你累了嗎? ──改善文明病的最佳良方 ….

#上班族 #大禮拜
Do you feel fatigued?
─ ─ the best ways to alleviate illnesses due to our way of life.
White-collar workers who sit in offices are used to maintaining the same posture for long periods of time. Their muscles and nervous system are constantly in a tight state. In particular, the arms tend to feel especially stiff or tense due to long hours of typing on the keyboard and holding a computer mouse. The hip area, together with the thighs and bum area, can also show signs of fatigue easily due to sitting in the same position for too long. During the hot summer, office workers may be sitting for long hours in air-conditioned rooms; joints are prone to arthritis pain as they are exposed to the cold air.
There are many solutions in such situations, such as moving the body or adjusting your sitting position from time to time. I have also mentioned previously about the “wallowing on the ground” (rolling on the ground) method. Other than these methods, there is another very effective way, that is, doing prostration.
Prostration is one of the main teachings in Bodhi Meditation. When we prostrate, our face and body is flat on the ground, stretched out and relaxed; the stretching is from our fingertips to our arms and the entire spine down to the toes.
When we prostrate, not only are our bodies relaxed, our meridians (acupuncture points) are cleared and this allows vital energy to flow through the body effectively. Prostration is also very effective at eliminating protruding belly fat arising from a sedentary lifestyle. Hence, it is very suitable for people who work in offices.
If you are interested in finding out more, please enquire at our Bodhi Meditation centre about our free courses.
► A testimony from a prostration practitioner
De-lai : Doing prostration is way more effective than physical rehabilitation …
During a computer tomography, it was revealed that there was deformation in my third and fourth spinal vertebrae. The doctor recommended that I should not work and should go for rehabilitation. Otherwise, the consequences could be dire if the two vertebrae braced against each other. After a period of rehabilitation, the effect was still not obvious with very slow improvement.
On day two of the prostration class, while the music of Guanyin Bodhisattva was being played, I sincerely and respectfully did my prostration. After an hour of prostration, my body felt so comfortable and relaxed even though I perspired a lot. While I was standing up to do the closing exercise, I realized my spine could easily bend and was no longer as stiff and tight as before. I felt some numbness from the arm to the fingertips. I couldn’t conceal my excitement when I went back to tell my wife the good news:” Practicing prostration is indeed better than rehabilitation. The effect is amazing!”. From that day onwards, I practiced prostration as and when time permits. My spinal problems are now resolved, and my spine is no longer as stiff and tense as before.
#Office-workers #prostrationrnrn你累了嗎?
#上班族 #大禮拜
Do you feel fatigued?
─ ─ the best ways to alleviate illnesses due to our way of life.
White-collar workers who sit in offices are used to maintaining the same posture for long periods of time. Their muscles and nervous system are constantly in a tight state. In particular, the arms tend to feel especially stiff or tense due to long hours of typing on the keyboard and holding a computer mouse. The hip area, together with the thighs and bum area, can also show signs of fatigue easily due to sitting in the same position for too long. During the hot summer, office workers may be sitting for long hours in air-conditioned rooms; joints are prone to arthritis pain as they are exposed to the cold air.
There are many solutions in such situations, such as moving the body or adjusting your sitting position from time to time. I have also mentioned previously about the “wallowing on the ground” (rolling on the ground) method. Other than these methods, there is another very effective way, that is, doing prostration.
Prostration is one of the main teachings in Bodhi Meditation. When we prostrate, our face and body is flat on the ground, stretched out and relaxed; the stretching is from our fingertips to our arms and the entire spine down to the toes.
When we prostrate, not only are our bodies relaxed, our meridians (acupuncture points) are cleared and this allows vital energy to flow through the body effectively. Prostration is also very effective at eliminating protruding belly fat arising from a sedentary lifestyle. Hence, it is very suitable for people who work in offices.
If you are interested in finding out more, please enquire at our Bodhi Meditation centre about our free courses.
► A testimony from a prostration practitioner
De-lai : Doing prostration is way more effective than physical rehabilitation …
During a computer tomography, it was revealed that there was deformation in my third and fourth spinal vertebrae. The doctor recommended that I should not work and should go for rehabilitation. Otherwise, the consequences could be dire if the two vertebrae braced against each other. After a period of rehabilitation, the effect was still not obvious with very slow improvement.
On day two of the prostration class, while the music of Guanyin Bodhisattva was being played, I sincerely and respectfully did my prostration. After an hour of prostration, my body felt so comfortable and relaxed even though I perspired a lot. While I was standing up to do the closing exercise, I realized my spine could easily bend and was no longer as stiff and tight as before. I felt some numbness from the arm to the fingertips. I couldn’t conceal my excitement when I went back to tell my wife the good news:” Practicing prostration is indeed better than rehabilitation. The effect is amazing!”. From that day onwards, I practiced prostration as and when time permits. My spinal problems are now resolved, and my spine is no longer as stiff and tense as before.
#Office-workers #prostration


在〈你累了嗎? ──改善文明病的最佳良方 ….〉中有 38 則留言

  1. 师父早!我没有上过菩提班,我从网上学习大礼拜,可是我修了两天后,我的右手臂非常的痛,心想可能正常反应,接着练,可是更加的痛,痛到提不到手!两个星期了,我已停下来,准备去看医生了!

  2. 感恩师父传授大礼拜,真的是很好的强身建体方法,尤其是我在脊柱骨折后的恢复期,明显减轻了不适,酸痛感,我也越来越喜欢做大礼拜,每次做大礼拜心都能很快净下来,声声佛号都能溶进大礼拜的每一个动作,那种感觉好美妙,感恩师父传我们这仫好的法!

  3. 师父早上好!师父吉祥如意!感恩师父授予我们的每一样妙法、都是非常殊胜神奇!我是每天晚上下班了做1到两2小时大礼拜后,一天的疲劳酸痛就没有了,感觉特别的轻松舒适,有时也做着大礼拜就睡着了。恭敬感恩师父授予我们的殊胜妙法!感恩师父慈悲加持!感恩师父恭敬顶礼叩拜师父!??????

  4. 师父师母早上好,感恩师父慈悲开示,感恩师父慈悲的教悔和每时每刻慈悲加持和护佑我们健康成长,感恩师父慈悲传授菩提禅修健康快乐,感恩师父慈悲传授大礼拜能开智慧还能强身健体,癌症病人每天做大礼拜都有做好的,我婆婆胃癌每天做大礼拜,每天做大光明,每天念佛,现在身体健康多了,感恩师父慈悲救我婆婆的命和无数众生的命,祝愿师父师母每天开心快乐,幸福吉祥,弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师。

  5. 师父早上好,吉祥如意???




  6. 感恩师父分享大礼拜?天天来做大礼拜,身体轻松又自在,祛病强身通经络,消灾灭难乐开怀?礼佛敬佛叩拜佛?吉祥如意福报来?感恩师父传妙法?永远坚持大礼拜???

  7. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲分享。我的亲身体验是大礼拜让我又长高了。大礼拜时刻让我的脊柱处于垂直状态,挺拔自信。每天大礼拜108,不但远离疾病缠绕、身体健康,还会使精神层面更上一层楼。开发智慧与佛相应。

  8. 師父早安!大禮拜確實是非常好的妙法,當做完大禮拜半小時以上,全身的經絡舒暢,尤其是椎骨舒展和腰部減肥肉有明確的效果,體態變得輕盈。感恩師父讓我們都變美變帥了呢!

  9. 师父吉祥!感恩师父分享见证禅修!感恩师父传授神奇的大礼拜,让更多的有缘大众都得到了健康与快乐!感恩师父!顶礼叩拜师父!???????❤???

  10. 大礼拜,减肥、健身、开智慧。。我这里一位新同修,以前吃很多药,减肥效果都不明显,减1-2kg,后来又长回去。做大礼拜2个月后,目前已经成功减肥9kg。她说,真是不花钱又没副作用,太感恩菩提禅修了!

  11. 做大礼拜舒张全身的经络骨骼,促进全身的血液循环,同时还能得到佛师菩萨的加持护佑,消业解脱。

  12. 师父,您好!大礼拜调理风湿关节痛和筋骨疼痛效果最快,以前由于我拼命揾钱,搞到周身筋骨疼痛,自从禅修我请了大拜这个视频回家看知道好处后,我工作回家做完家务,利用业余时间,一个月內完成108小時大礼拜,結果不知不覺好了。謝謝師父传給我們的妙法!感恩师父!

  13. 感恩师父慈悲开示!菩提禅修不但让我们感受了祂的神奇和殊胜,也让我们渐渐懂得了祂的实用性、针对性。修炼中我们如果用心去体会,用身心去感受领悟,或许就会获得更多更大更深的收获和受益。如方法结合身心状态,并善于总结积累经验,不但更有利于自身,还会帮到更多的人!真诚顶礼师父!

  14. 感思師父慈悲开示,感恩您的加持!刚在襌堂做完大礼拜,上早课,八卦.大光明,能量满满!弟子工作时間的调整,将百日共修时間改早上了。頂礼叩拜:感恩所父传授殊勝妙法!

  15. 感恩师父慈悲开示!师父传授的每一个功法都是很神奇的!我们有缘人只要能坚持下去,就会得到健康幸福快乐!感恩师父!!!

  16. 感恩師父传授妙法大礼拜,可以礼拜佛陀,还能改变身体的酸痛与减肥,让众生身心健康,天天大礼拜,拜出好身材,拜出美丽的人生。

  17. 感恩师父,敎我们学大礼拜,我也是做半个小时,一个星期做五天,早上五点半就做,有时候很累不想做,但是自己的心又不肯,做了身体经络打开人也精神好,已经学做大礼拜三年了,真心感谢师父的敎噵。师父,我有一个困扰,就是有人问我做大礼拜会瘦吗??我回答不知道,如你说会瘦,他们就会去做,做两三下,怎能会瘦呢?什么运动都要有恆心吧!營食也要改变。身体才会健康快乐。

  18. 大礼拜真的很好, 其实如果累了,再练大礼拜, 疲劳就会消失了。不是在吹牛哦!是真的。不信可以试试看。 感恩师父教给我们那么好的方法!

  19. 感恩师父慈悲开示!弟子每每疲备做大礼拜,越做越轻松,做二十多分钟半小时后,疲劳完全消失,这两晚上边念边拜半小时,呵呵全身轻盈了,师父啊弟子现在身体能量沒之前强后,反而知道修行后的受益,之前完全不知就修呗,1小时下来也不知道是什么,但现在却受益,感恩我的遇境让我知道修行对身体到底是什么!?叩拜

  20. 感恩師父提醒!我也很喜歡大禮拜,全身通體舒?,不過工作的関係,沒法全部的法都修,只有固定八卦、大光明是天天修,所以有空做大禮拜就很很舒服,感恩師父???

  21. 感恩师父神奇妙法!大礼拜是菩提禅修的主要修持方法之一。天天大礼拜,拜出好身材,拜出大智慧,拜出美丽的人生。祝师父师母法体安康!及全家吉祥幸福!

  22. 感恩師父!弟子真的累了!也想回去了,但是每次弟子腦袋願意放下,但是心還是放不下,每次都是如此,死心不息,總是祈望,這段時間好在回禪堂老師幫我加持,今天老師用了特別的單獨加持方法,三次機會都放不下走,出了禪堂整個人空噹噹的,呼吸都沒力了,腳也抬不起,只是想哭,想見一面。弟子傷師父心了,對不起師父!感恩師父一直接引教化!但願弟子早日覺悟吧!感恩師父!

  23. 感恩师父传授的禅修妙法!每一个禅修的妙法都很喜欢,都深得其美妙和美好。以前,做不了大礼拜,感觉很辛苦,蹲起伏下好累啊!自从上次听《月光》辟谷后,做大礼拜,感觉到很实实在在,神佛就在面前,由衷在做出来,发自心底那份感恩和感到的福报。现修行感觉离佛越来越近,也是感觉很真实,做出来再也没有以前那种累了。有时拜了拜了也会莫名其妙地流起眼泪来。感恩师父!我们爱师父!叩拜师父!

  24. 师父好,同修老师刚刚发了一张图片,说做的面条里打的荷包蛋,端上来一看有点像白天鹅!紫菜有点像一只狗!她说让我发上来让师父看看怎么回事!

  25. 感恩师父慈悲开示!弟子喜欢做大礼拜,我以前颈椎疼、腰部也有痛,我做大礼拜后已改为轻松了,颈椎、腰疼减轻。感恩师父传授法宝给我们修练!师父我爱你!

  26. 感恩师父分享!大礼拜对颈椎病确实是非常有效果!我的颈椎一直有毛病,尤其是脖子向后仰,非常不舒服,以前严重时不能仰头看天,我得把手扶在脖子上才能抬头看天,现在当然早没那么重要了。前今天由于我的磨蹭,有几天就把大礼拜时间给摩擦掉了,直到这几天又开始大礼拜颈椎一下子就明显改善,基本没啥事了,我才意识到原来是大礼拜改善了颈椎病!自己还暗暗想,有着颈椎管着,我想懒惰也不行!感恩师父传我们妙法,让我们健康又快乐!

  27. 师父师母早上好!感恩师父分享!几天前刚开始大礼拜突觉右脖子肌肉痛,心想随它去,现在大礼拜不能耽误,谁知30分种结朿后,才发觉那個痛奌巳消失,而且四肢轻松自在,好舒服。感恩佛师传授妙法,让我们随時就能获得健康和快乐。
