最有效的管理 -阿育王的管理成功學- 佛…



The most effective management strategy
-Ashoka’s management success story

Many years after the Buddha’s parinirvana, there was a King Ashoka of India. He was very capable in warfare, much like China’s Emperor Qin Shi Huang. He had a concubine who was an extraordinarily compassionate Buddhist. The lady conscientiously enlightened Ashoka with compassionate Dharma, such as, “.. a King should be benevolent; being benevolent and compassionate, he would enjoy respect from the masses, who would then readily follow and support him; the masses do not yield to oppression and indiscriminate killing.”

King Ashoka asked, “Where did you learn this?”

She explained, “This was expounded by Buddha during his time.”

Ashoka then exclaimed, “These teachings by the Buddha are in fact management principles, in particular for a sovereign, the Dharma is the best approach to lead the people.”

Following that, King Ashoka took on a compassionate path – exercising his rule as a sovereign with compassion and benevolence. At the same time, he vowed to build 84,000 shrines to worship the relics of the Buddha, and initiated a global campaign led by several Buddhist missionaries to spread the Dharma and the Buddha’s relics worldwide. Amongst the missionaries, some headed east toward China. The Fa Men Temple, the Porcelain Tower (or Bao’en Temple) of Nanjing in China house relics that originated from India to worship and spread Buddhism.

China’s only female Emperor —— Wu Zetian who was also a recipient of the Buddha relic, consequently built the Long Men Grottoes in Luoyang. Thus, the Dharma is not merely a means for individual practice and self-actualization, its principles are equally adept for use in governance by sovereigns.

#StoriesByMasterJinBodhi, #20170412–FBLive-Singapore, #KingAshoka, #Compassionrnrn最有效的管理


The most effective management strategy
-Ashoka’s management success story

Many years after the Buddha’s parinirvana, there was a King Ashoka of India. He was very capable in warfare, much like China’s Emperor Qin Shi Huang. He had a concubine who was an extraordinarily compassionate Buddhist. The lady conscientiously enlightened Ashoka with compassionate Dharma, such as, “.. a King should be benevolent; being benevolent and compassionate, he would enjoy respect from the masses, who would then readily follow and support him; the masses do not yield to oppression and indiscriminate killing.”

King Ashoka asked, “Where did you learn this?”

She explained, “This was expounded by Buddha during his time.”

Ashoka then exclaimed, “These teachings by the Buddha are in fact management principles, in particular for a sovereign, the Dharma is the best approach to lead the people.”

Following that, King Ashoka took on a compassionate path – exercising his rule as a sovereign with compassion and benevolence. At the same time, he vowed to build 84,000 shrines to worship the relics of the Buddha, and initiated a global campaign led by several Buddhist missionaries to spread the Dharma and the Buddha’s relics worldwide. Amongst the missionaries, some headed east toward China. The Fa Men Temple, the Porcelain Tower (or Bao’en Temple) of Nanjing in China house relics that originated from India to worship and spread Buddhism.

China’s only female Emperor —— Wu Zetian who was also a recipient of the Buddha relic, consequently built the Long Men Grottoes in Luoyang. Thus, the Dharma is not merely a means for individual practice and self-actualization, its principles are equally adept for use in governance by sovereigns.

#StoriesByMasterJinBodhi, #20170412–FBLive-Singapore, #KingAshoka, #Compassion


在〈最有效的管理 -阿育王的管理成功學- 佛…〉中有 28 則留言

  1. A deeper understanding into King Ashoka and what motivates him to spread Buddhism worldwide during his time… cos he himself benefited from the Buddha’s teaching too… Thanks for telling us this part of history Master 金菩提禪師 Master JinBodhi. If a king finds Buddha’s teaching useful in managing his country… this teaching is defiantly excellent for use in our home, school and community… Deep gratitude ??????❤️

  2. 師父早安!慈悲沒有敵人!君王以懷柔之道,才能使內外真正臣服。領導者以慈悲之道,才能使跟隨者信服!我們就是跟隨師父的?悲,也就是佛陀的慈悲而來⋯⋯

  3. 师父上午好!佛法不仅是個人提升境界与修行的方法,还能成为君王管理国家的成功之道。君王信佛,他就有慈悲心,有了慈悲心国家的人民就非常幸福,安居乐业,没有战争,没有恐惧,没有灾荒。使人们在祥和的环境中生活。对百姓对国家都非常有利。这就是佛法的神奇之处。感恩师父!!!

  4. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲分享佛法传承!教化我们无论是子民或是君王,都要以慈悲心待人。只有仁慈,只有慈悲,才能赢得别人的恭敬、爱戴。感恩叩拜师父!

  5. 师父上午吉祥,昨天在马来西亚拜师我女朋友去参加,他之前也报名了也彩排了,可是昨天他去了确没有他的名额,我女朋友身体不好坚信佛法好几年了,想拜师也是好几年了,他曾经好几次要去参加拜师就开始生病,去不了,这次是和他母亲去的,这次可以去参加了但是有没有他的名额,据说是同修们忘掉了他的拜师表,不知道他什么时候还可以在参加拜师仪式,感恩师父

  6. 感恩师父的慈悲分享!感恩师父的加持护佑!祝师父师母法体安康!永久驻世!永驻我心!弟子顶礼师父师母叩拜师父师母!吉祥如意!

  7. 感恩师父! 慈悲之心是健康、快乐的根本,愿一切有情都能开启自心的仁慈和大爱,爱护所有的生命,同时帮助那些需要帮助的生命,让世界没有杀戮,没有嗔恨,没有疾病! 我的舅舅住进ICU重症病房快两个月了,真心希望他能够挺过这一关,亲近佛法,皈依上师三宝,成为一个菩提弟子,成为一个健康快乐的人!

  8. 感恩师父分享故事,心怀慈悲即是大爱,因为爱所以宽容,理解,避免了伤害,因为大爱才将天下众生的苦乐放在心头,甘愿为他们付出,…所以心有多大,世界就有多大!师父曾有开示说:心怀众生者,不是君王就是佛陀!多么庆幸,得遇一位心胸博大的上师,教导弟子们行慈悲之道,君王之道,让我们都成为“君王”!感恩师父慈悲的心意,弟子们都当努力“开疆扩土”成就自己的“君王”人生!

  9. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲开示!佛法就是世间法,不管国家领导还是百姓利用慈悲心去做任何事情,都可以做好,慈悲可以化解一切!我们跟随师父就是在学习师父的慈悲理念。感恩师父!顶礼叩拜师父!??????☕❤???

  10. 感恩上师慈悲指点!通过这个故事我得到的启发是:在生活工作中以慈悲宽容之心来待人,经营自己的人生。经常回顾自己的起心动念,自己的行为,经常问问自己:我是慈悲宽容的吗?顶礼叩拜恩师!

  11. 師父早安!感恩師父慈悲分享!慈悲.寬容佛法能管理國家,相信有慈悲.寬容之心,也可以與人好好相處,也可以做好事業,也能接引到更多有緣人,認識.學習師父的功法,因而離苦得樂!身心光明!弟子會努力的???。感恩師父!

  12. 祝福你們 早日開悟明心見性、究竟涅槃成佛,就能 一念三千大千世界,無遠弗屆、物我一體、物我兩忘,六神通俱足,八萬四千法門,法法相通、通達無礙,渡化有情芸芸眾生,自由自在、隨心所欲的來回三界28天,渡化所有菩薩、所有阿羅漢、各天神明、地獄眾生、魔道眾生……等等,早日開悟涅槃成佛。

  13. 感恩師父慈悲分享【最有效的管理-阿育王的管理成功学】!

  14. 师父好!慈悲乃道中之道密中之密,是天体运转宇宙太阳之道,是佛法之中心,修行之根本。乃我们生命小宇宙中心那闪亮的佛光,有了她便可以滋生万物万法萌生;有了她我们生命的田地才可以生长的郁郁葱葱!原来以为太阳是维系宇宙的能量之源,现在则更加明白慈悲才是宇宙天地万物众生的生命之源!感恩大恩上师的加持点化!弟子的一点点感悟也不知道对否?祈请恩师您赐教???????师父吉祥!

  15. 感恩佛师开示分享???慈悲心……弟子最近跌入嗔恨里不能自拔……知道不该这样,就是走不出来???祈请佛师加持弟子智慧放下……放下。顶礼叩拜佛师!!!

  16. 师父好!国王一开悟,全国人民都受益。乃至全世界人民受益!做了善事名垂千古!我们这里就有阿育王塔,太出名了。这座塔在这里很多年了,就知道叫阿育王塔,现在知道名字的来历了。感恩感谢师父慈悲的开示!

  17. 感恩师父的慈悲分享!如果我们每一人都?️了慈悲心,那么这个世界就和平了,就会变得没有战争、没有恐惧、没有灾难。祈愿世界和平、国泰民安、风调雨顺、人人安康、人人过着幸福快乐的生活!弟子顶礼叩拜!???

  18. 感恩师父分享。佛法给予我们的慈悲的教化是最实用,也是最万能的。慈悲是根基,慈悲是能量,慈悲是加持,慈悲是管理学,是成功学,慈悲能沟通宇宙万物的能量,慈悲能创造一切,慈悲能改变命运,慈悲是佛法的精髓。这就是佛法带给我们的妙用,感恩师父的慈悲教化,让我们学习慈悲,奉行慈悲,以慈悲之心去面对一切!
