【認識生命網路念佛班】第六天 Understanding L

Understanding Life Online Chanting Class (Day 6)

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在〈【認識生命網路念佛班】第六天 Understanding L〉中有 63 則留言

  1. Good morning Sifu. Looking forward to Understanding Life Online Chanting Class Day 6 at 7.30pm. All good wishes to Sifu. Take care and stay safe Sifu.

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  3. 感恩师父在疫情期间不辞辛苦每天讲课!师父您辛苦了!祝愿师父法体安康!法轮永转!恒久住世!愿我们的菩提妙法传遍世界每个角落!让一切的众生受益!感恩师父!

  4. 師父早上好,方凝感恩菩薩护佑!感恩師父加合家心身健康!心想事成!吉祥如意!???

  5. Good morning/evening Sifu and everyone. Thank you Sifu for Day 6 Understanding Life Online Chanting Class. Happy to be here for thy Dharma teachings and chanting. Lovely to start the class with the Energy Bagua Aerobics. Wish Sifu and everyone a blissful and blessed day.

  6. 師父晚安,弟子昨晚沒睡,今早又睡不着,所以早上已落公園,練習了3次健身操正式版,和走了兩小時八卦,補回我最近因失業,無心機便躲懶了,我會繼續努力練習的!

  7. 在此代表八卦友弟子赫琚師姐、赫品師姐、及赫存師兄,她們天天有走八卦、和練大光明,比我還要勤力呀,合十感恩師父慈悲恩賜,他們也太有福氣了,感恩師父,合十感恩。

  8. Sifu pls bleesing my mother kam chan yoon alway happy and healthy. Sleep well. Hand and finger pain get well. Dun hate and think back all bad in the pass ???

  9. Sifu pls bleesing my daughter Evon Wg hand and foot sweating can get well soon. Can hear and speak clearly. ????????

  10. 師父好!感恩師父佛菩萨慈悲加持护佑,我合家身心光明!有贵人相助!事事能順心如意!健康平安!心想事成!感恩師父加持,感恩佛菩萨护佑事事都能顺利成功,

  11. 師父好,感恩慈悲心加持,让冯冢历代祖先,七世父母,白家历代祖先,七世父母,堕胎嬰灵,大女兒冯加敏众冤家債住都能到东方琉璃世界,離苦得乐。感恩佛菩萨佛光普照。

  12. 祈请师父和十方法界佛菩萨护佑加持,弟子何依玲身体毛病尽消,恢复健康,心灵光明,事业顺利,业障永消,家人都出入平安,身体安康,感恩师父和诸天佛菩萨护佑,阿弥陀佛?

  13. 祈請佛菩薩,師父加持護佑吳祺光,心臟恢復元氣,腦細胞復生,佛光能量注照吳祺光,身心光明,早日康復,身體強狀??????

  14. 祈请师父佛菩萨加持保佑6个月小凱乐手術顺利,早日康复,健康,快高长大,感恩师父,吉祥如意

  15. 師父好,感恩慈悲心加持护佑。天天念佛,让有缘众生都能消除—切不好的,改变命运,众生都有慈悲心、善心爱心感恩心。感恩佛菩萨佛光普照。

  16. 祈请师父加持护佑我和我的家人身体健康,出入平安,工作顺利,吉祥如意!感恩师父!???

  17. Good evening ShiFu..Thank you for sharing Dharma wisdom with loving kindness and compassion. May ShiFu always be happy and healthy. Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu Om ???

  18. Bless Cheah Khian Chew 身体健康长寿 消灾除业 吉祥如意 贵人相助 福禄一生 癌细胞马上消失

  19. 祈請師父 藥師佛 菩薩 加持 護佑 消除前世 今世 的 罪業 業障 業力 和一家人 和 老公 一切怨恨 早日 消除掉 惡緣 化解為善緣 。

  20. 師父晚上好吉祥,祈請師父慈悲护佑家庭成員健康平安,業障消除,智慧增長,諸事吉祥。感恩???????

  21. ???祈願佛光普照今生累世冤親債主!歷代祖先!六親眷屬!七世父母!累世嬰靈!及因無明無知有意無意被我所傷的眾生!光明吉祥!

  22. 祈願佛光普照加持關美姿身體健康,快樂美滿恩緣,工作順利,快樂平安,吉祥如意!感恩師父???

  23. 祈请佛菩萨加持护佑麦嘉倪身心识光明·工作顺利·身体健康·得贵人相助·吉祥如意·感恩佛菩萨???

  24. Thank you Sifu for today’s class. Grateful with gratitude for Sifu’s blessings and chanting Medicine Buddha Heart Mantra, compassion and loving kindness. May Sifu be blessed wholesomely. Take care and stay safe Sifu.
