【最新直播】快樂圓滿念佛班─受益分享 【UPCOMING】H

【UPCOMING】Happiness and Perfection Chanting Class Testimonial Sharing



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在〈【最新直播】快樂圓滿念佛班─受益分享 【UPCOMING】H〉中有 40 則留言

  1. Sifu Good Evening Pls bless HeJian Mum & Family Good Health & Happiness. Pls bless HeJian Not To Think Too Much Everyday.GanErn.

  2. Good morning/evening Sifu and everyone. Delighted to join Sifu and everyone on the testimonial sharing from the Happiness and Perfection Chanting Class completed recently. May all be well and happy.

  3. 祈请佛师诸佛菩萨慈悲加持弟子金鹏契静心身心识光明健康平安智慧多多???先生工作顺利身心识光明健康平安???

  4. 祈请佛师诸佛菩萨慈悲加持弟子金莹开腰腿疼消除心绞痛消除心脏健康平安身心识光明???

  5. 祈请师父慈悲加持护佑张健感冒鼻炎早日恢复健康!得佛光普照业障消除疾病消失!智慧大开!开窍开悟!工作顺利事业有成!所求皆得愿恭敬感恩顶礼叩拜恩师佛菩萨!???

  6. 祈请师父慈悲加持姚贝晴小朋友,因内寒感冒引起的肺部和气管有炎症得师父加持护佑快速恢复健康!

  7. 師父請保护我弟弟的兒子How Chung,How Wei 生意兴隆旺旺旺感恩師父謝謝師父???吉祥如意和我爸爸的公司生意兴隆旺旺旺旺???

  8. 首次看SF画墨水画,感觉很不一样! It’s so therapeutic.. Especially with such nice & soft music.. Really love it!! ? 感恩SF ?

  9. Sifu pls bleesing my daughter Elaine Wong can get better increment very soon. Working smoothly and happily. Online business sale can getting better sale. Alway happy and healthy forever. Good fortune and good luck in everything she wish come true. ????

  10. Sifu pls bleesing my mother kam chan yoon finger and hand pain get well soon and sleep well. Alway happy and healthy forever. Put down all the pass hate and open heart to forgive all ppl she hate ????

  11. Sifu pls bleesing wong saik siew night sleep well and peaceful don’t scream in the sleep and sleep well. Alway happy and healthy forever ????

  12. Sifu pls bleesing myself Jennifer Wong left shoulder joint painful can get well soon and night can sleep well. My dog sasa skin problem and blind eye can get well soon. Can get strong and healthy body ????

  13. 感恩师父!听着美妙音乐,看着恩师画画,好幸福好吉祥。感恩顶礼叩拜大慈大悲师父!加持护佑!???

  14. Good evening sifu…pls blessing my mom Jennifer Wong always healthy & happy forever… Don’t want give difficulty

  15. 感恩师父佛菩萨慈悲加持护佑我儿子考一建本顺利通过了3科,还有一科差2分,儿媳妇过了2科,明年继续努力儿子再补考最后一科,儿媳妇再补考最后2科,祈愿顺利通过,平安吉祥。弟子恭敬感恩顶礼恩师!

  16. 师父好!这就是我们美丽的家园!我们回家了!好感动!弟子今生可以回家了!回到您慈父温暖的怀抱!幸福的我!慈父慈母的恩生生世世报不完!??????

  17. Admire the colourful beautiful scenic painting. Thank you Sifu for thy compassionate blessings. May Sifu be blessed wholesomely. Take care and stay safe Sifu.
