
新春之際,送给你亲人朋友一份吉祥的祝福,在新的一年吉祥顺利! 歡迎大家填寫你和你的親人的名字與願望,我會將此名單供在佛前,願佛菩薩護佑加持所有祈請者,身體健康,平安吉祥,所願皆得!


🔗 立即報名:www.bit.ly/guangming88
[2024 Chinese New Year] Prayer List Registration
As the Chinese New Year approaches, gift your family and friends auspicious blessings for good fortune and auspiciousness in the new year. Everyone is welcome to fill out the names and wishes of you and your loved ones. I will offer this list before the Buddha, praying that the Buddha & Bodhisattvas will protect and bless all of you with good health, peace, and auspiciousness. May all your wishes come true!

For this event, we are only accepting prayer requests of the living.

🔗 Register Now:www.bit.ly/guangming88

新春之際,送给你亲人朋友一份吉祥的祝福,在新的一年吉祥顺利! 歡迎大家填寫你和你的親人的名字與願望,我會將此名單供在佛前,願佛菩薩護佑加持所有祈請者,身體健康,平安吉祥,所願皆得!


🔗 立即報名:www.bit.ly/guangming88
[2024 Chinese New Year] Prayer List Registration
As the Chinese New Year approaches, gift your family and friends auspicious blessings for good fortune and auspiciousness in the new year. Everyone is welcome to fill out the names and wishes of you and your loved ones. I will offer this list before the Buddha, praying that the Buddha & Bodhisattvas will protect and bless all of you with good health, peace, and auspiciousness. May all your wishes come true!

For this event, we are only accepting prayer requests of the living.

🔗 Register Now:www.bit.ly/guangming88


在〈【2024春節】佛前祈福報名表〉中有 12 則留言

  1. 师父好..㊗️师父法体安康,新年快乐..感恩师父的加持, 菩萨的佛光普照 🍊🍊

  2. 師父龍年大吉!頂禮叩拜感恩師父慈悲大愛!祝願人人龍年行好運!富貴安康!吉祥如意 !🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙏🤗🤗🍎🍎🍎

  3. 新的龙年祝家人身体健健康康、工作顺顺利利、心想事成.出入贵人多多相助、龙🐲行好运吉祥.感恩师父💕💕💕💕💕
