「什麼是風水?」 . 在過去,我去過很多…

.What is Feng Shui?

In the past, I have been to many homes that gave me an uncomfortable feeling the moment I stepped in. I would think to myself, “Oh, this household does not have good fengshui.” The children or other family members of the owner would usually be in poor health, be unreasonable in nature, and do not have stable jobs or careers. In contrast, a house that belongs to a family of compassionate and ,benevolent people will have a peaceful and comfortable ambience, which will make you want to stay longer. These people may be poor currently, but their offspring will definitely grow wealthy with time.

You can hire fengshui masters to improve the fengshui and ambience of your home, but that good fengshui may not necessarily benefit you. In fact, it may only bring benefits to the next owner of the house. This is most aptly described in the saying “Good fengshui needs to be matched with an equally good destiny.”

There is a Chinese legend about a person who made seven special swords that were especially sharp and could shear all other swords into two. What do you think would happen if these precious swords were to end up in the hands of an ordinary soldier? Would he transform into a general? Let me tell you, if a sword like that was to end up in the possession of a swordsman of mediocre skills, his end will be near. Precious swords and fine horses were only fitting for heroes with exceptional skills. If an ordinary man is to come into possession of a formidable weapon, it will usually result in his early demise.

Good fengshui and great wealth are meant for people with sufficient karmic merits. Only heroes can ride the finest steeds and take up the sharpest precious swords.

Many large diamonds and gems were discovered in India. Of these, the largest and, most beautiful and most precious gem is the one that is currently sitting on the crown of the British Queen. She is both rich and immensely powerful, with the backing of all the British people, which is why she can accept such a precious treasure.

If the huge jewel was in the hands of an ordinary farmer, he or she would have been robbed and killed the very next day. An uncountable number of people have lost their lives because of this precious jewel. The deaths were halted only when the jewel landed in the hands of the British Queen.

Good fengshui goes well with someone who has good fortune, while great wealth goes to someone auspicious, because these people have good karma. People become rich or powerful because they have sufficient karmic merits as the foundation.Compassion and karmic merits are the best fengshui that one can ever have.

#Compassion, #KarmicMerits, #20170618LiveBroadcastrnrn「什麼是風水?」
.What is Feng Shui?

In the past, I have been to many homes that gave me an uncomfortable feeling the moment I stepped in. I would think to myself, “Oh, this household does not have good fengshui.” The children or other family members of the owner would usually be in poor health, be unreasonable in nature, and do not have stable jobs or careers. In contrast, a house that belongs to a family of compassionate and ,benevolent people will have a peaceful and comfortable ambience, which will make you want to stay longer. These people may be poor currently, but their offspring will definitely grow wealthy with time.

You can hire fengshui masters to improve the fengshui and ambience of your home, but that good fengshui may not necessarily benefit you. In fact, it may only bring benefits to the next owner of the house. This is most aptly described in the saying “Good fengshui needs to be matched with an equally good destiny.”

There is a Chinese legend about a person who made seven special swords that were especially sharp and could shear all other swords into two. What do you think would happen if these precious swords were to end up in the hands of an ordinary soldier? Would he transform into a general? Let me tell you, if a sword like that was to end up in the possession of a swordsman of mediocre skills, his end will be near. Precious swords and fine horses were only fitting for heroes with exceptional skills. If an ordinary man is to come into possession of a formidable weapon, it will usually result in his early demise.

Good fengshui and great wealth are meant for people with sufficient karmic merits. Only heroes can ride the finest steeds and take up the sharpest precious swords.

Many large diamonds and gems were discovered in India. Of these, the largest and, most beautiful and most precious gem is the one that is currently sitting on the crown of the British Queen. She is both rich and immensely powerful, with the backing of all the British people, which is why she can accept such a precious treasure.

If the huge jewel was in the hands of an ordinary farmer, he or she would have been robbed and killed the very next day. An uncountable number of people have lost their lives because of this precious jewel. The deaths were halted only when the jewel landed in the hands of the British Queen.

Good fengshui goes well with someone who has good fortune, while great wealth goes to someone auspicious, because these people have good karma. People become rich or powerful because they have sufficient karmic merits as the foundation.Compassion and karmic merits are the best fengshui that one can ever have.

#Compassion, #KarmicMerits, #20170618LiveBroadcast


在〈「什麼是風水?」 . 在過去,我去過很多…〉中有 29 則留言

  1. 感恩師父分享?所以常常聽人講,福地福人居,大概也是這個道理吧!我覺得禪堂的唐卡請放在客廳裏後,整個氣場變寧靜、吉祥了非常謝謝師父的護佑???

  2. 尊贵的佛师!早上好!感恩您的分享与教诲!我们身上有没有风水,脸上美丽不美丽只有心说了才算。

  3. 師父師父!!昨晚我家親戚聚集晚餐一起討論風水,聊地天南地北,滔滔不絕,各有說法。聽著長輩們說著風水甚麼方位重要可以聚財等,我心裡嘀咕:風水那麼厲害?!改變風水就等於改變命運?

  4. 感恩师父慈悲分享!好風水要配有福氣的人;大財富要給吉祥的人。做一個慈悲吉祥善良的人,把好风水畄给后代,給子孙增添福分,让他们为国为民幹好事业。顶礼感恩佛师!

  5. 感恩师父?居家过日子,风水很关键,在师父方方面面的开示中,弟子也懂得了不少各方面的知识,真诚感恩师父?

  6. 师父上午好!感恩师父慈悲分享!好风水要配有智慧有福气的人,大财富要给吉祥的人,我们要做一个慈悲吉祥善良的人,把好的水风留给后代,给子孙增添福分,让他们为社会干好事业。祝师父法体安康!快乐幸福!

  7. 慈悲能改变风水,善業能改变命运!是的,有了慈悲,就有了好人缘,就会有好工作;就会有好的家庭关系;就会有好的姻缘。总之,“财色名利”(笑)(通过正当途径获得哈)都有了!。。感恩师父!

  8. 师父,您好!明白了。慈悲善业就是最好的風水。所以一个人如果行善积德,去到哪裏或者做什麼,都會得天佑以及有最好的風水。謝謝師父的开示!感恩师父!

  9. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲分享!感恩师父给我们每个家都有真正好风水,师父您给予了我们健康还改变我们家有了好的風水,在师父的加持护佑孩子们都读到了大学研究生,大的孩子并顺利找到理想的工作,师父还踢我们健康聪明的外孙。感恩师父!我们好好珍惜,多做慈悲事,多做功德,顶礼感恩叩拜师父!!!

  10. 师父好!感恩师父的慈悲分享!感恩师父的加持护佑!我有好风水的家!感恩师父!顶礼叩拜师父师母!祝师父师母健康快乐!

  11. 感恩师父!!我刚买的新屋子正愁风水的问题,今天就看到了师父的分享,马上帮我解决一大难题,原来慈悲善心也能改变风水,感恩师父!感恩师父的提点!!

  12. 感恩师父慈悲分享,感恩师父慈悲的教悔和每时每刻慈悲加持和护佑我们健康成长,我们永远爱您师父父,因为有您我们真幸福健康快乐,我们永远跟随师父精进修行,多做善事多帮人就会改变命运,改变风水,弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师。

  13. 师父好!

  14. 感恩师父,弟子明白了。今天弟子同事的女儿离开了,我感到很伤心,同事抱怨说,为什么佛祖不保佑她的女儿。我想说,佛祖给了她机会,她没有好好珍惜呀!多少次劝她带着女儿走八卦,她都不肯。结果一个小小的哮喘夺去了一个花一般少女的生命,真让人惋惜。愿师父加持,加持同事的这个女儿往生极乐世界。

  15. 感恩师父开示。慈悲善业就是最好的风水,再好的风水也要有好命相配,人的善业和福报的承受力,决定了你是否会拥有荣华富贵,享受好风水,正如大财富要给吉祥的人。所以乐善好施,慈悲助人就是在为自己积功累德,就会拥有好的风水。

  16. O(∩_∩)O记得前几天和师姐聊天,我说将来把房子卖了,她说可不能卖,谁买了谁就发大财。给我乐的—-慈悲善業就是最好的風水,这些要 靠自己去改变,多禅修,多做好事善事,多布施,积福积德,最重要的是 要有个好的导师引导O(∩_∩)O

  17. 感恩师父分享,慈悲善业就是最好的风水!听师父的话,按师父说得去做,积累善业,培养慈悲万物的心胸,改变的不仅仅是“风水”,更是改变了我们的命运!感恩今生遇到了师父,让我自己,及我的家人朋友等等风水,命运都发生改变!叩拜师父!

  18. 感恩佛师的开示,我们尊贵师父教道我们做人就得从慈悲做起我们的家庭才能和睦事业才能成就工作才能顺利有了慈悲就改变一切。感恩师父感恩,感恩。
