你也可以盡情揮灑青春的汗水 . 年輕_是…


我的法名叫備帆,今年(2017年)16歲。 。




You can also relish your youth with uplifting purposes

Youth – is the capital for learning
Youth – is the expression of vitality
Youth – is the foundation for success.

We have all experienced youth, yet our ensuing life outcomes tend to be varied and different.
This young and capable practitioner has, through meditation, made his life more uplifting.
My Dharma name is Beifan, 16 years old of age (in year 2017).
I’m a high school student and my favorite sport is ice hockey.
In August 2013, I took my mother’s advice and participated in Bodhi Meditation’s Summer Camp for the first time. The comprehensive and stimulating programs during the summer camp were enjoyable and drew me to more activities from Bodhi Meditation.

In August 2015, I participated in Bodhi Meditation’s summer camp for the third time. In addition to the activities, I benefited tremendously by serving as a group leader. I have learned to take the initiative to care for others, to put myself in others’ shoes to understand their perspectives, and also to put others before self. During the prior two summer camps, I would shirk at team members who had lagged behind, such as in mountain-climbing. But this time, I felt a sense of responsibility to support the last team member and encourage those who had fallen behind. Eventually, as we surmounted the mountain and stood tall at its peak, hand-in-hand, with smiles all round, there was an overwhelming sense of relief and exhilaration. I genuinely appreciated that true happiness is derived from the joy that we bring to others.

Back in school, I started to take the initiative to help my friends. There was a schoolmate who was two grades my junior. Introverted, he was mistaken for a “nerd”, often subjected to ridicule and being ostracized. Nevertheless, I took the opportunity to chat with him. As I got to know and understand him better, I realized that he was not the “nerd” that others made him out to be. Whenever I had the chance, I would engage with him. Gradually, he began to open up and became more lively and cheerful, interacting harmoniously with his contemporaries. This was a departure from his isolated persona previously, and I was happy for him from the bottom of my heart!

I also registered and took part in a Bodhi Meditation Wisdom Awakening course, from March 20-27, 2016. In the process of learning, I was drawn to The Meditation of Awakening Wisdom. After the course, I continued to practice this meditation technique at home. Gradually, I found myself playing faster, becoming more agile and nimble, mentally sharper and more focused when playing ice hockey. As a result, my self-confidence increases. Till today, I conscientiously practice The Meditation of Awakening Wisdom and supplement this with at least 36 prostrations in the evenings.

After learning meditation, my mother and I have more topics in common. In my opinion, one’s mission in life is to care for and to help others. I want to be such a person, caring for and serving others, and bringing happiness and joy all around!

If you like, please share, and reach out to more children who needs help. More sharing begets more blessings!!!

(Note: The benefits of meditation can vary from person to person)
#MeditationAndHealth, #MeditationJournal, #MeditationOfAwakeningWisdom, #Prostration, #Dream, #InterpersonalCommunication,
#禪修與健康 #見證禪修 #開智功 #大禮拜 #青春 #夢想 #人際溝通 #溫哥華rnrn你也可以盡情揮灑青春的汗水

我的法名叫備帆,今年(2017年)16歲。 。




You can also relish your youth with uplifting purposes

Youth – is the capital for learning
Youth – is the expression of vitality
Youth – is the foundation for success.

We have all experienced youth, yet our ensuing life outcomes tend to be varied and different.
This young and capable practitioner has, through meditation, made his life more uplifting.
My Dharma name is Beifan, 16 years old of age (in year 2017).
I’m a high school student and my favorite sport is ice hockey.
In August 2013, I took my mother’s advice and participated in Bodhi Meditation’s Summer Camp for the first time. The comprehensive and stimulating programs during the summer camp were enjoyable and drew me to more activities from Bodhi Meditation.

In August 2015, I participated in Bodhi Meditation’s summer camp for the third time. In addition to the activities, I benefited tremendously by serving as a group leader. I have learned to take the initiative to care for others, to put myself in others’ shoes to understand their perspectives, and also to put others before self. During the prior two summer camps, I would shirk at team members who had lagged behind, such as in mountain-climbing. But this time, I felt a sense of responsibility to support the last team member and encourage those who had fallen behind. Eventually, as we surmounted the mountain and stood tall at its peak, hand-in-hand, with smiles all round, there was an overwhelming sense of relief and exhilaration. I genuinely appreciated that true happiness is derived from the joy that we bring to others.

Back in school, I started to take the initiative to help my friends. There was a schoolmate who was two grades my junior. Introverted, he was mistaken for a “nerd”, often subjected to ridicule and being ostracized. Nevertheless, I took the opportunity to chat with him. As I got to know and understand him better, I realized that he was not the “nerd” that others made him out to be. Whenever I had the chance, I would engage with him. Gradually, he began to open up and became more lively and cheerful, interacting harmoniously with his contemporaries. This was a departure from his isolated persona previously, and I was happy for him from the bottom of my heart!

I also registered and took part in a Bodhi Meditation Wisdom Awakening course, from March 20-27, 2016. In the process of learning, I was drawn to The Meditation of Awakening Wisdom. After the course, I continued to practice this meditation technique at home. Gradually, I found myself playing faster, becoming more agile and nimble, mentally sharper and more focused when playing ice hockey. As a result, my self-confidence increases. Till today, I conscientiously practice The Meditation of Awakening Wisdom and supplement this with at least 36 prostrations in the evenings.

After learning meditation, my mother and I have more topics in common. In my opinion, one’s mission in life is to care for and to help others. I want to be such a person, caring for and serving others, and bringing happiness and joy all around!

If you like, please share, and reach out to more children who needs help. More sharing begets more blessings!!!

(Note: The benefits of meditation can vary from person to person)
#MeditationAndHealth, #MeditationJournal, #MeditationOfAwakeningWisdom, #Prostration, #Dream, #InterpersonalCommunication,
#禪修與健康 #見證禪修 #開智功 #大禮拜 #青春 #夢想 #人際溝通 #溫哥華


在〈你也可以盡情揮灑青春的汗水 . 年輕_是…〉中有 39 則留言

  1. 师父师母早上好,吉祥幸福,健康快乐,感恩师父慈悲分享见证菩提禅修健康快乐的奇迹,让我们无数家庭找回幸福健康快乐生活,祝愿师父师母每天开心快乐,法体安康,弘法顺利,愿望圆满,愿佛光普照,愿更多有缘人都能早日受益菩提禅修健康快乐,我们永远爱您师父,我们永远跟随师父精进修行,多做善事多帮人,弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师。

  2. 太棒了!年轻、博爱、慈悲,就会前途无量!我们和子子孙孙的生命因大慈大悲的佛师而变得美好、吉祥如意!顶礼叩谢恩师!???

  3. 感恩师父?菩提禅修夏令营活动举办的非常成功?好多年轻人通过参加青年领袖班和夏令营活动改变了自己为人处事的正确态度,懂得了人生观价值观,找到了正确的航程航标,将来成为栋梁之材!感恩师父?

  4. 师父好!师父吉祥如意!感恩师父慈悲分享禅修健康见证!祝福这位小同修通过禅修学会主动帮助身边需要帮助的人,从而找到自己的幸福和快乐!顶礼师父!!!

  5. “一個人來到這個世界上,就有責任去關愛、幫助他人。而我就想成為這樣的一個人,用關愛和幫助的心,為他人帶來幸福和快樂!”这位小同修真棒!我也是这么想的,也希望自己能够象这位小同修一样做得这么好。感恩师父慈悲分享和教化!!!

  6. 感恩师父分享。年轻人参加菩提禅修不但身心灵得到了改变,而且还学会了慈悲,把帮助关心他人变成了一种责任,并且愿为他人带去快乐和幸福,这就是菩萨的境界,也是爱的给予。菩提禅修改变你、我、他!透过菩提禅修,会让我们的生命更精彩!

  7. 师父好!这位师兄的禅修感受太棒了,他毕竟年轻修的很快,一下提升了很多,变成一个愿意去帮助别人关爱别人的大善人了。师父说的真对,禅修的效果会因人而异!要想通过禅修改变自己,真的要严持五戒,多布施,师父说的每一句话都得认真执行。感恩感谢师父!弟子表哲当精进修行恭敬师父爱护师父,多做善事,做一个利益众生的人!

  8. 师父好!很开心我们菩提年轻新生的力量越来越多,感恩师父的大慈大悲,让越来越多的人得到佛的教诲!祈愿所有的生命得到佛光普照!顶礼叩拜佛师!!!

  9. 感恩师父慈悲分享!太棒了!年轻博爱,慈悲,就会前途无量!我们和子子孙孙的生命因大慈悲的佛师而变得美好,吉祥如意!感恩大慈大悲的金菩提上师!顶礼叩拜恩师!

  10. 师父好,越来越多的人爱上禅修,爱上菩提法门,也就有了越来越多的人学会关心帮助他人,学会慈悲爱人,希望更多有缘人都能走进菩提法门,让我们赖以生存的世界更美好,感恩师父,感恩师父传授的妙法!

  11. 师父早上好!感恩师父慈悲分享!随喜赞叹!好棒!希望我女儿也能学会关爱帮助他人,为他人帶來幸福快乐,感恩师父!祝师父法体安康!恆久驻世!法輪常轉!弟子顶礼叩拜师父???❤

  12. 感恩师父!菩提禅修能恩泽子孙后代,从小培养孩子的慈悲善念,长大了一定是个吉祥的人,师父的开智功和青领班,办的太好了,让更多的人从小就受益,感恩师父!顶礼叩拜恩师??????

  13. 祝福这位小师兄。在风华正茂的年龄就能接触到佛法,能在大慈大悲的佛陀下指引迈向未来,真是前途无量啊。 未来的人生将是吉祥快乐,健康,将是成就无限的人生。 顶礼尊贵的上师!您将引领这这样一批年轻人走向光明智慧的人生。创造美好的未来人间。

  14. 师父好,越来越多的人爱上禅修,爱上菩提法门,也就有了越来越多的人学会关心帮助他人,学会慈悲爱人,希望更多有缘人都能走进菩提法门,让我们赖以生存的世界更美好,感恩师父,感恩师父传授的妙法!

  15. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲分享与开示!这位年轻的備帆同修真是有福气,通过禅修让自己更加善良关爱他人,真是前途无量!祈愿更多的孩子们都能有缘结缘菩提,跟随佛师走向光明!成为栋梁之材!我们也要活到老学到老,跟着恩师阔步前行!有一分热发一分光,做一名菩提的传播者。感恩师父!!!

  16. 孩子参加菩提青年领袖夏令营,对我们来说现在只能是梦!为了这个梦我们一直在努力着,拼搏着,希望不久的将来能够梦想成真!

  17. 师父好?今天是二十四节气中的第十个节气夏至,师父?咱们的习俗是:冬至饺子夏至面?今天中午弟子全家和师父一起吃热凉拌面,旁边是辣椒油?️请慈父恩师笑纳?

  18. 感恩尊贵的上师!感恩小师兄的分享!愿更多的孩子受益于菩提!愿更多的孩子都因菩提而心生慈悲,关爱社会,关爱同学,关爱身边的一切有缘人。那样的社会会处处充满爱,处处有温暖,多么美好呀!那就是人间天堂。

  19. 感恩师父慈悲分享!恭喜这个年青的师兄懂得了关爱和帮助他人!懂得了慈悲!走上了觉悟人生的道路上!太棒了!这么小的年龄在师父的妙法加持下就能如此的博爱胸怀!有的白发苍苍也未必悟到!这样的人成功一定属于您!人生的道路一定特精彩!得人缘更得人心!好为您欢喜!更为自己是师父的弟子而欢喜!因为有您弟子不再害怕担心,看到了所有孩子来菩提后的精彩人生!相信孩子的未来必定美好成就快乐幸福!祈愿所有的孩子们都能来禅修!变得智慧博爱宽容慈悲让人生更精彩!?叩拜

  20. 一感恩师父教導有方,又多了年青,博爱,慈悲,有愛心的年青人,當我们做善事心情特别好,这是常常提到及分享给我们,再次感恩师父,顶礼叩謝。

  21. 感恩师父!祝福備帆师兄,随喜赞叹!好棒!希望我女儿也能菩提禅修!跟随师父,关心帮助他人,学会慈悲爱人,帮助众生离苦得乐!顶礼感恩师父!!!

  22. 师父好!感恩师父分享!祝福师兄获得健康快乐,慈悲关爱他人。希望更多的年轻人加入菩提禅修,从中获得吉祥快乐,学会慈悲,学会感恩。以一灯燃百灯,百灯燃灯干千万!感恩顶礼师父!

  23. 感恩师父!

  24. 这小帅哥正是咋一位师姐家的儿子,三年多了,我们看着他变化,如今他的理想是帮助别人,一下子成为一个少年菩萨了,志向高远,菩提青少年夏令营功不可没,许多孩子因此改变了他的人生。

  25. 今生有机会认识菩提禅修,认识我们的师父,能听到师父的开示,能跟着师父修炼,真是莫大的福分!这个小师兄真是太有福了!感恩师父!我们都有幸运的人!菩提禅修让我们离苦得乐!让我们有智慧!让我们消除烦恼,让我们有一个美好的人生!谁修谁有福!

  26. 师父好!年青人朝气蓬勃,是世界未来的希望,他们走进菩提禅修,开发了智慧,慈悲,大爱,博学。成为社会栋梁,发挥自己才能,为社会做贡献。感恩师父对年青人的关爱鼓励!
