I hope that all will join me in this week’s online chanting class to chant sincerely for the victims of the Turkey-Syria earthquake. May we dedicate our merits from chanting to all affected families and the deceased. We sincerely pray for Buddha’s protection, and for this disaster to end soon.
祈请佛菩萨护佑伤者早曰康复,已往生的人得佛菩萨接引 往生极乐🙏🙏🙏
Así sea, 🙏 Amén .
OM MANI PADME HUM – Chant in Trillions of Times to protect n blessed all those mankind affected by the Esrthquake in Turkey & Syria. Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu
Dios es grande, recibirán su ayuda y la de todos.