世界上沒有不可能,只有願不願意去嘗試! …

他(富通),從小有習慣性脖子痙攣_俗稱肌筋膜疼痛症候群 myofascial pain syndrome,下方備註已解說。)根據台灣健保局資料統計,關節肌肉軟組織疼痛門診的就診人數,肩頸部酸痛的盛行率,為所有科別門診數的55%,而且這個比率隨著現代人工作,及生活型態越來越緊張,正在逐漸升高。
(備註: 肌筋膜疼痛症候群_myofascial pain syndrome,是人體骨骼肌肉因不當使用而出現症狀的總稱。這個毛病不是肌肉本身的發炎反應,而是附近組織的病變,使肌肉長期處於緊張狀態下,引起肌肉疼痛的現象。)
Nothing is impossible in this world, as long as you are willing to give it a try!
Futong has myofascial pain syndrome1 since young. According to Taiwan National Health Insurance Bureau statistics, the prevalence rate for shoulder neck pain outpatient visits constitutes 55% of all other divisions’ outpatient numbers for muscle, joint and soft tissue clinic. This percentage is gradually increasing as the work and lifestyle of modern man becoming more hectic.
Myofascial pain syndrome can be said to be a modern civilization common disease. Actually, this type of illness can be eased by a simple and speedy method. So, what is this method? Let us hear from Futong of North America, have him tell us his meditation story. Let’s us share in his miracle and joy.
Note 1: Myofascial pain syndrome is the general term for symptoms related to wrong usage of human musculoskeletal system. The illness is not due to the inflammation of the muscle but the pathological change of the surrounding tissue that resulted in long term tension of the muscle which causes the muscle pain phenomenon.
(Note: Effect of meditation varies according to individuals)
*Bodhi Meditation does not encourage self withdrawal and reduction of medicine. Please consult your doctor for advice.
#FuTong, #EnergyBagua, #BottomVertebra, #CervicalVertebra, #LiveTestimonialOnMeditation

在〈世界上沒有不可能,只有願不願意去嘗試! …〉中有 22 則留言

  1. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲分享八卦见证禅修!师兄分享太棒了!???好感动。师父传授的神奇妙法简单好学,救了无数人的生命,解决了无数人的身心健康和烦恼,弟子超级感恩师父!嘿嘿???❤???

  2. 师父好,感恩师父慈悲分享!师兄真幸运真有福气真棒!愿师兄越来越好!祝福一切有缘都能收益于菩提禅修,都能健康快乐,吉祥如意!

  3. 感恩师父,就是,现代人类文明病,因不良习惯越来越多,还没有很好方法对治,如果患者有缘来走八卦,一切都会不治而愈了,祝福走进菩提禅修的有缘人!
