《什麼是犯太歲? 》
Must read 【2018, the year of dog】
Pointers to note for people who are born in the year of the five animal signs that conflict with Tai Sui
A person’s life can be broadly categorized into 「smooth」 or 「adverse」 and conflict with Tai Sui can be considered as one of life’s adversity. Many people feel they encounter more obstacles and misfortunes during the year their animal sign conflicts with Tai Sui. However very few people are aware of the possibility that 「one may also experience an extraordinary smooth life even when the forthcoming year conflicts with one’s year of birth according to 12 Terrestial branches」. What does it mean when there is a conflict with Tai Sui? How can we overcome life’s obstacles and hurdles to enjoy a smooth life? I would like to offer some suggestions!!
What do we mean by conflict with Tai Sui?
In 2018, the year of the dog, there are five animal signs that conflict with Tai Sui, namely: Dog, Dragon, Ox, Rooster and Goat.
In ancient China, Tai Sui is referred to as the year of Jupiter cycle, where the Earth completes one round around the Celestial sphere. Each round takes 12 years to complete. Tai Sui is also known as [Taisei Sei-kun], which has the meaning of stars and is also known as an enshrined deity that is worshipped by ancient Han folks. When one’s animal sign correspond to that of the year, Han folks refer to this as conflict with Tai Sui. However conflict with Tai Sui is just a small aspect of life; our life destiny is not entirely dependent on this.
[There are three important points to note for people whose animal sign conflict with Tai Sui]
1.Offering light and worship to Buddha during the beginning of the year is the secret to a smooth year ahead.
Light is symbolic of brightness and wisdom and can clear all darkness and troubles. We can gain connection with Buddha faster, receive blessings, auspiciousness and brightness from Buddha when we sincerely chant, venerate and prostrate before Buddha during the Chinese New Year period (a time where celestial deities descend on the mortal world to conduct their rounds of inspection).
2. Perform more charitable and kind deeds to accumulate good merits so as to become an auspicious and bright person!
People in conflict with Tai Sui are to refrain from gossip and watch their mouth. Apart from avoiding dark and dangerous areas, these people have to perform more charitable acts to accumulate good karmic merits and this will attract good fortune and life destiny. Protector deities will also come forward to help when we are kind and charitable. When this happens, we will become an auspicious and bright person. We do not need to worry about the adversities in the upcoming year, even if the year clashes with our year of birth.
3. Wear accessories and other treasures blessed by great enlightened cultivators: surround ourselves with auspicious energy!
Blessed items have the power to negate negative magnetic field, for instance, overcome accidental calamities, loss of wealth, career or marital problems or other obstacles that come from the conflict with Tai Sui, so that we can get through the year peacefully and smoothly.
To conclude, if we want to be lucky, safe, gain benefactors’ help and transform obstacles to auspicious, we must first of all accumulate merits. As the saying goes: “If we want to make a fortune, we must accumulate resources first”. When we have sufficient merits in our life, this will help us at times of difficulty and we will not have to worry about exhausting life’s paths.
The above are some of the things to take note for people who conflict with Tai Sui. Please note the three points are indispensable and go hand in hand together, hence it is imperative that we complete them with a sincere heart.
Last but not least, may all enjoy an auspicious 2018.
I wish all a smooth year ahead and may all your dreams come true!!
#FiveAnimalSignsThatConflictWithTaiSui, #PointersToNote, #Conflict, #AuspiciousAndSafe, #AlwaysBeWellIlluminated
弟子金修闊收到和感恩師父的新年祝福,2018年吉祥平安,順順利利,心想事成 !
师父好 ! 感恩师父慈悲开示呵护我们 !弟子收到了!恭敬顶礼叩拜感恩师父??????
May Master and family be auspicious, happy, healthy and may all your wishes come true too!
师父好!感恩师父!??? 收到!愿所有亲人2018吉祥平安,顺顺利利,心想事成!!!???
感恩佛陀师父 时刻 挂念着我们 我是很相信的 今年开始 就不顺利 先是母亲 31号 下午住院 到一月八日 出院 小弟 原来是 单位 的老总 由于 不努力经营 属鸡 上周 被总公司 调离了 对我们家 真的是一种耻辱 我和 老公 属狗 就在大约 十天左右 他 被人骗去 一万二千八百元 说是保健 热垫 三妹属牛 儿子被查出 肝硬化 轻度 这几天 左边颧骨 老跳 也不知什么事 很灵的师父 一前 我左边颧骨跳 不出几天 总有大事 发生 前几天跳我想 没什么事吧 没出三天 弟妹 打电话 说 你弟 被公司调离了 劝它们修菩提法门 没一个相信的 说实话 从九八年 跟着佛陀师父 修行以来 也算 有点定力吧 没办法 改变不了别人 只能好好的改变自己 也可能 全家 就我有福气 现在 越想 越感恩佛陀师父 越觉的自己 不是一般的有福气 弟妹 属大龙 出去整容 而是 轻度 毁容了 有时想起女儿的话 说 妈妈 生活是无奈的 真的是无奈的 要是 一家人 都修 佛陀师父的 法门 该有多好 一定记住 佛陀师父的话 感恩佛陀师父 您的金口玉言 一定会使我们 家 遇难成祥??????????????????????
愿一切 犯太岁的 亲们 遇难成祥 吉祥如意