『2024龍年 12生肖運勢』提問表

『2024龍年 12生肖運勢』提問表
在2023年11月28日,我预测了2024龙年十二属相的流年运势,包括 健康、事业、感情、人缘 和整体运程。歡迎觀看視頻: https://youtu.be/4dotNlWT3u0
[2024 Year of the Dragon: 12 Zodiac Horoscope Questionaire] .
On November 28, 2023, I made predictions for the fortunes of the twelve zodiac signs in the Dragon Year of 2024, including health, career, relationships, social connections, and overall luck. Watch the video here: https://youtu.be/4dotNlWT3u0
If you have any questions regarding your fortune in the Dragon Year of 2024, and wish to seek my guidance, you are welcome to submit your queries in the online form: www.bit.ly/long2024
I will be answering some of your questions during our next livestream!

『2024龍年 12生肖運勢』提問表
在2023年11月28日,我预测了2024龙年十二属相的流年运势,包括 健康、事业、感情、人缘 和整体运程。歡迎觀看視頻: https://youtu.be/4dotNlWT3u0
[2024 Year of the Dragon: 12 Zodiac Horoscope Questionaire]
On November 28, 2023, I made predictions for the fortunes of the twelve zodiac signs in the Dragon Year of 2024, including health, career, relationships, social connections, and overall luck. Watch the video here: https://youtu.be/4dotNlWT3u0
If you have any questions regarding your fortune in the Dragon Year of 2024, and wish to seek my guidance, you are welcome to submit your queries in the online form: www.bit.ly/long2024
I will be answering some of your questions during our next livestream!


在〈『2024龍年 12生肖運勢』提問表〉中有 7 則留言

  1. 感恩师父的慈悲厚爱与护佑!感恩师父心系众生,时刻为大家的幸福快乐健康着想,事无巨细答疑解惑,让我们的人生更加美好,消灾解难平安吉祥!🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️

  2. 感恩师父慈悲关爱,看了师父直播后,在2024年属蛇的运势还是不错,谢谢师父辛苦了🙏🙏🙏
