【最新直播】2023 韓國釜山:消災延壽念佛班 第二天 上半

【最新直播】2023 韓國釜山:消災延壽念佛班 第二天 上半場
‼️ 本次課程會全程實況直播
⏰ 3天課程 直播時間
亞洲台北 2023年5月19日-21日
上半場:8.30am – 11.30am
下半場:1pm – 5pm
韓國 2023年5月19日-21日
上半場:9.30am – 12.30pm
下半場:2pm – 6pm
北美溫哥華 2023年5月18日-20日
上半場:5.30pm – 8.30pm
下半場:10pm – 次日凌晨2am
在來臨的浴佛節,我會在韓國釜山開3天的念佛班,全程網路直播!希望有緣的朋友們,能參與一起真誠念佛,得佛光護佑,消災滅難,健康吉祥,心想事成! 🙏✨
[Livestream Announcement] 2023 Busan Korea: Eliminate Disasters & Increase Longevity Chanting Class (Day 2.First Half)
⏰ Livestream Schedule (3-Day Class)
Asia Taipei Time: 19-21 May 2023
First Half: 8.30am – 11.30am
Second Half: 1pm – 5pm
Korea Time: 19-21 May 2023
First Half: 9.30am – 12.30pm
Second Half: 2pm – 6pm
Vancouver Time: 18-20 May 2023
First Half: 5.30pm – 8.30pm
Second Half: 10pm – 2am (+1 day)
To celebrate the upcoming Sakyamuni Buddha’s Birthday, I will be conducting a 3-day chanting class in Busan, Korea, which will be fully live-streamed! I hope that more online friends can participate and chant sincerely to the Buddha. May you and your families receive Buddha’s blessings, eliminate disasters and afflictions, and achieve good health and auspiciousness. May all your wishes come true! 🙏✨



Youtube(Indonesian) :

Youtube(Thai) :

菩提禪修學院 Bodhi Meditation College
You are welcome to sponsor Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Online Classes,
Please refer to the following links for sponsorship:
※ 馬來西亞地區:僅限非穆斯林
※ Malaysia: For non-Muslims only


在〈【最新直播】2023 韓國釜山:消災延壽念佛班 第二天 上半〉中有 12 則留言

  1. 师父上午好!师兄师姐上午好!弟子超论,超航,取湃,白梓辰顶礼叩拜感恩大慈大悲佛菩萨!顶礼叩拜感恩尊贵的上师!🙏🙏🙏

  2. Gd morning Grandmaster and all teachers, brothers and sisters. Pls bless us all stay safe and healthy always

  3. 佛师我从来没有这样的,昨天一天很想睡觉,睡的很沉很沉,今天心灵感觉洗礼一样!感恩佛师师母我超级爱您们!感恩佛师无声无息给更多人受益!佛师太超级,原来心中默默无形那么伟大!

  4. 师父早上好呀~㊗️愿您~身~心~灵~轻悠~自在~悠然~愉悦~健康~平安~幸福~吉祥哦~感恩师父~感恩一切~敬畏一切🙏😃
