a karmic debt, and the amount of that debt determines the fortune or misfortune in this life. This is what the Buddha refers to as “cause and effect.”
How do we repay the karmic debts from the past? How do we resolve the negative karma and entanglements from past lives? How do we make our lives more auspicious and smoother? There are many ways. Let’s listen to the detailed explanations by Grandmaster JinBodhi.
Suitable for:
✔Those who want to understand the Earth Store Sutra and the Earth Store Bodhisattva
✔Those who wish to recite the Earth Store Bodhisattva’s Mantra, sing praises, or honor the Earth Store Bodhisattva
✔Those who cherish life and their loved ones, and hope to improve their fate and that of their loved ones through methods such as sutra recitation and mantra chanting
✔Those who wish to receive the blessings and protection of the Earth Store Bodhisattva and Master JinBodhi, to bring auspiciousness to life



Youtube(Indonesian) :

Youtube(Thai) :
You are welcome to sponsor Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Online Classes,
Please refer to the following links for sponsorship:
※ 马来西亚地区:仅限非穆斯林
※ Malaysia: For non-Muslims only


【最新直播】行恶的果报 因果报应 | 吉祥解脱念佛班 第2天

【最新直播】行恶的果报 因果报应 | 吉祥解脱念佛班 第2天
【 第2天 课程简介】
[Livestream Announcement] Auspicious Liberation Chanting Class (Day 2)
| The Consequences of Evil Deeds: The Law of Cause and Effect
Why are some people born with good appearance and good health, while some are plain in appearance and physically disabled? Why do some have strained relationships with their family members, and are constantly caught in conflict and disagreements? What are the causes of the various setbacks in life?

Being human, it’s inevitable that we will make mistakes and create negative karma. The key is to understand the importance of repentance and making amends after we err. How can we truly help ourselves and our loved ones eliminate negative karma and break free from the lower realms? Through the teachings of the “Earth Store Bodhisattva’s Vow Sutra,” Grandmaster JinBodhi guides us on a path of compassion and liberation, imparting the wisdom of cause and effect, and enabling us to become kinder and more auspicious individuals.
Suitable for:
✔Those who want to understand the Earth Store Sutra and the Earth Store Bodhisattva
✔Those who wish to recite the Earth Store Bodhisattva’s Mantra, sing praises, or honor the Earth Store Bodhisattva
✔Those who cherish life and their loved ones, and hope to improve their fate and that of their loved ones through methods such as sutra recitation and mantra chanting
✔Those who wish to receive the blessings and protection of the Earth Store Bodhisattva and Master JinBodhi, to bring auspiciousness to life



Youtube(Indonesian) :

Youtube(Thai) :
You are welcome to sponsor Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Online Classes,
Please refer to the following links for sponsorship:
※ 马来西亚地区:仅限非穆斯林
※ Malaysia: For non-Muslims only


【最新直播】地狱真的存在吗 | 吉祥解脱念佛班 第1天 · 【第1天 课程简介】 往生后的审判是宇宙的自然规则,不会因为个人相信与否或宗教信仰不同而有例外。那么,在审判之日还未到来之时,我们是否应该提早为自己评估一下,在善恶的天平上,自己将会倾向哪一边呢?

【最新直播】地狱真的存在吗 | 吉祥解脱念佛班 第1天
【第1天 课程简介】
[Livestream Announcement] Does Hell Really Exist?
The judgment after death is a natural law of the Universe, and it does not change whether one believes it or not or if one has a different religious faith. Hence, before this day of judgment arrives, shouldn’t we assess ourselves in advance to see where we stand on the scale of good and evil?

Any time is a good time for one to return to the right path; it is never too late to do good deeds and practice cultivation. Through the teachings of Grandmaster JinBodhi, we come to understand that the most important thing is to change our hearts, understand the principles of life, correct our past mistakes, and become compassionate and kind individuals to completely avoid evil deeds and their repercussions.

Suitable for:
✔Those who want to understand the Earth Store Sutra and the Earth Store Bodhisattva
✔Those who wish to recite the Earth Store Bodhisattva’s Mantra, sing praises, or honor the Earth Store Bodhisattva
✔Those who cherish life and their loved ones, and hope to improve their fate and that of their loved ones through methods such as sutra recitation and mantra chanting
✔Those who wish to receive the blessings and protection of the Earth Store Bodhisattva and Master JinBodhi, to bring auspiciousness to life



Youtube(Indonesian) :

Youtube(Thai) :
You are welcome to sponsor Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Online Classes,
Please refer to the following links for sponsorship:

※ 马来西亚地区:仅限非穆斯林
※ Malaysia: For non-Muslims only



【直播预告】吉祥解脱念佛班 (金菩提宗師 Facebook)

⏰ 7天网络念佛班 直播时间:
台北时间:2024年8月12日 – 8月18日, 早上9点 – 11点
温哥华时间:2024年8月11日 – 8月17日,晚上6点 – 8点

🪔 2024盂兰盆供灯:https://www.puticollege.com/offerexpress/0
[Livestream Announcement] Auspicious Liberation Chanting Class
⏰7-Day Online Chanting Class Livestream Timing
Asia Taipei: 12th – 18th August, 9am – 11am
Vancouver: 11th – 17th August, 6pm – 8pm
For countless ages, Earth Store Bodhisattva has made a great vow to continually save and help all beings in the three realms and six paths of reincarnation, rescuing those suffering from sin, responding to the needs of all sentient beings, and guiding them out of the sea of suffering.

During the 2024 Ullambana Festival season, let us learn the Earth Store Bodhisattva Sutra and sincerely chant the Earth Store Bodhisattva’s Mantra.

May the all-compassionate Earth Store Bodhisattva bless our karmic creditors and ancestors from past generations, so that they may be liberated and reborn in the Pure Land. May the various misfortunes and obstacles in our lives be eliminated, allowing us to avoid calamities, overcome difficulties, and gain auspiciousness!
🪔 2024 Earth Store Bodhisattva Light Offering: https://www.puticollege.com/offerexpress/0

⏰ 7天网络念佛班  直播时间:
台北时间:2024年8月12日 – 8月18日, 早上9点 – 11点
温哥华时间:2024年8月11日 – 8月17日,晚上6点 – 8点

🪔 2024盂兰盆供灯:https://www.puticollege.com/offerexpress/0
[Livestream Announcement] Auspicious Liberation Chanting Class
⏰7-Day Online Chanting Class Livestream Timing
Asia Taipei: 12th – 18th August, 9am – 11am
Vancouver: 11th – 17th August, 6pm – 8pm
For countless ages, Earth Store Bodhisattva has made a great vow to continually save and help all beings in the three realms and six paths of reincarnation, rescuing those suffering from sin, responding to the needs of all sentient beings, and guiding them out of the sea of suffering.

During the 2024 Ullambana Festival season, let us learn the Earth Store Bodhisattva Sutra and sincerely chant the Earth Store Bodhisattva’s Mantra.

May the all-compassionate Earth Store Bodhisattva bless our karmic creditors and ancestors from past generations, so that they may be liberated and reborn in the Pure Land. May the various misfortunes and obstacles in our lives be eliminated, allowing us to avoid calamities, overcome difficulties, and gain auspiciousness!
🪔 2024 Earth Store Bodhisattva Light Offering: https://www.puticollege.com/offerexpress/0



久远以来,地藏王菩萨行宏伟誓愿,不断救度,帮助三界六道一切罪苦和有求众生,脱离苦海。 2024年盂兰盆节期间,为历代祖先、累世父母、往生亲人及冤亲债主供奉超荐灯(根据需求,可供1盏、或多盏灯 例如7盏或49盏)。借由地藏王菩萨的大功德愿力,为他们超度,脱离地狱之苦,安住光明之境。愿他们共沐佛光,得吉祥自在。
2024 Earth Store Bodhisattva Light Offering
For countless ages, Earth Store Bodhisattva has made a great vow to continually save and help all beings in the three realms and six paths of reincarnation, rescuing those suffering from sin, responding to the needs of all sentient beings, and guiding them out of the sea of suffering.
During the 2024 Ullambana Festival, offer lights to benefit your ancestors, parents from past lives, departed loved ones, and all those with whom you have karmic debts. By invoking the immense merits and blessings of Earth Store Bodhisattva, may they be liberated from the suffering of the hell realms and led to dwell in the realm of light. May they all be bathed in Buddha’s radiance and find auspicious peace and freedom.
The light offerings will be lit from the order date until September 3rd, providing continuous illumination throughout the lunar month of July. (You may offer one or multiple lights, such as seven or forty-nine lights, according to personal needs.)
Offer lights @ https://www.puticollege.com/offerexpress/9/75


【最新直播】 2024盂兰盆:消除厄运 · 当遇到生活中的种种不顺,不仅让人思考,这到底是什么原因?有没有办法能消除厄运,让人生更吉祥平安? 欢迎收看2024盂兰盆季的第一场直播!

【最新直播】 2024盂兰盆:消除厄运
[Livestream Announcement] 2024 Ullambana Festival: Eliminate Bad Luck
When faced with various misfortunes in life, one can’t help but wonder what the reasons might be.
Is there a way to eliminate bad luck and bring more auspiciousness and blessings into our lives?
Do catch the first live broadcast of the 2024 Ullambana Festival!


Youtube(Indonesian) :

Youtube(Thai) :
You are welcome to sponsor Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Online Classes,
Please refer to the following links for sponsorship:
※ 马来西亚地区:仅限非穆斯林
※ Malaysia: For non-Muslims only
