桂圓紫米粥 Longan purple …


Longan purple porridge

Words of wisdom from our ancestors: 「Longans from the South, ginseng from the North」. As longans are well known for their tonic effect, their prices are comparable to that of ginseng. There is a story how the name “longans” come about: According to legend, during the Tang dynasty, Yang imperial concubine, the most favored concubine of the Tang emperor fell sick one day. One court official recommended a fruit for Yang imperial concubine. When Yang concubine ate the fruit, she recovered from her illness. The emperor was very happy and named the fruit “longan” which signifies 「recovery of a royal’s body」.

Longans nourish the blood, tranquilize the mind, invigorate the heart and spleen and beautify the skin. As an ingredient in a recipe, it is used to treat insomnia, anemia, forgetfulness etc. Today, I will share with everyone a seasonal winter dish that is high in nutritional value—longan purple porridge.

Ingredients: 50 grams of purple rice, 30 grams of red beans, 15 longans, 20 peanuts, some brown sugar

Preparation method:
1. Soak purple rice and red beans in water overnight. Wash and clean them thoroughly.
2. Remove the skin of the longans
3. Add purple rice and red beans into some water and boil.
4. Add longans, peanuts and cook over a low fire for 40 minutes. Add some brown sugar and the dish is ready to be served.

#Longans, #PurpleRice, #NourishBlood
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P171224a 桂圓紫米粥

Longan purple porridge

Words of wisdom from our ancestors: 「Longans from the South, ginseng from the North」. As longans are well known for their tonic effect, their prices are comparable to that of ginseng. There is a story how the name “longans” come about: According to legend, during the Tang dynasty, Yang imperial concubine, the most favored concubine of the Tang emperor fell sick one day. One court official recommended a fruit for Yang imperial concubine. When Yang concubine ate the fruit, she recovered from her illness. The emperor was very happy and named the fruit “longan” which signifies 「recovery of a royal’s body」.

Longans nourish the blood, tranquilize the mind, invigorate the heart and spleen and beautify the skin. As an ingredient in a recipe, it is used to treat insomnia, anemia, forgetfulness etc. Today, I will share with everyone a seasonal winter dish that is high in nutritional value—longan purple porridge.

Ingredients: 50 grams of purple rice, 30 grams of red beans, 15 longans, 20 peanuts, some brown sugar

Preparation method:
1. Soak purple rice and red beans in water overnight. Wash and clean them thoroughly.
2. Remove the skin of the longans
3. Add purple rice and red beans into some water and boil.
4. Add longans, peanuts and cook over a low fire for 40 minutes. Add some brown sugar and the dish is ready to be served.

#Longans, #PurpleRice, #NourishBlood
Reference website:


在〈桂圓紫米粥 Longan purple …〉中有 26 則留言

  1. 师父师母早上好,吉祥幸福,健康快乐,感恩师父慈悲分享桂圆紫米粥有益身体健康饮食,感恩师父佛菩萨慈悲加持和护佑,我们永远爱您师父,因为有您我们真幸福健康快乐,弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!

  2. 感恩師父分享、桂圓紫米粥、最近在網路學煮紅豆的快速煮法、鬆軟好吃、紅豆不用泡、要煮之前先放冷凍庫二十分、拿出來電鍋煮、外鍋的水三杯就能煮出鬆軟好吃的紅豆。

  3. 师父,您好!我现在还在公司加班也觉得有点饥饿了,正巧遇到师父上传「桂圓紫米粥」,雖然可以看,但是不可以食。让我望梅止渴也好了。謝謝师父上传分享!感恩师父!

  4. 感恩师父慈悲的分享!桂圆紫米粥好看又好吃而且又营养丰富!做起来给家人和孩子吃,一定是一件开心快乐又幸福的事。

  5. 感恩师父分享,这个粥做起来简单又营养,材料也容易寻到,煮粥的锅也太好用了!真是太美好了!师父啊咱们明天早餐就可以吃上了!想念师父!

  6. 感恩上师慈悲分享適合冬季滋補的粥──桂圓紫米粥!桂圓能養血安神、補益心脾、潤膚美容,在食補上常用於失眠、貧血、健忘等等,一定试着做给家人们食用!真诚顶礼尊贵的佛师!

  7. 感恩师父慈悲分享!弟子正在为术后如何补充营养发愁呢。这款粥太适合了!感恩大慈大悲的师父!顶礼师父!祝师父圣诞?快乐!吉祥如意!

  8. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲加持与关爱??????又学到了补血润肤美容食疗!感恩师父!!!

  9. 师父晚上好,感恩师父桂圆紫米粥的慈悲分享,弟子收到,在冬季里滋補桂圆紫米粥对身体很有益处。对失眠,贫血,健忘一定有效。谢谢?师父有您加持呵护,弟子好幸福。感恩,叩拜师父。祝师父吉祥,法体永住。
