美麗秘笈__問與答 . 問:禪修為什麼能…




Beauty Secrets – Q & A

Q : How does meditation enhance beauty?
(Actual case: There was a class participant who was more than 60 years old. On the last day of her course, her daughter came to fetch her for dinner. At the entrance of the center, the daughter expressed in surprise upon seeing her mother, “Is that really you, mother? Why have you become so youthful, and beautiful?”
The elated mother replied, “ It’s me – your mother! I’m aware that I’ve “become” younger.”)

A :
In meditation, it is foremost that we learn to relax. When our body, brain, inner organs, and muscles are relaxed, the energy and blood circulations will be smooth. The meridians and blood vessels that were previously constricted would be restored naturally. With robust circulatory systems, our appearance – becomes beautiful; our brain – develops wisdom; our heart – gains a robust life-force. At the same time, with good physical circulations, we naturally experience health, happiness and beauty.

Thus, meditation can bring calm as well as benefits to our body, mind and spirit.

The most important reason for the beauty benefits of meditation lies in the development of compassion. As one practices, one gains compassion, and do not easily become angry and frustrated. With a gentler personality and stable temperament, one’s words and deeds naturally manifest kindness and serenity emanating from within – an innate sense of confidence and gracefulness – qualities that are beyond the benefits from cosmetic surgery.

Thus, meditation can enhance appearance, offering beauty.
Dear friends, if you wish to become beautiful, please come and learn meditation.

The beauty benefits of meditation are legendary. If you’d like to be beautiful, we welcome you to come and realize your dream.

#20170530FBLiveBroadcast, #BackToNature, #Beauty, #Compassion, #CalmAndFree, #Confident



Beauty Secrets – Q & A

Q : How does meditation enhance beauty?
(Actual case: There was a class participant who was more than 60 years old. On the last day of her course, her daughter came to fetch her for dinner. At the entrance of the center, the daughter expressed in surprise upon seeing her mother, “Is that really you, mother? Why have you become so youthful, and beautiful?”
The elated mother replied, “ It’s me – your mother! I’m aware that I’ve “become” younger.”)

A :
In meditation, it is foremost that we learn to relax. When our body, brain, inner organs, and muscles are relaxed, the energy and blood circulations will be smooth. The meridians and blood vessels that were previously constricted would be restored naturally. With robust circulatory systems, our appearance – becomes beautiful; our brain – develops wisdom; our heart – gains a robust life-force. At the same time, with good physical circulations, we naturally experience health, happiness and beauty.

Thus, meditation can bring calm as well as benefits to our body, mind and spirit.

The most important reason for the beauty benefits of meditation lies in the development of compassion. As one practices, one gains compassion, and do not easily become angry and frustrated. With a gentler personality and stable temperament, one’s words and deeds naturally manifest kindness and serenity emanating from within – an innate sense of confidence and gracefulness – qualities that are beyond the benefits from cosmetic surgery.

Thus, meditation can enhance appearance, offering beauty.
Dear friends, if you wish to become beautiful, please come and learn meditation.

The beauty benefits of meditation are legendary. If you’d like to be beautiful, we welcome you to come and realize your dream.

#20170530FBLiveBroadcast, #BackToNature, #Beauty, #Compassion, #CalmAndFree, #Confident


在〈美麗秘笈__問與答 . 問:禪修為什麼能…〉中有 28 則留言

  1. 师父好!感恩师父分享。禅修能使人健康,还能美容。真是一举多得。禅修能疏通堵塞的经络,经络通了身体就健康了。禅修能培养慈悲心,有了慈悲的心,面貌就能变得美丽慈祥。相随心转。让我们每天好好禅修,拥有健康!拥有美丽!拥有好人缘!感恩师父!!!

  2. 感恩師父的慈悲妙法,弟子也經常被朋友說年輕了。最搞笑是前幾天,我們家公公生日聚餐。很久不見的親戚們說我的小姑們真的變大了,怎麼弟子年年如此,沒有變化呢?感恩師父。

  3. 感恩师父?菩提禅修,健康快乐?师父说过:当你接触到佛法修行的那一刻起,通过相信佛法,坚持不懈的修炼佛法,经络畅通,血液循环流畅了,就会变年轻漂亮,你的容颜就和同龄人不一样了,眼睛有神光亮、皮肤光滑、气色红润,招人喜欢?感恩师父?

  4. 禅修,因修慈悲心人变得有一种“高贵” 美了,这是从内至外地变美,改变了我们的细胞、改变我们的骨髓、改变了我们的心,那种美是从骨子里发出来的,比一般人化妆、衣饰得来的美要好许多。。当我们有了慈悲心,就不容易生氣、煩惱,心就會柔軟、當情緒穩定了,言行舉止自然就會變得溫和而從容,由內而外散發出來的自信與美麗,是整容無法完成的。??️?

  5. 感恩师父传授妙法,禅修让人心情宁静气血流畅心情放松,能看来很多事不钻牛角尖。还有就是通过禅修把负能量排出去了,正能力增加了。所以我们都健康快乐漂亮了!顶礼师父!

  6. 师父好!顶礼感恩师父!禅修能让我们获得了健康,美容,禅修培养了我们慈悲心,有了慈悲心,面貌就能变得美丽慈祥了。想健康长寿美丽有好人缘有缘人,就来菩提禅修!顶礼感恩师父给予了我们的一切一切!!!

  7. 感恩师父为我们分享美丽秘笈。禅修带给我们的美容驻颜术,是任何化妆品都无法比拟的。禅修会让我们的皮肤变的白里透红,而且还有光泽,是健康的肤色,禅修让我们的身心灵变得放松,气血通畅,柔软自在,健康快乐。美丽秘笈就是拥有慈悲心,慈悲是能量,慈悲是大爱,慈悲是天然的护肤品,慈悲会让美丽永驻。爱美的人们都来体验菩提禅修吧!

  8. 是的,师父。美了美了美了!不但人美了,就是诸事都顺利了。感恩师父无所不在的加持护佑,弟子感受着禅修的美,也在享受这份美!至诚顶礼大恩上师!师父吉祥???

  9. 感恩師父????‍♀

  10. 感恩上师!确实如此,禅修让人的气质变得与众不同,昨日朋友在讲看我怎么都与她不一样,因为修行的关系。儿子的朋友见到我都会吓一跳,怎么可能是叫阿姨。真是得力于禅录坐与素食,心无所碍,不断接受能量,气息畅通,或许岁月真不会留下印记。。。

  11. 感恩師父慈悲分享美麗秘芨—禪修讓

  12. 感恩师父的“问与答”,希望人人都是“成功案例”。说起来都有点不好意思,“重返江湖”,回来一起走八卦的师姐,那早晨见面第一时就说:我回禅堂参加大法会,看见你变了,变了很多,精神,外貌,,”。在禅修的一年多,在禅堂也会时不时听到师姐对我说,“很明显感到你的变化”,包括早二个星期的弟子共修时,一老师姐见面时第一句话也是这样说。感恩师父,没有师父,就没能弟子的现在,也没有现在心结松散,慢慢的得到教化和感悟。想想就会眼泪盈眶。师父大恩大德,弟子如生命重生,心真正感觉到美好,心灵重新得到感悟,有点体会到古人说的:朝闻道,夕死可矣。心终于有宁静自如的一天。千拜万叩感恩师父!感恩师父大恩大德,大慈大悲!

  13. 师父,过去我总是在求菩萨帮我什么什么忙,但是我发现那个化解起麻烦来非常的麻烦。我前几天,因为挫折,让我想起了这么多年跟我前男友做工程的一切一切,真正的给他发了条短信,跟他忏悔请他原谅。结果第二天我的工作住的地方衣食住行,都落实明白了。公司管吃管住。上市公司。我认错之前,一直想要做到这一点,却拼尽全力都做不到。所以,我今天11点开始打坐,现在是大陆的10点26分,晚上。我就是想知道我的根源上的错误。哪一些错误,才有了现在处境的被动。就是想知道我根源上哪里做错了。境由心造,很久以前我就发现了。可是,我却总是认识不清楚自己。今天求师父帮我好吗
