【UPCOMING】Bodhi Meditation Day Livefeed
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在〈【最新直播】菩提日直播 【UPCOMING】Bodhi Me〉中有 43 則留言
Grandmaster Jinbodhi bless all sentients Beings . And May everyone happy healthy . We are from Australia Bodhi meditation
Hello my dear Shifu gd morning to you God bless you I love you too ❤️ Congrat to your success thanks for your love shifu
May everyone get the greatest benefit from today’s teaching and bless everyone happy healthy and successful
Tqvm Grand master, a very blessed day to everyone n grand master in this online session
Tq master for ur compassionate effort in sharing ur dharma gobally in which many ppl received blessings & retain good health.?????
Let’s be together . Good morning every1
Elsie n Mill
Good Morning Shifu. Happy Bodhi Meditation Day to all Bodhi practitioners.
Thank you Shifu for spreading this precious teaching to humanity for 29 years.
Happy 29th Bodhi Meditation Day ????????????…
Thank You, Master Jin Bodhi … ???
We Always Love You.. ???
Thank you Grandmaster For your blessings and guidance.Very grateful。May you be abundantly.blessed and happy always.?❤
Thank you Grandmaster for these 29 years!
I love the bi-lingual cards. Thank you Master?❤
Thank you master for your teachings 感恩您。 May you and your family enjoy good health and longevity.
May Master teaching reach every corner of this earth
Happy 29th Bodhi Meditation Day
Thank you grandmaster Jinbodhi . I am so happy to be able to get to know the teaching of grandmaster Jinbodhi
师父, please blessed my family members with good health.
Shifu, please give blessing to my brother in law for good health and happiness always.
Many benefits and blessings from Master ?
Happy 29th Anniversary Meditation Day? Wishing everyone Happy, Healthy and Harmony ?
Good Morning , Grandmaster Jinbodhi..? Hope everyone stay healthy and Happy..
I wish Australia Bodhi meditation also can be as big as Canada and hopefully Grandmaster Jinbodhi can come to visit Australia one day
3rd August Bodhi Day. Royal salute to our great Bodhi Master. Om Mane Pat Me Hum.????
All the berries are great for health ?
Grandmaster Jinbodhi May you bless my son Jayden Ghotra happy alwats
Grandmaster Jinbodhi May Darren Lik get his scholarship asap
Good health, happiness and success to tan meng hui and family. Tqvm Grand master. Gan enn???❤❤❤
Please come to Australia ?? for a visit and May Australia meditation be as popular as Canada ??
Thank you shifu for your generosity.
Congratulations to all lucky winners!?
Thank you master for your compassion and generosity. May your generosity be returned a million fold.
We are sharing the joy on this bodhi day!
Good morning, Grandmaster Jinbodhi.
Gan en, your Buddha’s teachings.
Namo Amitoufo Buddha.
Thank you grandmaster Jinbodhi for your teaching and blessings
Gan en Master for your compassion n all the dharma teachings …..???
Sifu Happy Bodhi Day, this is the most memorial day for us as your disciples worldwide. GanErn for your invaluable guidances leading us to divine blessings ?
Grandmaster Jinbodhi please bless my brother Darren Lim get scholarship and ease parents burden
Sifu, happy Bodhi day. Please bless that my 3 children have success in their career and business ventures. ???
All the lovely noodles lovingly prepared. Enjoy Sifu.
Malaysia is big country and have lots of poor people …good to help them???
Great blessing all these people haha lol?㊗️
Happy for these group of lucky people
HAHAHAHLOL Sifu these 2 SIJIE are so cute n nice … happy happy hahalol
Much gratitude to Master for all the online classes during this COVID19 period. Awaiting to meet Master again tomorrow!?❤️Wishing all brothers and sisters an auspicious Bodhi Day???????