【最新直播】健康快樂的起點 韓國健身班 第一天 上半場

【最新直播】健康快樂的起點 韓國健身班 第一天 上半場
🎉 大大的好消息 – 8天禪修課程,將有網絡直播!🤩


歡迎來體驗 韓國健身班!特別為禪修初學者開辦的課程,8天的健身班,金菩提宗師將親自授課,一部分還會直播,請隨時關注宗師的 YouTube 和 Facebook 平台!
www.youtube.com/@grandmasterjinbodhi 🌟
www.facebook.com/jinbodhiworld 🌟

⏰ 開課時間
台北時間 2023年6月11日 – 18日
上午場:9am – 12pm
下午場:130pm – 530pm
韓國時間 2023年6月11日 – 18日
上午場:10am – 1pm
下午場:230pm – 630pm
北美溫哥華時間 2023年6月10日 – 17日
上午場:6pm – 9pm
下午場:1030pm – 次日淩晨230am
[Livestream Announcement] South Korea Health & Happiness Retreat
🎉 Exciting news! 8-day meditation class will be livestreamed! 🤩
Want to attain health, happiness, wisdom, and auspiciousness?
Join the South Korea Health & Happiness Retreat! This course is specially designed for beginners in meditation. Grandmaster JinBodhi will personally teach the class, and some sessions will be livestreamed. Stay tuned to Grandmaster JinBodhi’s YouTube and Facebook!
www.youtube.com/@grandmasterjinbodhi 🌟
www.facebook.com/jinbodhiworld 🌟
⏰ Class Schedule
Taipei Time: June 11th – 18th 2023
Morning Session: 9am – 12pm
Afternoon Session: 1:30pm – 5:30pm
Korea Time: June 11th – 18th 2023
Morning Session: 10am – 1pm
Afternoon Session: 2:30pm – 6:30pm
Vancouver Time: June 10th – 17th 2023
Morning Session: 6pm – 9pm
Afternoon Session: 10:30pm – 2:30am next day (local time)

中文 YouTube 連結:

English YouTube link:


Youtube(Indonesian) :

Youtube(Thai) :


You are welcome to sponsor Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Online Classes,
Please refer to the following links for sponsorship:

※ Malaysia: For non-Muslims only


在〈【最新直播】健康快樂的起點 韓國健身班 第一天 上半場〉中有 18 則留言

  1. 病痛,烦恼,障碍,压力,越来越少


  2. Gd morning to Grandmaster and Shimu, all teachers, brothers and sisters, pls bless us all stay safe and healthy always. Gan Ern Grandmaster and all Buddha’s blessings and all teachers teaching

  3. 好殊胜,自己观想就好像站在禅堂里一样,练了一遍大光明,太棒啦,👍👍👍👍👍👍
