你知道處暑時節要吃「蓋澆飯」嗎? . 處…

http://news.ifeng.com/a/20170823/51725042_0.shtmlrnrnDo you know that you should eat “Gai Jiao Rice” during the Chushu solar term?

Chushu represents the passing of the hottest day and a change of weather to cooler temperatures. Entering Chushu also means we are approaching the Autumn season. Chushu is also a cultural day for an agriculture society. On this day, people offer sacrifices to the Earth God to thank the gods for their blessings. 5 different colors of sacrificial objects will be prepared symbolizing the 5 elements. Such as- carrots, eggs , sweet peppers, fungus, lotus roots, etc. These 5 sacrificial objects will be placed on top of white rice and this gradually developed the custom of eating Gai Jiao Rice, also means large bowl of rice dishes in Chushu.

This customary habit coincides with the concept of seasonal health. During Fall, fresh fruits and vegetables rich in nutrients are regularly sold in the market and the human body requires these vitamins and nutrients during this period. The ancient sages have integrated health related wisdom into our food culture of the four seasons and enriched the Chinese food culture.

#ChuShu, #GaiJiaoRice, #SocialDay, #SolarTerm
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在〈你知道處暑時節要吃「蓋澆飯」嗎? . 處…〉中有 12 則留言

  1. 师父好..!跟着上师学会了季节养生,做菜、做饭。还学会了做人、做事。感恩!!!

  2. 感恩师父慈悲分享!原来盖浇饭是这样流传下来的。处暑也是农业社会的社日,为祭祀土地神的日子。感恩大地的赐予!明天我也准备做这五样,祭祀土地神!感恩叩谢师父!

  3. 感恩师父慈悲分享处暑养生食俗–盖浇饭!秋季,富含營養的新鮮果蔬應季上市,而人體「貼秋膘」也正需要這些維生素和微量元素,紅蘿蔔、雞蛋、甜椒、木耳、蓮藕五色彩蔬蓋在白米飯上,美味又营养,试着做一做!???

  4. 幸好“处暑”,我们能吃到盖浇饭,要不,又少了一道人生的乐趣了。只知道吃,不知道出处啊。原来还是有“来头”的。每一道食物,都赋予美好,既是感恩,更是欢喜赞叹接纳,感恩欢乐天地的给予。师父给到我们弟子的每一个分享祝福和爱,也如这美好的食物,我们也应满怀欢喜赞叹和接纳,感恩欢乐这大爱和智慧的给予!感恩师父!??????

  5. 师父好,处暑吃盖浇饭,没听说过,今天知道了,5种食材,5种颜色的盖浇饭听来都好吃,我也要做来过处暑!
