
给大家分享一个小弟子转发来的琥珀鉴定方法 。





1. 掂重量


2. 荧光反应

3. 盐水实验



4. 热针实验(小型破坏)


5. 刀刮实验(小型破坏)

6. 酒精实验






I’d like to share some methods shared by a young disciple to distinguish authentic Amber. It’s difficult to differentiate authentic from imitation Amber, so everyone, please exercise caution!
Hint: we do not sell Amber in our meditation center.
The Amber quality in the market alternates between authentic and imitation, and varies markedly, causing much confusion. As consumers, it is easy to be “tripped up” if we’re less careful, letting our hard-earned cash go to waste. How then do we tell authentic Amber from imitation ones?
Below are 6 ways to help minimize your chances of being deceived. Note that it is not sufficient to use only one to two methods to determine Amber authenticity, because many quality imitation Amber bear some characteristics of real ones, so they may pass these tests partially.
In order to ensure your Amber purchase do not become a life-long remorse, it is recommended that you use the following methods to ascertain before the purchase. Passing one method does not mean the Amber is authentic ; but failing one of them implies it is imitation.
Authentication method:
1. Weight test
The density of Amber is 1.8g/cm^3, and it feels very light in the hand. If the Amber feels substantial, and dense on the palm, it is likely imitation, and could be constituted of glass.
Note: Many imitation Amber weighs just as light as authentic ones, so weight alone cannot distinguish authenticity.
2. Fluorescence test
Use an ultraviolet flashlight to shine on the Amber. Authentic Amber will display fluorescence, usually in blue. Depending on the Amber source and variety, the fluorescent intensity can vary, such as blue-green, blue-white, purple, and pink fluorescence. However, many quality imitation Amber on the market has been coated with fluorescent powder, and also display fluorescence; so this cannot absolutely affirm authenticity.
3. Salt water test
Place the isolated Amber in salt water that is saturated 1:4; authentic Amber will float while imitation ones will sink. Note that authentic Amber will still sink in plain water so it is necessary to use brine.
The brine test separates the glass from a variety of plastic imitation Amber (85% of all imitation Amber) because the imitation Amber will always submerge. Yet some friends with keen interest find that imitation Amber can also float in brine, such as those of quality plastic. What shall we do next?
Note: The first three authentication methods are easier to conduct, with no damage to the tested Amber. The three methods described below have a small degree of damage to the Amber, but the results are more conclusive. It is suggested that buyers choose two relatively inexpensive Amber for invasive testing at the merchant, and consider purchasing the more expensive ones if the Amber passes the tests.
4. Hot needle test (slight damage)
Place a hot needle on the Amber surface, and smell it; if there is a pine fragrance, it may be authentic; if there is bad burning plastic odor, it is fake, a plastic imitation. Authentic Amber need not necessarily have a pine fragrance, like those in Burma from the Araucariaceae variety that do not give off pine scent. Amber formed from the Podocarpaceae variety has the pine fragrance, such as those from the Baltic Sea.
Note that pine fragrance alone does not affirm authentic Amber, because imitation ones can contain added essential oil, with a pine fragrance to deceive consumers.
5. Knife scraping test (slight damage)
With a knife to scrape the amber surface, authentic Amber damage will appear like glass debris, while plastic quality imitation will have a rolled, sheet-like layer without debris. This test can distinguish all plastic-imitation “amber”, but further validation is necessary for Amber from young copal resins and compressed amber.
6. Alcohol test
When alcohol is dripped on Amber surface, the authentic ones will not change in a short time, while the surface of the copal resin will become sticky and opaque. Copal resin is resin that is not petrified, with typical ages of less than 2 million years, and authentic Amber is resin fossils of beyond 10 million years. Copal resins are often used to pass off as authentic Amber because of their appearance and many similar properties, but the alcohol test can effectively separate copal from real amber.
After the above-mentioned tests, the Amber that remains can only be the compressed type. Compressed Amber is made from natural amber scrap and powder, almost to the extent of the authentic type, and oblivious to all test methods except for the knife scraping test. For the amateur, this is most challenging, and those who want to authenticate the Amber words are advised to seek help from professional gemologists.
Deceptive practices and importance of the need for appraisal:
And here’s to share with you the deceptive practices by merchants to secure consumer trust; I’d personally experienced this. Merchants who sense that the buyer has basic knowledge of Amber may utilize an exceptionally poor imitation alongside a quality imitation and began to conduct tests to supplement your knowledge. Under this, the merchant will proof to you that her quality imitation “amber” can pass through tests, such as fluorescence, reaction, and buoyancy in brine (quality imitation plastic “amber” can be partially tested, though it will still not pass the invasive “scraping” test).
As a consumer, when you encounter merchants who show you the imitation amber for comparison, you might think he is honest, lower your guard, and start believing the Amber is authentic – at this stage, you would have fallen into the trap. Therefore, in Amber purchase, no matter how convincing the merchant is, how knowledgeable he appears, and even when he assists in the authentication, please remember that those are fluff, we still have to do our own tests, not a single less!
In summary:
Amber enthusiasts and collectors know very well that this line is exceptionally profound; the capacity for imitation is limitless. Most Amber enthusiasts have learnt the trade through the hard way, and even the contributor of this article had been subject to unscrupulous merchant in Myanmar, paying 300 US dollars for two plastic imitation “eggs”. Having been deceived, this article hopes more consumers will have some preliminary understanding of Amber authentication and not be deceived by the lowest level of fraud. Lastly, we urge everyone to appreciate but buy less, especially in trades that we do not understand. Amber market is profoundly deep like the sea, so back off while you can!


Credits –
Amber authentication video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NkJknxcV-w
Resource: https://jingyan.baidu.com/article/bad08e1eb670b309c85121f5.html
http://www.ihpsj.com/article-414.htmlrnrn给大家分享一个小弟子转发来的琥珀鉴定方法 。





1. 掂重量


2. 荧光反应

3. 盐水实验



4. 热针实验(小型破坏)


5. 刀刮实验(小型破坏)

6. 酒精实验






I’d like to share some methods shared by a young disciple to distinguish authentic Amber. It’s difficult to differentiate authentic from imitation Amber, so everyone, please exercise caution!
Hint: we do not sell Amber in our meditation center.
The Amber quality in the market alternates between authentic and imitation, and varies markedly, causing much confusion. As consumers, it is easy to be “tripped up” if we’re less careful, letting our hard-earned cash go to waste. How then do we tell authentic Amber from imitation ones?
Below are 6 ways to help minimize your chances of being deceived. Note that it is not sufficient to use only one to two methods to determine Amber authenticity, because many quality imitation Amber bear some characteristics of real ones, so they may pass these tests partially.
In order to ensure your Amber purchase do not become a life-long remorse, it is recommended that you use the following methods to ascertain before the purchase. Passing one method does not mean the Amber is authentic ; but failing one of them implies it is imitation.
Authentication method:
1. Weight test
The density of Amber is 1.8g/cm^3, and it feels very light in the hand. If the Amber feels substantial, and dense on the palm, it is likely imitation, and could be constituted of glass.
Note: Many imitation Amber weighs just as light as authentic ones, so weight alone cannot distinguish authenticity.
2. Fluorescence test
Use an ultraviolet flashlight to shine on the Amber. Authentic Amber will display fluorescence, usually in blue. Depending on the Amber source and variety, the fluorescent intensity can vary, such as blue-green, blue-white, purple, and pink fluorescence. However, many quality imitation Amber on the market has been coated with fluorescent powder, and also display fluorescence; so this cannot absolutely affirm authenticity.
3. Salt water test
Place the isolated Amber in salt water that is saturated 1:4; authentic Amber will float while imitation ones will sink. Note that authentic Amber will still sink in plain water so it is necessary to use brine.
The brine test separates the glass from a variety of plastic imitation Amber (85% of all imitation Amber) because the imitation Amber will always submerge. Yet some friends with keen interest find that imitation Amber can also float in brine, such as those of quality plastic. What shall we do next?
Note: The first three authentication methods are easier to conduct, with no damage to the tested Amber. The three methods described below have a small degree of damage to the Amber, but the results are more conclusive. It is suggested that buyers choose two relatively inexpensive Amber for invasive testing at the merchant, and consider purchasing the more expensive ones if the Amber passes the tests.
4. Hot needle test (slight damage)
Place a hot needle on the Amber surface, and smell it; if there is a pine fragrance, it may be authentic; if there is bad burning plastic odor, it is fake, a plastic imitation. Authentic Amber need not necessarily have a pine fragrance, like those in Burma from the Araucariaceae variety that do not give off pine scent. Amber formed from the Podocarpaceae variety has the pine fragrance, such as those from the Baltic Sea.
Note that pine fragrance alone does not affirm authentic Amber, because imitation ones can contain added essential oil, with a pine fragrance to deceive consumers.
5. Knife scraping test (slight damage)
With a knife to scrape the amber surface, authentic Amber damage will appear like glass debris, while plastic quality imitation will have a rolled, sheet-like layer without debris. This test can distinguish all plastic-imitation “amber”, but further validation is necessary for Amber from young copal resins and compressed amber.
6. Alcohol test
When alcohol is dripped on Amber surface, the authentic ones will not change in a short time, while the surface of the copal resin will become sticky and opaque. Copal resin is resin that is not petrified, with typical ages of less than 2 million years, and authentic Amber is resin fossils of beyond 10 million years. Copal resins are often used to pass off as authentic Amber because of their appearance and many similar properties, but the alcohol test can effectively separate copal from real amber.
After the above-mentioned tests, the Amber that remains can only be the compressed type. Compressed Amber is made from natural amber scrap and powder, almost to the extent of the authentic type, and oblivious to all test methods except for the knife scraping test. For the amateur, this is most challenging, and those who want to authenticate the Amber words are advised to seek help from professional gemologists.
Deceptive practices and importance of the need for appraisal:
And here’s to share with you the deceptive practices by merchants to secure consumer trust; I’d personally experienced this. Merchants who sense that the buyer has basic knowledge of Amber may utilize an exceptionally poor imitation alongside a quality imitation and began to conduct tests to supplement your knowledge. Under this, the merchant will proof to you that her quality imitation “amber” can pass through tests, such as fluorescence, reaction, and buoyancy in brine (quality imitation plastic “amber” can be partially tested, though it will still not pass the invasive “scraping” test).
As a consumer, when you encounter merchants who show you the imitation amber for comparison, you might think he is honest, lower your guard, and start believing the Amber is authentic – at this stage, you would have fallen into the trap. Therefore, in Amber purchase, no matter how convincing the merchant is, how knowledgeable he appears, and even when he assists in the authentication, please remember that those are fluff, we still have to do our own tests, not a single less!
In summary:
Amber enthusiasts and collectors know very well that this line is exceptionally profound; the capacity for imitation is limitless. Most Amber enthusiasts have learnt the trade through the hard way, and even the contributor of this article had been subject to unscrupulous merchant in Myanmar, paying 300 US dollars for two plastic imitation “eggs”. Having been deceived, this article hopes more consumers will have some preliminary understanding of Amber authentication and not be deceived by the lowest level of fraud. Lastly, we urge everyone to appreciate but buy less, especially in trades that we do not understand. Amber market is profoundly deep like the sea, so back off while you can!


Credits –
Amber authentication video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NkJknxcV-w
Resource: https://jingyan.baidu.com/article/bad08e1eb670b309c85121f5.html


在〈给大家分享一个小弟子转发来的琥珀鉴定方法…〉中有 18 則留言

  1. 喔!太好了!介绍得好详细!好希望能拥有一块琥珀!。 .琥珀是佛教七宝之一,最适合用来供佛灵修,同时,具有强大的辟邪化煞能量,佩戴琥珀饰物能辟邪和消除强大负面能量,对经常外出人们保平安的最佳饰物。西方古时候把它拿来当作除魔驱邪的道具。 ;金黄色的琥珀可以招来财富。;.由于琥珀形成的原因与过程,被人们认为具有来自大地之母的安定力量,因此也有可调和男女、阴阳的功用,让人们在思考时有更敏锐的感受。。感恩师父! ??????

  2. 哈哈,感恩师父慈悲分享!收藏品市场水太深了,我只站在岸上观望。我想,像这些,到咱们禅堂请,应该是质量有保证的。我相信咱们师父,也相信咱们禅堂。

  3. 感恩师父分享!真金不怕火炼!真的永远假不了,假的也永远真不了。不学不知道,一学真奇妙!顶礼师父!我们又涨见识了!

  4. 感恩师父慈悲分享与开示!谢谢恩师让我们学到了这么多。但弟子只相信师父加持过的宝物,在我们自己禅堂请最安全,不上当不受骗,也不用劳神,即驱魔去邪又平安吉祥!多好呀!感恩师父!!!

  5. 感恩师父慈悲分享!琥珀的知识和辨认深入了解!呵呵师父像父亲一样保护与教导着我们!让所有最美好的事物都与我们分享!更把所有的知识传教了我们!在法上更是无私的全部奉献岀来加持我们!也许很多时候我们还不懂得师父的这份情与爱!但弟子一直分享着这份美好!更深深的被感动着⋯幸福着⋯感恩您我尊贵的师父!爱您我的慈父!接收您的加持呵护我的佛父!这份恩情与爱弟子无以回报⋯祈愿师父法体安康!万事如意!法轮常转!?叩拜

  6. 感恩上师慈悲分享!跟随上师学习了鉴定真假琥珀的方法,一步一步非常详细,还有后面的总结:琥珀市场水深似海,回头是岸呐!非常中肯!真诚顶礼叩拜恩师!

  7. 师父分享这个可是“秘笈”啊!做个精明的消费者,有孙猴子的金精火眼都跟不上时代了,还需要“高科技“,”道高一尺,魔高一丈”,“外面围困万千重,我自龟然不动”,改变不了外界,只有提高自己,真本事,“方见英雄本色”。感恩师父分享,让我们长智慧了,难得实用的“方”,等自己有钱了可用得上,哈哈!收藏了!感恩叩拜师父!
