

1. 臺北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡 時間:2017年8月5日,上午9:00開始
How do you handle your rebellious teenage children? (5 Aug, 2017)

Parents with teenage children worry and suffer from headaches. They feel that their children undergo a dramatic transformation, no longer obey their parents and become more temperamental as they enter a rebellious stage. Many teenagers think they know best and do things their way. However, a lot of times what they do are inappropriate and parents find it hard to control them and this becomes a delicate problem for parents to handle.

How do parents handle and guide rebellious teenagers?
From my experience and finding, children with better behavior tend to have more accommodating parents who let them try new things when opportunity arises.

Say a child places a piece of lemon in his mouth. Some parents will immediately say, “Don’t eat it!” and immediately prevent the child for doing that. Another group of parents will instead say, “You can chew and try the taste!”. As long as there is no danger, let your child try so that he can learn for his own experiences.

Educating a child is like cooking. When there is a need to exert control, parents have to intervene. However, to what degree should parents intervene so that there is a balance? Let us discuss during this Saturday’s group practice session on “Discover children”. We welcome everyone to leave your questions and comments here.

May all children grow up healthy and happy!

Online Global Group Practice Schedules:
1. Taipei/ Beijing/ Malaysia/ Singapore: Aug 5, 2017, at 9:00hrs
2. Korea: Aug 5, 2017, at 10:00hrs
3. North America (Eastern Zone): Aug 4, 2017 at 21:00hrs 
4. North America (Pacific Zone): Aug 4, 2017 at 18:00hrs 
5. Melbourne (Australia): Aug 5, 2017, at 11:00hrs
6. Jakarta (Indonesia): Aug 5, 2017, at 8:00hrs
7. Romania: Aug 5, 2017, at 4:00hrs
8. London (United Kingdom): Aug 5, 2017, at 2:00hrs
9. Sydney (Australia): Aug 5, 2017, at 11:00hrs
10. Yangon (Myanmar): Aug 5, 2017, at 07:30hrs

(Group practice generally starts at 9.00 a.m. in all Bodhi Meditation Centers. It is advisable to call your local center for confirmation.)

#OnlineGroupGlobalPracticeNotice, #DiscoverChildren, #MasterJinBodhiTeachings, #RebelliousStagernrn孩子叛逆期,怎麼辦?(2017年8月5日)


1. 臺北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡 時間:2017年8月5日,上午9:00開始
How do you handle your rebellious teenage children? (5 Aug, 2017)

Parents with teenage children worry and suffer from headaches. They feel that their children undergo a dramatic transformation, no longer obey their parents and become more temperamental as they enter a rebellious stage. Many teenagers think they know best and do things their way. However, a lot of times what they do are inappropriate and parents find it hard to control them and this becomes a delicate problem for parents to handle.

How do parents handle and guide rebellious teenagers?
From my experience and finding, children with better behavior tend to have more accommodating parents who let them try new things when opportunity arises.

Say a child places a piece of lemon in his mouth. Some parents will immediately say, “Don’t eat it!” and immediately prevent the child for doing that. Another group of parents will instead say, “You can chew and try the taste!”. As long as there is no danger, let your child try so that he can learn for his own experiences.

Educating a child is like cooking. When there is a need to exert control, parents have to intervene. However, to what degree should parents intervene so that there is a balance? Let us discuss during this Saturday’s group practice session on “Discover children”. We welcome everyone to leave your questions and comments here.

May all children grow up healthy and happy!

Online Global Group Practice Schedules:
1. Taipei/ Beijing/ Malaysia/ Singapore: Aug 5, 2017, at 9:00hrs
2. Korea: Aug 5, 2017, at 10:00hrs
3. North America (Eastern Zone): Aug 4, 2017 at 21:00hrs 
4. North America (Pacific Zone): Aug 4, 2017 at 18:00hrs 
5. Melbourne (Australia): Aug 5, 2017, at 11:00hrs
6. Jakarta (Indonesia): Aug 5, 2017, at 8:00hrs
7. Romania: Aug 5, 2017, at 4:00hrs
8. London (United Kingdom): Aug 5, 2017, at 2:00hrs
9. Sydney (Australia): Aug 5, 2017, at 11:00hrs
10. Yangon (Myanmar): Aug 5, 2017, at 07:30hrs

(Group practice generally starts at 9.00 a.m. in all Bodhi Meditation Centers. It is advisable to call your local center for confirmation.)

#OnlineGroupGlobalPracticeNotice, #DiscoverChildren, #MasterJinBodhiTeachings, #RebelliousStage


在〈孩子叛逆期,怎麼辦?(2017年8月5日…〉中有 26 則留言

  1. 如何应对叛逆期的孩子,真的成为目前大部分家长的头等的困惑,感觉无从下手,期待师父的开示,为我们答疑解惑,不再为此烦恼。

  2. 太期待了。我的孩子现在就是这个年龄段。常常觉得自己在孩子面前的教育捉襟见肘般的穷困,常常感觉自己的无能,想管又不敢管,不管又放心不下。感恩师父这么及时的开示!希望自己能好好学习,把师父的方法学好运用好,能把孩子教育引导好。

  3. 感恩师父时时为弟子们排忧解难,刚刚有位妈妈为自己孩子发愁气恼,因为16岁的孩子要求当保姆的妈妈为他买1500-2000元的手机,目的为了打游戏快。明天一起来听师父开示,愿能为她去掉忧愁?

  4. 早晨!您好。是呀!现在的小孩子很聪明。我的小儿子是牛魔王。属牛!所以我叫佢做小蛮牛。牛型的性格好性好強顶嘴!他心地很善良。头上有4個圆卷!我有時對住他头痛。懂事了會想到父母親的好!大儿子很乖很善良属猪。阿弥陀佛!感恩。

  5. 太好了!孩子是父母的心头肉,既希望他将来有出息,又难免溺爱,对青春期到来的孩子更是束手无措,有时除了粗暴的管教,就不知该如何是好了。。。感恩师父给我们指点!祝福天下的父母、孩子们!???

  6. 如何应对叛逆期的孩子,真的成为目前大部分家长的头等的困惑,感觉无从下手,期待师父的开示,为我们答疑解惑,不再为此烦恼。

  7. 感恩师父!师父您辛苦了!明天又能和师父相聚了????8月5号也是师父踢给我们的小外孙早产2个月出生的日子,明天已满3周岁前3个月就顺利的去幼儿园学习了,我们全家在这里顶礼叩拜感恩师父的护佑培育!!!

  8. 现在的孩子接触网络,游戏……太多,有些东西玩的比咱们还精。还时不时闹个笑话,因网络语言让我们尴尬???与她们(他们)沟通真是要智慧。伤脑筋的大问题???期待佛师开示教导???

  9. 师父好,特别期待着您的开示!现在感觉自己仿佛提前进入“更年期”,孩子提前进入“叛逆期”,我昨晚静下心,看着孩子静静的睡颜,不知道自己怎么了,为什么对他那么多的不耐烦,总是有太多“爱的理由”来限制他,而他也“不领情”,学会了“找理由”!我知道应该是自己的教育问题,我自己也是个屡教也没改好的妈妈!…“发现孩子”特别期待师父的开示!

  10. 感恩师父!师父给到弟子的好,是方方面面的。自己受益了,身心健康了,但对孩子的叛迎和对父母的幽怨,真是“老鼠拉龟”,无从下手。如果不是菩提禅修,按照以前的做法,肯定是闹翻天,气不打一处来。现在,在师父的循循诱导下,对孩子的态度和方法方式也改了,哎,孩子也改变了,在朝好的方向和路上走了。没有师父的教导,就没有今天,很感慨感恩!师父引领我们得美好的一切,感恩期待师父的慈悲开示!叩拜师父!

  11. 感恩师父,孩子是家里的宝,可是有很多的宝都是给我们自己弄坏的,这些年以来,没有时间照顾孩子。好在一路有师父的加持护佑,孩子得以身心灵健康成长,顶礼最尊贵的上师
