要吃食物,不要吃「食品」! . . 近年…

許多食品為了方便保存、增添風味及視覺美觀,往往會放入化學添加物,如 :香料、糖精、防腐劑、漂白劑、色素等等。
#食品安全、#食物、#果汁、#飲料、#加工食品rnrnEat natural food and not processed food!

In recent years, there have been several shocking revelations about food safety issues. This has create awareness on the dangers of processed food and the damages that additives can cause to the human health. People start to wonder: What should we eat in order to be healthy? Let me share some suggestion with all of you: Eat natural food and stay away from processed food!

Natural food refers to those which retain their natural look and have not been processed; “processed food” has been artificially processed with artificial additives added in them. Examples of processed food are canned food, pickled food, soft drinks and milk products.

Chemical additives are usually added to food for preservation, to intensify the flavors or to improve their aesthetic appeal. Examples of additives include: flavoring, artificial sweeteners, preservatives, bleaching agents and colorings etc.

Artificial beverages and artificial fruit juices, for example, usually contain preservatives. They may even contain additives that we do not know of, some of which – such as plasticizer which may have been added to increase the viscosity of the fruit juices – are carcinogenic.

Some children also like drinks with lots of bubbles in the containers. They find it fun to see the bubbles overflow from the bottles onto their hands like a tiny hill. What is it that actually caused these bubbles? Have you ever wondered what has been added into the drinks? Nobody seems to know; only the creator of the drink does.

What about canned food or pickled vegetables in glass bottles – are the additives spelt out clearly on the food labels? There are also ham and sausages – some of the business owners even add in pork from diseased pigs to increase their profit margins. Even those respectable-looking restaurants; can you really eat with confidence?

Hence, I would like to remind everyone to put in more effort to have more home-cooked meals instead of consuming processed food and drinks in restaurants. Eat more naturally-grown fruits and vegetables – as these are the safest and also the healthiest.

#FoodSafety, #Food, #FruitJuices, #SoftDrinks, #ProcessedFood


在〈要吃食物,不要吃「食品」! . . 近年…〉中有 19 則留言

  1. 师父下午好!感恩师父慈悲开示!感恩师父提醒我们,我们尽量不到外边吃东西,在家自己做这才对我们身体有好处,感谢敬爱的佛师!

  2. 师父好,感恩慈悲开示与教导,感恩师父对我们的关爱与呵护,弟子记下了。佛光普照,愿一切有缘都能吃最安全最放心的食物与蔬果。

  3. 师父好!师父最关心我们健康饮食了,我们一定勤快,自己做天然蔬菜,新鲜菜拌小咸菜 ,随吃随时拌,感恩师父慈悲大爱!

  4. 感恩师父一再提醒大家注意,饮食安全健康的问题。化学添加物充斥着我们的食品中,对我们的身体造成了伤害,饮食是我们生命健康的重要保障,杜绝吃添加剂的「食品」,即便是自己在家做饭吃,也要吃的营养健康,不吃产生亚硝酸盐的隔夜菜,每餐最好吃现做的饭菜,少吃残羹剩饭,这样才能保证吃得放心,营养健康,减少疾病,善待我们的身体,才能更好的做事,服务于社会,服务于他人。

  5. 感恩师父慈悲的护佑与开示!要吃食物不要吃食品,為了不因吃造成自我毒害,自己要多勤快點,盡量在家自己做飯,少吃外頭加工的食品和飲料,多吃天然的蔬果最安心、最健康!感恩顶礼叩拜师父!!!

  6. 感恩师父慈悲分享健康饮食有益身体健康,感恩师父慈悲加持和护佑我们健康成长,我们永远爱您师父,因为有您我们真幸福健康快乐,弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!

  7. 為了不因吃造成自我毒害,我們自己要多勤快點,盡量在家自己做飯,少吃外頭加工的食品和飲料,多吃天然的蔬果最安心、最健康。。。感恩师父的分享!???
