【多做功德,改命改運!】 . 在《了凡四…


Accumulate more merits to change your destiny!

According to Liao-Fan’s Four Lessons, there are a few types of people who are masters of their own life destiny!

1. Philanthropist
2. Evil person
3. One who performs meritorious deeds to accumulate merits
4. Diligent self-cultivator

LiaoFan Yuan, from the Ming Dynasty, started to self-cultivate after receiving advice and guidance from an esteemed cultivator. Since then, he refrained from unkind, evil acts and performed meritorious deeds to change his life destiny.

Before LiaoFan embarked on the path of self-cultivation, esteemed Master predicted he would have no descendant and live a short life. He was in fact, destined to live to age 53 years. However, due to his diligent self-cultivation and accumulated merits, he had child and passed away at an age of 74 years, which was an extension of 21 years. This is an attestation that heaven will bless us with longevity and good fortune when we perform meritorious deeds.

Hence, if you want to transform your life destiny, you need to learn:
「Create no evil and perform kind deeds.」

May you successfully transform your life destiny through accumulating merits!!

#AccumulateMerits, #LiaoFanFourLessons, #FortuneAndLongevityBestowedByHeavenrnrn【多做功德,改命改運!】

Accumulate more merits to change your destiny!

According to Liao-Fan’s Four Lessons, there are a few types of people who are masters of their own life destiny!

1. Philanthropist
2. Evil person
3. One who performs meritorious deeds to accumulate merits
4. Diligent self-cultivator

LiaoFan Yuan, from the Ming Dynasty, started to self-cultivate after receiving advice and guidance from an esteemed cultivator. Since then, he refrained from unkind, evil acts and performed meritorious deeds to change his life destiny.

Before LiaoFan embarked on the path of self-cultivation, esteemed Master predicted he would have no descendant and live a short life. He was in fact, destined to live to age 53 years. However, due to his diligent self-cultivation and accumulated merits, he had child and passed away at an age of 74 years, which was an extension of 21 years. This is an attestation that heaven will bless us with longevity and good fortune when we perform meritorious deeds.

Hence, if you want to transform your life destiny, you need to learn:
「Create no evil and perform kind deeds.」

May you successfully transform your life destiny through accumulating merits!!

#AccumulateMerits, #LiaoFanFourLessons, #FortuneAndLongevityBestowedByHeaven

Accumulate more merits to change your destiny!
According to Liao-Fan’s Four Lessons, there are a few types of people who are masters of their own life destiny!
1.     Philanthropist
2.     Evil person
3.     One who performs meritorious deeds to accumulate merits
4.     Diligent self-cultivator
LiaoFan Yuan, from the Ming Dynasty, started to self-cultivate after receiving advice and guidance from an esteemed cultivator. Since then, he refrained from unkind, evil acts and performed meritorious deeds to change his life destiny. 
Before LiaoFan embarked on the path of self-cultivation, esteemed Master predicted he would have no descendant and live a short life. He was in fact, destined to live to age 53 years.  However, due to his diligent self-cultivation and accumulated merits, he had child and passed away at an age of 74 years, which was an extension of 21 years. This is an attestation that heaven will bless us with longevity and good fortune when we perform meritorious deeds.
Hence, if you want to transform your life destiny, you need to learn:
「Create no evil and perform kind deeds.」
May you successfully transform your life destiny through accumulating merits!!
#AccumulateMerits, #LiaoFanFourLessons, #FortuneAndLongevityBestowedByHeavenrnrn【多做功德,改命改運!】
Accumulate more merits to change your destiny!
According to Liao-Fan’s Four Lessons, there are a few types of people who are masters of their own life destiny!
1.     Philanthropist
2.     Evil person
3.     One who performs meritorious deeds to accumulate merits
4.     Diligent self-cultivator
LiaoFan Yuan, from the Ming Dynasty, started to self-cultivate after receiving advice and guidance from an esteemed cultivator. Since then, he refrained from unkind, evil acts and performed meritorious deeds to change his life destiny. 
Before LiaoFan embarked on the path of self-cultivation, esteemed Master predicted he would have no descendant and live a short life. He was in fact, destined to live to age 53 years.  However, due to his diligent self-cultivation and accumulated merits, he had child and passed away at an age of 74 years, which was an extension of 21 years. This is an attestation that heaven will bless us with longevity and good fortune when we perform meritorious deeds.
Hence, if you want to transform your life destiny, you need to learn:
「Create no evil and perform kind deeds.」
May you successfully transform your life destiny through accumulating merits!!
#AccumulateMerits, #LiaoFanFourLessons, #FortuneAndLongevityBestowedByHeaven


【為父母祖宗念佛】之三 ───學習改變命…


【Chant for Your Parents and Ancestors】 – Episode 3 — Learn the fundamental approach to change our destiny

Do we assume that since our births, we have to be bound by our fate? For example, some people are born in a wealthy family, with no lack of clothing and food, and are the apples of the eyes of their parents; some people are born poor without parental love, such that they have to put in hard efforts to survive, and despite that, still suffer greatly. In the face of all the helplessness and sufferings that our fates may bring, can our lives improve?

In The Buddha Speaks The Sutra About Karma, the Buddha expounded that,
” Destiny is aggregate karmic effects from the past. To believe in and practice this Sutra will bring you eternal prosperity and happiness.”
The Buddha has clearly explained that through meditative practice, it is possible to change our destiny.

If destiny can change, how do we resolve it from its root cause?
Now, let us continue to learn the fundamental approach to changing our destiny through 「Chant for Your Parents and Ancestors」.

#InGratitudeOfOurParents, #ChantForYourParentsAndAncestors, #ChantForYourParentsAndAncestorsPart3


「因為關心,所以擔心!」 . 佛對眾生的…


「I worry for you because I care! 」

Buddha’s concern for all beings is like the fragrance of flowers!
Always giving off a wonderful scent, yet, beautiful on its own!

He cares for the universe, cares for the trees, cares for you and me, cares about the heavens and the earth and all sentient beings.
The love of Buddha is as vast as the sea; as bright as the sun!

He is willing to give everything on earth as gifts to all living beings!
Wishing that the world be safe, blissful and happy!


「I worry for you because I care! 」

Buddha’s concern for all beings is like the fragrance of flowers!
Always giving off a wonderful scent, yet, beautiful on its own!

He cares for the universe, cares for the trees, cares for you and me, cares about the heavens and the earth and all sentient beings.
The love of Buddha is as vast as the sea; as bright as the sun!

He is willing to give everything on earth as gifts to all living beings!
Wishing that the world be safe, blissful and happy!


「I worry for you because I care! 」
Buddha's concern for all beings is like the fragrance of flowers!
Always giving off a wonderful scent, yet, beautiful on its own! 
He cares for the universe, cares for the trees, cares for you and me, cares about the heavens and the earth and all sentient beings. 
The love of Buddha is as vast as the sea; as bright as the sun!
He is willing to give everything on earth as gifts to all living beings!
Wishing that the world be safe, blissful and happy!
「I worry for you because I care! 」
Buddha's concern for all beings is like the fragrance of flowers!
Always giving off a wonderful scent, yet, beautiful on its own! 
He cares for the universe, cares for the trees, cares for you and me, cares about the heavens and the earth and all sentient beings. 
The love of Buddha is as vast as the sea; as bright as the sun!
He is willing to give everything on earth as gifts to all living beings!
Wishing that the world be safe, blissful and happy!




British photographer Fleck photo collection has a message: “The future of mankind will be determined by how he interacts with nature!”

British photographer Fleck’s photo collection “Endangered” shows endangered animals hoping to establish the relationship between man and nature. Everyone needs to care for the environment and protect nature.


一顆真心 佛當諦聽 . 念佛、懺悔與感恩…

一顆真心 佛當諦聽

The Buddha listens to a sincere heart

Chanting, repenting and practicing gratitude can help you accumulate benign energy and resolve all negativity and darkness. If you can’t continue on your own, chant to the compassionate Buddha with a sincere heart. The Buddha will direct an luminous path for everyone.

A true story shared by our fellow practitioner from Malaysia.
This story is shared by Ningju from Malaysia.

I had migraine for over 30 years. It hurt once a week and lasted for 3 to 4 days each time. Seven years ago, I fell and hurt my spine, so it was hard for me to sit, squat and do household chores.

In 2016, I began to learn Energy Bagua and these problems have been reduced. My migraine happened less often and my spine problem was improved. Now I can even do household chores.

In 2018, I registered in the Chanting class. I felt the retreat was trying and wanted to give up. However, what Master said came to me: “Chant sincerely, compress the causality from our previous lives and eradicate the negative karma rapidly.” Therefore, the next day, I persisted in going to the retreat.

The topic of the second day in the Chanting class was to chant for the parents.

During the chanting session, memories emerged in my mind from the moment I was born to my childhood, teenage days and adulthood. I regretted for many wrong behaviors that I did to my parents when young. These memories made me guilty. I felt guilty that I only supported my parents’ basic needs but failed to care and treat them with a genuine heart.

My tears kept flowing when I chant. Sweat drenched my clothes. After the chanting session, I felt a sudden easing of my head and the pain in my waist was gone.

This Chanting class awakened me so much. I thought it was time to ditch the troubles, attachments and worries for my family.

During this Chanting class, I learnt that gratitude cultivates a compassionate heart.

After the retreat, I set a new goal for myself – to do my best to help others. I appreciate that Master gave me a chance to lead a new life. Now I can see my future is getting better.

*Effects of meditation varies among individuals.*

#MeditationJournal, #Chant, #Repentance, #Gratitude, #CompassionateHeart, #Migrainernrn一顆真心 佛當諦聽

The Buddha listens to a sincere heart

Chanting, repenting and practicing gratitude can help you accumulate benign energy and resolve all negativity and darkness. If you can’t continue on your own, chant to the compassionate Buddha with a sincere heart. The Buddha will direct an luminous path for everyone.

A true story shared by our fellow practitioner from Malaysia.
This story is shared by Ningju from Malaysia.

I had migraine for over 30 years. It hurt once a week and lasted for 3 to 4 days each time. Seven years ago, I fell and hurt my spine, so it was hard for me to sit, squat and do household chores.

In 2016, I began to learn Energy Bagua and these problems have been reduced. My migraine happened less often and my spine problem was improved. Now I can even do household chores.

In 2018, I registered in the Chanting class. I felt the retreat was trying and wanted to give up. However, what Master said came to me: “Chant sincerely, compress the causality from our previous lives and eradicate the negative karma rapidly.” Therefore, the next day, I persisted in going to the retreat.

The topic of the second day in the Chanting class was to chant for the parents.

During the chanting session, memories emerged in my mind from the moment I was born to my childhood, teenage days and adulthood. I regretted for many wrong behaviors that I did to my parents when young. These memories made me guilty. I felt guilty that I only supported my parents’ basic needs but failed to care and treat them with a genuine heart.

My tears kept flowing when I chant. Sweat drenched my clothes. After the chanting session, I felt a sudden easing of my head and the pain in my waist was gone.

This Chanting class awakened me so much. I thought it was time to ditch the troubles, attachments and worries for my family.

During this Chanting class, I learnt that gratitude cultivates a compassionate heart.

After the retreat, I set a new goal for myself – to do my best to help others. I appreciate that Master gave me a chance to lead a new life. Now I can see my future is getting better.

*Effects of meditation varies among individuals.*

#MeditationJournal, #Chant, #Repentance, #Gratitude, #CompassionateHeart, #Migraine


【為父母祖宗念佛】之二 ───為最愛的家…


【Chant for Your Parents and Ancestors】 – Episode 2
— Chant for our loved ones!

In everyone’s heart, there is surely some heartwarming memories with our fathers and mothers.

If we would recall, during our growing-up, no matter how difficult life was – during the many bumps and setbacks that we encountered – our parents have always supported us silently by our sides, never leaving us alone or behind. Those moments that once touched us deeply, and the gratitude that is etched in our hearts; we would not be able to repay our parents.

On this special day, let us chant for our loved ones, particularly our fathers, mothers and our ancestors, to usher the most auspicious blessings and illumination for their life paths!

It is only when our ancestors, fathers and mothers are auspicious and blissful, can we be blessed with smooth and joyful life paths!

Every sincere chant of repentance receives the extraordinary blessings of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. May everyone be blessed with dedicated practices, good fortune and happiness!!
#Chanting, #Repent #ChantForYourParentsAndAncestors


.早安,多念佛,口中生蓮花! . . #…


Good Morning, chant more and your speech will be as pure as lotus!

#ChantMore, #SpeechAsPureAsLotus, #BringAuspiciousBrilliancernrn.早安,多念佛,口中生蓮花!

Good Morning, chant more and your speech will be as pure as lotus!

#ChantMore, #SpeechAsPureAsLotus, #BringAuspiciousBrilliance

Good Morning,  chant more and your speech will be as pure as lotus!
#ChantMore, #SpeechAsPureAsLotus, #BringAuspiciousBrilliancernrn.早安,多念佛,口中生蓮花!
Good Morning,  chant more and your speech will be as pure as lotus!
#ChantMore, #SpeechAsPureAsLotus, #BringAuspiciousBrilliance
