
2019 June Online Stress Relief Class – Sharing Session

金菩提宗師 中文頻道
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金菩提宗師 韓文頻道
Korean 진푸티선사 Channel:

金菩提宗師 印尼語頻道
Grandmaster JinBodhi Indonesian Channel:



在〈金菩提宗師網路直播-201906網路減壓…〉中有 28 則留言

  1. 这十二天中,我精力充足,烦恼也少了,略有感悟。如果常举办网络班,就好了。

  2. Hi Master, thank you so much for all that u do, my family and I are very greatful for all that you do! thank you so much!!! also, this summer, I have been elected to apply for a Chinese scholarship so therefore, I hope you can help me win the scholarship of five hundred dollars! We love you !!

  3. Dearest Master, May I seek Master to bless my mother Ang Huay Kee to recover from her health and mind after her uterus operation in 2014. May she find back her happiness in life after 5 years of torturing to her. 感恩师父加持母亲洪花枝,Ang Huay Kee, 属羊1944, 农历十二月分。谢谢师父。
