現在的生活,讓你有幸福感嗎? . 人總是…


Do you feel happy with your current life?

People tend to get angry easily over different matters.
An example would be an argument between a child and his parents over a misunderstanding. Parents cannot understand why their child behave in a particular manner and the child does not know what his parents are thinking.

A more common cause of argument is the child’s use of computer and internet. Perhaps the parents worry that internet would be a bad influence on their child. However, from a child’s perspective, children in this generation rely on internet for news, information, do homework or even to learn a foreign language so as to broaden their horizons.

Have you had a similar experience and agree that the more you quarrel, the harder it is to communicate? This is due to insufficient blood being supplied to our brain. When this happens, our brain responds slower and cannot think logically. Thus, an argument ensues.

If you have had similar experience, you know that one does not feel good in the aftermath of anger. How do we resolve this? I will reveal the remedy on this Saturday’s online global group practice!

#SaturdayOnlinrGlobalGroupPractice, #PracticeLead, #TheCauseOfAnger, #Control, #LearnToBeHappy


在〈現在的生活,讓你有幸福感嗎? . 人總是…〉中有 18 則留言

  1. 师父早上好!师父吉祥如意!感恩师父慈悲开示!真诚叩拜慈悲尊贵的恩师!??????????

  2. 感恩慈悲的师父教化!为了对事物的看法而与孩子争论。周六共修一定亲自取经,听慈悲的师父教诲与开示!

  3. 蒋钰皓,21岁,今天和明天这两天考研 祈请大慈大悲金菩提上师。祈请诸佛菩萨加持她取得优异成绩,考上理想的学校,感恩上师???感恩佛菩萨???

  4. 师父,您好!謝謝師父大慈大悲常常關心我們和开示!感恩师父!祝福师父、师母合家,冬至快樂!吉祥如意!

  5. 感恩师父慈悲开示!最近被我儿子气的有点没定力了。我得好好看看,好好学习,好好禅修。顶礼师父!

  6. 感恩师父慈悲开示!是自己的问题,用慈悲智慧去分辨问题,其实那是没看透事情,发火看事情在情绪上没看完整。有时是身体问题供血不足。其实只要禅修就能解决这些所有的问题!健康智慧慈悲柔软快乐!大家敢紧来尝试吧!?叩拜

  7. 感恩佛师慈悲开示???有些事情看开了就是幸福,看不开就苦恼。弟子学习佛师教导。有些事情换位思考,解决问题。
