【大暑】清風一縷品荷香 . 7月23日,…

https://www.cndzys.com/jijie/jieqi/15.htmlrnrn【Major Heat】 Savor the lotus fragrance in the breeze

July 23rd marks the start of 「Major Heat」 solar term, the hottest time of the year. This is also the time that the yang energy in the human body is the strongest. In traditional Chinese medical theory, it is believed that the summer is the best time to treat “winter illnesses” – illnesses that people are especially susceptible to during winter – such as asthma, chronic bronchitis and rheumatism. These are slow-acting illnesses that are symptoms of yang energy deficiency. So do not miss this opportunity to start taking care of your body during this period. Drizzles are also common during this period of time, hence you should avoid sitting on anything that is made of wood when you are outdoor resting so that the dampness from the wood will not enter your body.

Air conditioning is an effective way to overcome the heat of the season, but it brings certain risks as well. It is important to ensure that the temperature differential between the indoors and outdoors be controlled within 6-8 degrees Celsius, so as not to fall ill. The Chinese actually have a good tool that is an effective alternative to air-conditioning which has been in existence for more than two thousand years. I am referring to the fan. Not the electric version, but the hand-held fan that is operated by hand. Waving a fan helps to improve hand coordination and also exercises the fingers, wrists, joints and muscles. It is especially effective at improving the blood circulation in the brain and preventing the onset of “frozen shoulders”. What’s more, the fan’s small size makes it very portable. Imagine yourself sitting in a garden, waving a pretty little fan leisurely to dispel the summer heat as you chat with your friends around a pot of tea – isn’t it a scene of refinement and cultivation?

Li ShiZhen once said that porridge is a type of food that is very beneficial to health. During this hot season, we can nourish our bodies using porridge that has been cooked with ingredients specially chosen for their heat dispelling, spleen enhancing and stomach nurturing properties. Let me share with you the recipe of such a porridge right here – a porridge called “lotus leaf porridge”.

Method of preparation: Prepare a sheet of fresh lotus leaf. Wash the leaf and cut it into small pieces. Place them into a pot of water and boil it for about five minutes. After that, sieve out the leaf pieces and set them aside. Add rice, lotus seeds and other ingredients (according to your own taste) into the pot of water and let it simmer it for about 30 minutes. The porridge is ready when the ingredients have turned soft and mushy.

#MajorHeat, #LotusLeafPorridge, #DispellingHeat
Reference websites:

https://www.cndzys.com/jijie/jieqi/15.htmlrnrn【Major Heat】 Savor the lotus fragrance in the breeze
July 23rd marks the start of 「Major Heat」 solar term, the hottest time of the year. This is also the time that the yang energy in the human body is the strongest. In traditional Chinese medical theory, it is believed that the summer is the best time to treat “winter illnesses” – illnesses that people are especially susceptible to during winter – such as asthma, chronic bronchitis and rheumatism. These are slow-acting illnesses that are symptoms of yang energy deficiency. So do not miss this opportunity to start taking care of your body during this period.  Drizzles are also common during this period of time, hence you should avoid sitting on anything that is made of wood when you are outdoor resting so that the dampness from the wood will not enter your body.  
Air conditioning is an effective way to overcome the heat of the season, but it brings certain risks as well. It is important to ensure that the temperature differential between the indoors and outdoors be controlled within 6-8 degrees Celsius, so as not to fall ill. The Chinese actually have a good tool that is an effective alternative to air-conditioning which has been in existence for more than two thousand years. I am referring to the fan. Not the electric version, but the hand-held fan that is operated by hand. Waving a fan helps to improve hand coordination and also exercises the fingers, wrists, joints and muscles. It is especially effective at improving the blood circulation in the brain and preventing the onset of “frozen shoulders”. What’s more, the fan’s small size makes it very portable. Imagine yourself sitting in a garden, waving a pretty little fan leisurely to dispel the summer heat as you chat with your friends around a pot of tea – isn’t it a scene of refinement and cultivation? 
Li ShiZhen once said that porridge is a type of food that is very beneficial to health. During this hot season, we can nourish our bodies using porridge that has been cooked with ingredients specially chosen for their heat dispelling, spleen enhancing and stomach nurturing properties. Let me share with you the recipe of such a porridge right here – a porridge called “lotus leaf porridge”.
Method of preparation: Prepare a sheet of fresh lotus leaf. Wash the leaf and cut it into small pieces. Place them into a pot of water and boil it for about five minutes. After that, sieve out the leaf pieces and set them aside. Add rice, lotus seeds and other ingredients (according to your own taste) into the pot of water and let it simmer it for about 30 minutes. The porridge is ready when the ingredients have turned soft and mushy. 
#MajorHeat,  #LotusLeafPorridge,  #DispellingHeat
Reference websites:


在〈【大暑】清風一縷品荷香 . 7月23日,…〉中有 19 則留言

  1. 大暑品荷香,随手带扇子,原来扇扇子也是一种健身的好方法啊,感恩师父分享???

  2. 感恩师父分享!大暑是一年中最热的一天,今天正午出门了,感觉还好啊,没有象过去曾经觉得最热的时候那么热。冬病夏治,现在正是好时候,孩子小时候给他贴过治气管炎的中药贴,还是很有效的。扇子好多年都没有再用过,现在即使热得满身是汗也没想起来用扇子了。荷叶粥肯定很清香的,有机会做做。炎炎夏日,祝师父师母清凉、顺意!

  3. 没想到今天是大暑,今天在公园和一只翅膀受伤的小喜鹊玩了好久,大家都喂他,他一点也不怕人,跳到妈妈身边向她讨吃的,还从塑料杯里喝水,我还趁机摸摸他。还有花俏鸭和黑水鸡也到公园定居,黑水?竟然可以在荷叶上行走,想不到吧!

  4. 感恩师父对弟子们的亲切关怀,师父一定注意保重身体???大暑到来,一年最热之日,我们都注意防暑,看到莲花就欢喜,我们走八卦的公园就有一个非常大的莲花池,六月份荷花就开放了,颜色有粉红色、白色,还有睡莲,中间还有芦苇看起来赏心悦目,走八卦心情特别好???

  5. 感恩佛师开示大暑养生常识,原来扇子是健身小法器?万物为我们所用?第一次听讲的河叶粥?

  6. 感恩师父慈悲分享!23日进入了一年中最热的「大暑」节气。可以【冬病夏治」户外休息的時候,尽量不要坐在木头上,防止散发出的湿气入侵人体。大暑前后天气特別炎热,选择一些补气消暑、健脾养胃的食材熬粥「荷叶粥」,看上去非常棒,这几天一定做来吃。感恩师父讲解这么多,弟子谨记。祝师父夏日清凉,吉祥如意!

  7. 师父,您好!谢谢师父上传分享让我又认识一个节令—大暑。同時現在也明白扇子的好处,將來放把小小的紙扇在手袋里,上下班坐在車扇动都很好啊!边看師父的Facebook,边搖动扇子,一舉兩得,真是妙哉妙哉!关于荷叶粥,就无法自制了,因為找不到新鮮的荷葉。謝謝師父常常關心我們!感恩师父!

  8. 感恩师父慈悲分享【大暑】清風一縷品荷香!大暑前後天氣特別炎熱,在此時節可以用粥來滋補身體,選擇一些補氣消暑、健脾養胃的食材熬粥,可以幫大家安度炎夏。「荷葉粥」是我非常喜欢的一个品种!另外少吹空调,多使用传统的扇子纳凉!感恩顶礼师父!

  9. 感恩师父慈悲分享【大暑】清風一縷品荷香!大暑前後天氣特別炎熱,在此時節可以用粥來滋補身體,選擇一些補氣消暑、健脾養胃的食材熬粥,可以幫大家安度炎夏。「荷葉粥」是我非常喜欢的一个品种!另外少吹空调,多使用传统的扇子纳凉!感恩顶礼师父!

  10. 感恩师父慈悲分享!以前工作的时候放假都会去吃荷叶炒饭。就是干的荷叶铺在一个小竹框里,里面盛饭。挺好吃的。有时间试试师父教的荷叶粥。一定很美味!

  11. 师父感恩您的加持!忙了一天居然还有力气!没感觉太累!还很精神!以前我去这样的地方我都好难受!一点精神都没有,可今天没有,听到音乐我会不由自主的想到师父在大屏幕上!感觉特别好!感恩您师父!❤???

  12. 感恩师父慈悲分享!感恩师父慈悲关心!荷叶粥的确有荷的清香,又能除湿气!恭祝师父师母清凉一夏!万事吉祥!???

  13. 感恩师父的关爱与呵护!收到!感觉好幸福啊,也祝愿一切有缘都能度过一个健康快乐、幸福平安的夏季!

  14. 啊~好清爽的荷葉粥,真的,熱到就只想喝粥,我已經煮過2次八寶粥了,超滿足的。

  15. 感恩师父分享!中國有一個流傳了兩千多年的消暑工具——扇子。補氣消暑、健脾養胃的食材熬粥,可以幫大家安度炎夏「荷葉粥」。收到;感恩师父!祝愿师父师母夏日清凉,快乐自在,吉祥如意!
