【芒種忙,心清爽】 . 芒種是夏季的第三…


Grain in Ear (“Mang Zhong” in Mandarin) — being busy with a relaxed mind
Grain in Ear is the third solar term in summer and symbolizes the start of midsummer. During this time, the sun is at 75 degrees longitude. This year, the date falls on 5th June on the Gregorian calendar.

In Mandarin, the term “Mang Zhong” sounds similar to another term that means ‘busy farming’. The “Mang” refers to the harvesting of plants with awns; the word “Zhong” refers to the planting of grains. Put together, the term “Mang Zhong” means that farmers have to quickly harvest plants with awns that mature during summer, and quickly sow the seeds for the plants that will be planted for the next cycle. This is perfectly demonstrated by the Chinese saying “During spring, we plan our work daily; During summer, we need to plan by the hour”. Harvesting the grains too late could lead to them being destroyed in a second by a sudden bout of rain, hail or tornado. Delay the planting of new seeds by a day and the plants may not reach full maturity by autumn, thus drastically reducing the harvest. The Grain in Ear solar term is the best illustration of the ancestors’ wisdom when it comes to planning ahead for changes in the weather.

The Grain in Ear period is also the time when the supply of melons, fruits and vegetables are most bountiful, with different varieties appearing on the marketplace almost simultaneously, example: cherries, peaches, strawberries and mulberries. These ‘cool-natured’’ fruits are also exactly what our bodies need during summer. People with allergies though, should stay away from peaches, watermelons and durians etc.
During this hot summer period, another important point is that we should not gulp down large quantities of cold or iced drinks after sports, when the body is giving out tremendous amount of heat. Similarly, we should not take cold showers or go into air-conditioned spaces when the body is giving out lots of heat and sweat. This will cause serious damage to our health.

I would suggest that this is a good time to do more exercises. Winter and summer are the best times to nurture the bodies through exercising and meditation, even though one is extremely cold and the other is extremely hot. During summer, the sky brightens very early in the morning. This is the best time to practice Energy Bagua. One hour of Bagua practice in the morning will maintain your state of mind in top condition for the rest of the day.

As we meditate more during summer, our mind will calm down. This helps us to control the irritation and bad temper brought about by the hot weather. In this way, we can live everyday healthily and at ease.

#GrainInEar, #Healthy, #ReduceConsumptionOfColdDrinks, #Allergies, #EnergyBaguarnrn【芒種忙,心清爽】

Grain in Ear (“Mang Zhong” in Mandarin) — being busy with a relaxed mind
Grain in Ear is the third solar term in summer and symbolizes the start of midsummer. During this time, the sun is at 75 degrees longitude. This year, the date falls on 5th June on the Gregorian calendar.

In Mandarin, the term “Mang Zhong” sounds similar to another term that means ‘busy farming’. The “Mang” refers to the harvesting of plants with awns; the word “Zhong” refers to the planting of grains. Put together, the term “Mang Zhong” means that farmers have to quickly harvest plants with awns that mature during summer, and quickly sow the seeds for the plants that will be planted for the next cycle. This is perfectly demonstrated by the Chinese saying “During spring, we plan our work daily; During summer, we need to plan by the hour”. Harvesting the grains too late could lead to them being destroyed in a second by a sudden bout of rain, hail or tornado. Delay the planting of new seeds by a day and the plants may not reach full maturity by autumn, thus drastically reducing the harvest. The Grain in Ear solar term is the best illustration of the ancestors’ wisdom when it comes to planning ahead for changes in the weather.

The Grain in Ear period is also the time when the supply of melons, fruits and vegetables are most bountiful, with different varieties appearing on the marketplace almost simultaneously, example: cherries, peaches, strawberries and mulberries. These ‘cool-natured’’ fruits are also exactly what our bodies need during summer. People with allergies though, should stay away from peaches, watermelons and durians etc.
During this hot summer period, another important point is that we should not gulp down large quantities of cold or iced drinks after sports, when the body is giving out tremendous amount of heat. Similarly, we should not take cold showers or go into air-conditioned spaces when the body is giving out lots of heat and sweat. This will cause serious damage to our health.

I would suggest that this is a good time to do more exercises. Winter and summer are the best times to nurture the bodies through exercising and meditation, even though one is extremely cold and the other is extremely hot. During summer, the sky brightens very early in the morning. This is the best time to practice Energy Bagua. One hour of Bagua practice in the morning will maintain your state of mind in top condition for the rest of the day.

As we meditate more during summer, our mind will calm down. This helps us to control the irritation and bad temper brought about by the hot weather. In this way, we can live everyday healthily and at ease.

#GrainInEar, #Healthy, #ReduceConsumptionOfColdDrinks, #Allergies, #EnergyBagua


在〈【芒種忙,心清爽】 . 芒種是夏季的第三…〉中有 25 則留言

  1. 感恩师父慈悲开示与护佑!做恩师的弟子太幸福了!恩师想将我们培养成无所不能,无所不知的全能冠军。仲夏季节多禅修,心静自然凉!弟子记住了。感恩师父!!!

  2. 感恩师父分享。“心静自然凉”,确实是这样,禅修后,觉得对冷热都不那么敏感了,天气很热,心情却不燥。身上的汗一阵阵地出,但皮肤却是凉凉的,出汗出得特别舒服的感觉,并且汗一干,就象没出过汗一样,身上还是很清爽的。

  3. 师父好!感恩师父教授我们方方面面的各种知识,加持和培养我们提高各种能力,使我们的生命更加光彩靓丽,我们记住了,听师父的话,多禪修,不懒惰,坚定自己的信念,成就愿望。感恩顶礼师父!

  4. 夏季水果很多,但有過敏症的人不要吃桃子、西瓜、榴槤等的瓜果類。.

  5. 师父好!感恩师父开示。每到一个节气师父都告诉我们如何养生,我们好幸福。在然热的夏季,好好禅修,心静自然凉。无论严寒还是酷暑,我们有师父的呵护,有殊胜的禅修。我们都能安然度过。享受一年四季大自然给我们的恩赐。感恩师父给我们带来健康快乐!!!

  6. 师父好!感恩师父给我们这么多方方面面的知识,我真是太幸运了,有您做我的师父,不知道是那辈子做了好事,我愿生生世世跟着师父,不离上师三宝!真诚叩拜恩师!

  7. 感恩上师提醒!今日送朋友去机场错过了清晨修八卦的最好时间,下午补一补。前阵子因为事多,睡眠不是很有质量,于是把您的书垫于枕下,结果发现不再有气场不稳的状况,尽管睡得时间不多,但一夜无梦。在美国时,有人莫名其妙当场买了书送我,感觉有点突兀,也没在意。甚至于有时您的视频一次次跳出来提醒我去看,认为是广告,未当回事。如今方知是要跟您学习的。

  8. 感恩師父提醒夏天的生活作息和飲食!現在每天早上,都有兩位師姐跟街坊和弟子一齊走八卦,今早的感覺非常好,柔軟.能量充滿!感恩師父!

  9. 师父好!感恩师父在每个节气都告诉我们如何养生。好幸福啊!听师父的话,冬炼三九,夏炼三伏。健康自在的过好每一天!

  10. 师父吉祥,我梦到师父啦!在梦中:我说爸妈你们没有机会去见过师父,今天师父来看你们来了,在梦里还和师父聊天了,好开心呀!愿师父法体安康,一切吉祥。

  11. 师父,您好!哈哈!现在又学识一个节令——芒種。謝謝师父給我們增長知識!感恩师父!

  12. 师父好!感恩师父分享!师父不仅传授给我们修行的秘法。还教授我们方方面面的生活知识。做您的弟子真是太有福了。顶礼叩拜师父!

  13. “芒种见麦茬”这是我国北方地区 对二十四节气中第九个节气芒种的诠释和理解,芒种节气到,就意味着有地方就开始收割小麦了。也是抢收抢种的关键时刻,人误地一时,地误人一年。感恩师父提示?

  14. 师父好,感恩师父慈悲开示和每时每刻慈悲加持和护佑我们健康成长,我们永远爱您师父,我们永远跟随师父精进修行,祝愿师父师母法体安康,弘法顺利,欢喜自在,愿望圆满,愿佛光普照,愿更多有缘人都能早日受益菩提禅修健康快乐,弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师。

  15. 感恩师父分享!禅修真的太捧了!在还没禅修前心里经常觉得很烦燥,胸口也常常疼痛应该是压力引起!以前经常依赖保健品来抗压。自从禅修后能够体会心静自然凉感觉好舒服,最近工作非常的忙碌,很多任务要做,可是我却觉得我心里非常的平静轻松自在,禅修真的是太不可思议,如果是以前我肯定经常要失眠了。感恩师父!因为有你我的生活从此改变,我快乐了!

  16. 感恩师父慈悲开示!弟子记住了,听师父的话,好好禅修。讓自己的心清淨下來消除烦燥,轻松自在健康的过好每-天。顶礼感恩佛师!

  17. 师父好,现在已经六月份了!我们这还好冷啊!这些天天天都下雨!我们还在穿着秋天的衣服!头一个星期我们还穿了两天半袖,现在感觉好像立秋了那么冷!跟同修聊天她说她们那汗的不下雨!昨天有好多同修都在念佛求雨!感恩佛师愿风调雨顺!没有干旱,愿没有雨的地方也下些雨!感恩佛师!???
