【UPCOMING】Explore the Realm of Buddha (Part 5)
溫哥華2021年3月6日,晚上6:00 開始。
臺北2021年3月7日,早上10:00 開始。
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在〈【最新直播】佛境探索(之5) 【UPCOMING】Explo〉中有 37 則留言
Good morning master JinBodhi
May BUDDHA’s blessings blesses master JinBodhi
Good morning/evening Sifu and everyone. Thank you Sifu for Explore the Realm of Buddha Part 5. Grateful for Sifu’s compassion, love and care. Wish Sifu and everyone a blessed and joyous day.
Good Morning ShiFu ,Thank you for sharing ???
Good morning ShiFu. Wishing ShiFu Good Health and Happiness always.
May the dharma class today benefit all sentient beings, bringing loving kindness and compassion to all areas of our lives. Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu Om ?
Thanks you so much shifu for for your teaching shifu thank you for your blessings too god bless you I love you too Shifu
Gd morning my dear Shifu
salonga guaio poh for the mapah history of sakrament write poh
Thank you Shifu for the teachings of the most important thing in life too god bless you been love u Shifu
I’m so touched by this boy’s sincerity
??????Amituofo Shifu⚘⚘⚘
Good Morning Sifu and Everyone – Wishing Everyone a Amazing Beautiful Sunday. ????❤️????
I missed my beloved mother
Paid with a glass of milk – Dr. Howard Kelly . Wonderful and touching !
Shifu I like your drawing very beautiful and blessing thank you Shifu
《福慧双修》lucky draw timing thAnks master
Yes Master please continue to teach us thank you
Shifu I want your giftthank you for your love
Good luck everyone!
Sweet Scent of Peach Blossoms !?
Gratitude master ?????????
Thank you for the wonderful story
Your stories are wonderful, Grandmaster JinBodhi! ??
80 years I love Bagua Thanks Master ????
Thank you Grandmaster for guidance and teaching ❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣❣
Thank you for your sharing
congratulations to everyone
Congratulations for all winners 🙂
Congratulations ?
Congratulations to all the Lucky Winners ??
Gratitude to Master❤️???
Gan Ern Sifu for your Teachings & Guidance ??❤
Congrats to all winner??????????
Congrats to all winners
Good Morning Grand Master Jin Bhudhi.