金菩提宗師網路直播:借佛光 改命運(第七…

金菩提宗師網路直播:借佛光 改命運(第七天)
Change Fate with Buddha’s Light (Day 7)

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在〈金菩提宗師網路直播:借佛光 改命運(第七…〉中有 41 則留言

  1. Good morning Grandmaster Jinbodhi sir ji to share it with all of the videos is so good…!!NAMO BUDDHAY-JAI BHIM!!

  2. Grandmaster Jinbodhi, thank you for praying for me. Please take my body pain away, cold weather affect my body, lots of pain, thank you Grandmaster Jinbodhi,???

  3. SiFu, please bless us all with the strength, wisdom and courage to overcome the crisis caused by mother nature and Covid-19

  4. 師父早上好,吉祥如意!我病痛能得到解除,我和家人和氣平安,健康!感恩金菩薩宗師!???

  5. 祈請佛陀諸佛菩薩,尊貴的師父?慈悲加持,我的婆婆和媽媽,身體健康,隨心所欲,沒煩沒惱

  6. 尊贵的師父,您好,有一天我在做晚飯時,不小心被刀子切到了大拇指,當時就流血了還非常疼痛,通常這種情形都要至少3-5天才會好而且這段期間還不能碰水。 可是當時師父的直播已經開始了,我就很快用酒精消毒了一下,也沒有再上其他的藥包紮,就跟著師父一起念佛了。直播完,唸完佛之後,我就又繼續回去做飯了,完全忘記了受傷這件事,等吃完飯收拾碗筷洗碗時,我先生提醒我说,你有手上有傷口不能碰水,我這才意識到我的傷口已经不疼了,再仔细一看伤口已經完全收口了。念佛真是太神奇了,感恩師父???

  7. Good morning Sifu. Thank you Sifu for this 7days Chanting session. I also notice the shape of my nose look better and more fleshy. Ganen and thank you Sifu.

  8. 一分修行 万分收获。师父带领我们念佛让我们深深受益。连续7天的念佛共修,已经成为了一种习惯。每天早上我都很期待打开电脑上网看师父?

  9. Hi Shifu, I just saw another red dot at the base of my right palm after today’s chanting. I don’t know how to pose the photo, will send to you through messenger. Thank you Shifu for the blessings.

  10. Good evening Master, after 7 days of chanting, the stiffness on my left knee has disappeared. My palms also has 五岳朝天. This morning I also feel energy running through me. Thank you master for your blessings.

  11. Deeply appreciate sifu for this seven day prayer even I am not Bohdi members but really feel blessed thank you sifu ?????? I am 67 years old I find changes after the prayer ?? will continue to follow and do prayer

  12. Thank you Shifu for the financial blessings I received despite the lockdown in my country. Feel truly blessed for all the blessings and protection thàt Shifu and Buddha bestow.

  13. 수선화 진푸티종사님~~
    손에 오악이 솟았고 얼굴과 가슴과 다리
    온 몸에공덕주사 맞았습니다~~*~*~~
    시간날때 잠자기전에 계속 염불한 덕분인것 같습니다~~~*~*~♡♡♡
    가피 감사드립니다~*~*~♡♡♡
    Suseonhwa: 感恩师父~~~掌心五岳隆起,脸部,胸部,大腿部,全身都有功德朱砂了~~*~*~~

  14. Gan Ern Grand Master JinBodhi for your compassion to lead us on this chanting class. I am very blessed to have attended this session. Sifu Ji Xiang Ru Yi n wish Sifu healthy always.

  15. 以前被「神棍」破壞了(佛)的形像印像The image of (Buddhist) was destroyed by the “bad guy who pretends to be a god”

  16. Sir in whole world human life is very important issue but such kind of some country give importance to economic and power but the cannot know about

  17. After Grandmaster ask us to take photos of our hand did I take photos and realised that my palms are more pinkish, more pronounced fleshy 5 mounts and the centre of the palm looks more sunken now. Gan Ern Sifu.???

  18. Enfant Poisson 스승님 감사합니다 ???
    선산에 모셨던 부모님묘를 파묘하고 화장해서 납골당으로 모시는 날에 지장왕보살탕카를 공양하면서 모든 일이 순조로움을 느끼게 되었습니다
    형제 간의 불화도 풀리고 있습니다
    부모님이 극락왕생하신 것 같습니다 ???
    Enfant Poisson: 感恩师父???
    葬在祖坟的父母迁出,进行火葬, 供奉在骨灰馆的那天, 我供养了地藏王菩萨唐卡, 觉得所有事情进展非常顺利。

  19. Thank you very much Master for your Loving️ Kindness and Compassion and Wisdom. And your Guidance for better living and better life for Peace and Harmony ?❤️!

  20. Thank you Sifu for the sharing and blessings to us all..sincere gratitude ..may everyone in good health always. Gan Eng Sifu.
