【最新直播】我憑啥努力 【UPCOMING】Why shou

【UPCOMING】Why should I work hard?


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在〈【最新直播】我憑啥努力 【UPCOMING】Why shou〉中有 44 則留言

  1. Good morning/evening Sifu and everyone. Happy to be here to learn and listen to Sifu’s teachings on Why should I work hard? Thank you Sifu for thy compassionate sharing and wisdom. Wish Sifu and everyone a blessed and joyous day.

  2. 師父早安,今早這邊天陰陰啊,食完早點準備出去幫忙啊,感恩師父慈悲開示,合十感恩。

  3. 人生一定要努力,不管是生活还是修行,努力不是执著,,努力不一定成功心想事成,但不努力一定一事无成。

  4. 祈请佛菩萨师父加持护佑:父母亲身心光明!健康长寿!牙齿坚固!血糖平稳!智慧大开!得贵人相助。感恩佛菩萨师父???

  5. 我真庆幸的是我女儿特别怕师父,听师父的话,我女儿喜欢读书就是不喜欢数学,我现在陪着她写数学,一边学一边讲点道理给她,现在她不太那么排次学数学了。

  6. 感恩師父,慈悲心加持护佑。讀書、多方面、父母背景、家庭。上不正,下就下正了,。

  7. 祈请大慈大悲佛菩萨保佑师父加持!王启恒尽快会爬会走路会说话,窦丁健康快乐聪明伶俐,学业有成好好学习天天向上,保佑学校秋季招生顺利招收2个班!感恩师父!

  8. 師父好,沒有想過做武林高手…但是對熱愛的事情,還是很喜歡去做,不怕苦(=。

  9. 我非常感恩,修練了師父的功法後,真沒想到體能比受傷前好,感恩師父,合十感恩。

  10. SiFu please bless n guide Wong Hai Quan’s family together work hard. Love, Good Health, Kindness, Peace, Awaken Wisdom n Bliss be with them. GanEn SiFu???

  11. Jinbodhi grandmaster please blessed my father well and not suffering from his illness and pain greatly appreciated ??????

  12. 祈請師父加持弟子的95歲的老母親 健康長壽 快樂 吉祥如意 出入平安 障礙消除 叩謝恩師?‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♀️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️???????

  13. SiFu please help Jennifer Teo’s son who has lost one leg due to accident. May he has the confidence n strength to face and overcome his pain. May he has Good Health, Peace n Joy

  14. Sharing my thoughts. GanEn SiFu ???
    Best legacy for your children – Education and self example (a person with love, kindness, compassion, strength n confidence. A person with passion to learn, confident to change and courage to admit wrong and apologize )

  15. SiFu, please bless my grand nephews and nieces. May they received all the teachings you gave today. Thank you. GanEn SiFu ???

  16. 祈請佛菩薩 師父加持護佑李思潁身體健康 開心 工作畅順 智慧 好運
    加持護佑 李沚熹 身心光明智慧 勤奮 節儉 孝順 工作暢順 駕車细心 安全

  17. Thank you Sifu for thy blessings, compassionate teachings and chanting the Medicine Buddha Heart Mantra. May Sifu be blessed wholesomely. Take care and stay safe Sifu.
