新年上头香,好运一整年!🌟 大年初一,金菩提宗师为你上头香,

新年上头香,好运一整年!🌟 大年初一,金菩提宗师为你上头香,帮你消灾开运,成就心愿!机会难得,赶紧来报名!
➡️➡️ https://www.puticollege.com/incenseexpress/0

🧧 宗师亲自书写的 限量款乙巳年 “福”字(电子档)
🪔 在任何菩提禅堂供灯,“点一盏,送一盏” 优惠(截至 2025年3月31日)
🎁 幸运抽奖机会(只限一等头香)

🌟 新年上头香,心愿必达,福运连连!为自己和家人开启平安、健康、幸福、兴旺的2025年! 🎇
First Incense Offering for a Year of Good Fortune! 🌟 Grandmaster JinBodhi will personally offer the auspicious first incense on your behalf, on the first day of the Lunar New Year! Dispel misfortunes, unlock bountiful blessings, and fulfill your greatest wishes!

Do not miss this rare opportunity! Sign up online now:
➡️➡️ https://www.puticollege.com/incenseexpress/0

Special Giveaway for Participants of the First Incense Offering! 🎉
🧧 Limited-edition “Fortune” calligraphy, handwritten by Grandmaster JinBodhi (electronic version)
🪔 “One-for-One” Light Offering at any Bodhi Meditation Center (valid until March 31, 2025)
✅ Attend a Bodhi Meditation course for FREE (Limited to First-Tier and Second-Tier Incense participants. Please watch the video for more information!)
🎁 Lucky Draw (limited to First-Tier Incense participants)

🌟 Begin the New Year with a First Incense Offering! May 2025 bring a year of peace, health, happiness, and prosperity to you and your family! 🎇


在〈新年上头香,好运一整年!🌟 大年初一,金菩提宗师为你上头香,〉中有 3 則留言

  1. 🙏🙏🙏随喜赞叹!!!感恩师父下午好吉祥如意幸福快乐安康六时吉祥南無阿彌陀佛

  2. 新年上頭香,好運一整年!大年初一,金菩提宗師親自為發心者上頭香,多麼殊勝吉祥啊!感恩佛光普照!頂禮叩拜感恩師父!🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙏🤗🤗🍎🍎🍎
