
?‍♀ 問:「走「八卦」半年多,10年的腰痛消失了,是不是代表完全好了?」

【Energy Bagua Q&A】 When can I stop practicing Energy Bagua?

Question: [After practicing Energy Bagua for half a year, my 10 years of backache disappeared- does this mean I have fully recovered?]

My reply: Maybe not.

The key to cultivation lies in perseverance. This cultivation method does not take up a lot of time each day. Therefore, it is best that you do not stop your practice. If you can practice every day, you will accumulate energy and skills over time and your body will start to show signs of improvement. However, that does not mean that your illness and discomfort is gone forever and will not relapse.

Our human body is a living organism made up of numerous living cells. As we need to consume different food every day, could we can get infected with diseases easily?

Besides, our emotional fluctuations may cause bodily discomfort, blockages or diseases. Hence, there is no guarantee that we have fully recovered and will not suffer a relapse. This is why I will advise everyone to continue with your practice. Through perseverance, our health will keep improving.

Once, when I was sharing about Energy Bagua during a live broadcast, someone said: “Master, after practicing Energy Bagua, I recovered from Hay fever, an illness which had afflicted me for many years! Because I was afraid of the cold, I used to have to wear 4 layers of clothes during winter when others only have to wear 2 layers. During summer, I even had to carry a thick sweater with me. Now, my body has improved. Even when I come into contact with pollen in spring, my body does not have any adverse reaction.” When I heard this, I felt very happy.

He continued to ask: “Does this mean that from now on, my body will not respond to pollen?” I hope this is the case, however, I hope he will continue with his practice.

An illness can be attributed to many reasons, for instance, through eating rice, drinking water, breathing, emotional changes and working environment. All these could potentially cause us to fall sick. In addition, some of our illness may be caused by genetic factors which we inherit from our ancestors. Therefore, do not joke and say things like: “He has a family history of liver cancer, I do not have.”

Actually, everyone’s ancestors go back a few hundred generations. Over tens of thousands of years, our body contains mute, deaf, cancer and heart attack genes. Hence, diseases can inflict us any time. It is just that if any of an illness afflicts our ancestors in the recent 3rd to 5th generations, the chances of us getting the same disease is much higher.

Since the sources of diseases are so diversified, it is very difficult for our body to defend against them. The only way for us to maintain our health is to spend some time each day to practice Energy Bagua. However, once we stop practicing, our health may deteriorate. Hence, I hope everybody will continue with your Energy Bagua practice.

#EnergyBagua, #Q&A, #Backachernrn【八卦內功問答Q&A】什麼時候可以停止走八卦呢?
?‍♀ 問:「走「八卦」半年多,10年的腰痛消失了,是不是代表完全好了?」

【Energy Bagua Q&A】 When can I stop practicing Energy Bagua?

Question: [After practicing Energy Bagua for half a year, my 10 years of backache disappeared- does this mean I have fully recovered?]

My reply: Maybe not.

The key to cultivation lies in perseverance. This cultivation method does not take up a lot of time each day. Therefore, it is best that you do not stop your practice. If you can practice every day, you will accumulate energy and skills over time and your body will start to show signs of improvement. However, that does not mean that your illness and discomfort is gone forever and will not relapse.

Our human body is a living organism made up of numerous living cells. As we need to consume different food every day, could we can get infected with diseases easily?

Besides, our emotional fluctuations may cause bodily discomfort, blockages or diseases. Hence, there is no guarantee that we have fully recovered and will not suffer a relapse. This is why I will advise everyone to continue with your practice. Through perseverance, our health will keep improving.

Once, when I was sharing about Energy Bagua during a live broadcast, someone said: “Master, after practicing Energy Bagua, I recovered from Hay fever, an illness which had afflicted me for many years! Because I was afraid of the cold, I used to have to wear 4 layers of clothes during winter when others only have to wear 2 layers. During summer, I even had to carry a thick sweater with me. Now, my body has improved. Even when I come into contact with pollen in spring, my body does not have any adverse reaction.” When I heard this, I felt very happy.

He continued to ask: “Does this mean that from now on, my body will not respond to pollen?” I hope this is the case, however, I hope he will continue with his practice.

An illness can be attributed to many reasons, for instance, through eating rice, drinking water, breathing, emotional changes and working environment. All these could potentially cause us to fall sick. In addition, some of our illness may be caused by genetic factors which we inherit from our ancestors. Therefore, do not joke and say things like: “He has a family history of liver cancer, I do not have.”

Actually, everyone’s ancestors go back a few hundred generations. Over tens of thousands of years, our body contains mute, deaf, cancer and heart attack genes. Hence, diseases can inflict us any time. It is just that if any of an illness afflicts our ancestors in the recent 3rd to 5th generations, the chances of us getting the same disease is much higher.

Since the sources of diseases are so diversified, it is very difficult for our body to defend against them. The only way for us to maintain our health is to spend some time each day to practice Energy Bagua. However, once we stop practicing, our health may deteriorate. Hence, I hope everybody will continue with your Energy Bagua practice.

#EnergyBagua, #Q&A, #Backache

?‍♀ 問:「走「八卦」半年多,10年的腰痛消失了,是不是代表完全好了?」
【Energy Bagua Q&A】 When can I stop practicing Energy Bagua?
Question: [After practicing Energy Bagua for half a year, my 10 years of backache disappeared- does this mean I have fully recovered?]
My reply: Maybe not.
The key to cultivation lies in perseverance. This cultivation method does not take up a lot of time each day. Therefore, it is best that you do not stop your practice. If you can practice every day, you will accumulate energy and skills over time and your body will start to show signs of improvement. However, that does not mean that your illness and discomfort is gone forever and will not relapse.
Our human body is a living organism made up of numerous living cells. As we need to consume different food every day, could we can get infected with diseases easily?
Besides, our emotional fluctuations may cause bodily discomfort, blockages or diseases. Hence, there is no guarantee that we have fully recovered and will not suffer a relapse. This is why I will advise everyone to continue with your practice. Through perseverance, our health will keep improving.
Once, when I was sharing about Energy Bagua during a live broadcast, someone said: “Master, after practicing Energy Bagua, I recovered from Hay fever, an illness which had afflicted me for many years! Because I was afraid of the cold, I used to have to wear 4 layers of clothes during winter when others only have to wear 2 layers. During summer, I even had to carry a thick sweater with me. Now, my body has improved. Even when I come into contact with pollen in spring, my body does not have any adverse reaction.” When I heard this, I felt very happy.
He continued to ask: “Does this mean that from now on, my body will not respond to pollen?” I hope this is the case, however, I hope he will continue with his practice.
An illness can be attributed to many reasons, for instance, through eating rice, drinking water, breathing, emotional changes and working environment. All these could potentially cause us to fall sick. In addition, some of our illness may be caused by genetic factors which we inherit from our ancestors. Therefore, do not joke and say things like: “He has a family history of liver cancer, I do not have.” 
Actually, everyone’s ancestors go back a few hundred generations. Over tens of thousands of years, our body contains mute, deaf, cancer and heart attack genes. Hence, diseases can inflict us any time. It is just that if any of an illness afflicts our ancestors in the recent 3rd to 5th generations, the chances of us getting the same disease is much higher. 
Since the sources of diseases are so diversified, it is very difficult for our body to defend against them. The only way for us to maintain our health is to spend some time each day to practice Energy Bagua. However, once we stop practicing, our health may deteriorate. Hence, I hope everybody will continue with your Energy Bagua practice.
#EnergyBagua, #Q&A, #Backachernrn【八卦內功問答Q&A】什麼時候可以停止走八卦呢?
?‍♀ 問:「走「八卦」半年多,10年的腰痛消失了,是不是代表完全好了?」
【Energy Bagua Q&A】 When can I stop practicing Energy Bagua?
Question: [After practicing Energy Bagua for half a year, my 10 years of backache disappeared- does this mean I have fully recovered?]
My reply: Maybe not.
The key to cultivation lies in perseverance. This cultivation method does not take up a lot of time each day. Therefore, it is best that you do not stop your practice. If you can practice every day, you will accumulate energy and skills over time and your body will start to show signs of improvement. However, that does not mean that your illness and discomfort is gone forever and will not relapse.
Our human body is a living organism made up of numerous living cells. As we need to consume different food every day, could we can get infected with diseases easily?
Besides, our emotional fluctuations may cause bodily discomfort, blockages or diseases. Hence, there is no guarantee that we have fully recovered and will not suffer a relapse. This is why I will advise everyone to continue with your practice. Through perseverance, our health will keep improving.
Once, when I was sharing about Energy Bagua during a live broadcast, someone said: “Master, after practicing Energy Bagua, I recovered from Hay fever, an illness which had afflicted me for many years! Because I was afraid of the cold, I used to have to wear 4 layers of clothes during winter when others only have to wear 2 layers. During summer, I even had to carry a thick sweater with me. Now, my body has improved. Even when I come into contact with pollen in spring, my body does not have any adverse reaction.” When I heard this, I felt very happy.
He continued to ask: “Does this mean that from now on, my body will not respond to pollen?” I hope this is the case, however, I hope he will continue with his practice.
An illness can be attributed to many reasons, for instance, through eating rice, drinking water, breathing, emotional changes and working environment. All these could potentially cause us to fall sick. In addition, some of our illness may be caused by genetic factors which we inherit from our ancestors. Therefore, do not joke and say things like: “He has a family history of liver cancer, I do not have.” 
Actually, everyone’s ancestors go back a few hundred generations. Over tens of thousands of years, our body contains mute, deaf, cancer and heart attack genes. Hence, diseases can inflict us any time. It is just that if any of an illness afflicts our ancestors in the recent 3rd to 5th generations, the chances of us getting the same disease is much higher. 
Since the sources of diseases are so diversified, it is very difficult for our body to defend against them. The only way for us to maintain our health is to spend some time each day to practice Energy Bagua. However, once we stop practicing, our health may deteriorate. Hence, I hope everybody will continue with your Energy Bagua practice.
#EnergyBagua, #Q&A, #Backache


在〈【八卦內功問答Q&A】什麼時候可以停止走…〉中有 34 則留言

  1. 师父早晨好?,感恩师父慈悲分享,啥时候不走八卦呢,只要能吃,能喝,有两条能走路,就一定坚持永久,但有一天吃什么东西都不香了,两眼一闭长期休眠了,到那时才是休息日,???

  2. 感恩师父慈悲开示!感恩师父慈悲传授无上妙法「八卦内功」一年四季天天,我们这的都非常受益!这两天有增加新人了。

  3. 感恩師父 今天是我練習八卦內功的57天 我好像天天在數饅頭 想超越過108天 如同貼文 八卦內功持之以恆 累積能量 練習時間長短 看身體 負荷程度 而定 感恩師父慈悲耳提面命收到

  4. 师父早上好!弟子非常认同你的讲法!我会用心去学好八卦内功,然后我会分享给我身边的所有朋友和家人。感恩师父的付出和教导!师父我❤️你。

  5. 是的师父说的对。八卦也好大光明也好如果有时候有事出去几天没修:就觉的精神气不大好!所以如师父说的要坚持!感恩师父!一定要好好修只是为自己修。叩拜?

  6. 师父早上好!八卦天天走,活到九十九! 目前还未考虑九十九的问题,但是不走八卦,没意思,也没能量。公园有个人暗恋我的八卦,想跟我学,想治疗花粉过敏,不过还没下定决心,咱们走着瞧吧!

  7. 感恩师父慈悲开示与呵护!感恩师父传授我们菩提禅修法宝!让我们快速从病痛生不如死痛苦解救出来!什麼時候不会停止走八卦的,只要能活着永远一定坚持永久,八卦天天走,健康快乐活到99!感恩师父的加持护佑!顶礼叩拜感恩师父??????

  8. 八卦内功一定要天天走,就好比医生,再好的医生,给你开的药在好,你不吃病能好吗?方法再好不坚持一样是没有用的。学了八卦天天走,一直走到九十九!感恩师父传妙法,祛病强身乐悠悠!

  9. 顶礼感恩師父慈悲開示!恒久坚持修行,八卦天天走+修練大光明+大禮拜持咒,每天都是能量滿滿,健康快樂,感恩師父傳授 !???

  10. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲开示解答!只要活着,就天天走八卦,天天修行,能量充满,健康快乐每一天!顶礼师父!

  11. 感恩师父的慈悲分享!师父传递的每一种妙法,将会伴随我们一生,永无止境,顶礼叩拜?师父

  12. 感恩师父慈悲开示!却实如此,不修身体不但没有好还可能度差,所以不得不修啊!健康和岁月流逝的痕迹都是本身在体验着!冷暧好坏自知!修肯定不会更差!只有选择修对人生才是最好的!?叩拜

  13. 感恩师父慈悲开示!修行就如同吃饭穿衣一样已经成为生活中的一部分。是需要不断的修才可以使身体越来越健康。所以不要好了伤疤忘了疼,好了也要继续修。要有不离不弃的决心,才能有永远的身心光明!感恩师父赐予妙法!顶礼师父

  14. 感恩师父慈悲开示与呵护!感恩师父传授的慈悲妙法,使我们无数的有缘人从病痛中解脱出来,得到了健康快乐!每天坚持修炼健康快乐!顶礼感恩师父!

  15. ?感恩师父慈悲开示?

  16. 感恩师父答疑解惑。修行不能放弃,虽然通过修练身体健康了疾病消失了,但是疾病产生的原因很多,要想疾病完全好是不能保证的,所以只要坚持每天多修练身体便能好起来,不放弃就能获得健康快乐。八卦内功生命能量的提升。

  17. 八卦是多么享受的修练啊!弟子不舍得丢下,会一直走八卦的!?

  18. 感恩师父慈悲教导提醒,要想身体保持健康,就要勤修不辍!我是没有别的爱好,不喜欢打球,也不喜欢游泳,跑步,去健身房就更不喜欢了,所以,朋友问我做什么运动?我回答:走八卦!别看慢慢走,1小时走下来能量满满!师父莫要忧心,我们是八卦运动的爱好者,一定会把这个爱好保持下去的!

  19. 上师吉祥!是不是修炼就是锻炼的一种,只是八卦不但锻炼了肌肉更是让身体;心灵和意识得到全面的融合,让身体的自我疗愈功能得到更充分的发挥和提升,从而达到健康快乐的目的。八卦的音乐令我进入圣境;八卦的步伐带我踏入安详;八卦的提示启发我自然合一。八卦是身心灵的食物,是健康快乐的重要组成部分,似太阳,像月亮,更是淡水,是我们健康生活中必不可少的重要“食物”。所以如果希望永远健康快乐,那么就天天“八卦”吧!师父对不对呢????

  20. 感恩师父的慈悲开示,我也是每天早上都坚持走八卦快两年了,走八卦之后让我的身体越来越好了,以前我的手指一到冬天就就常常会很白,很怕冷,现在不会了。我人也变得越来越开朗了,而且我变得越来越漂亮年轻了。感恩师父传受给我们的八卦内功。我会坚持的走下去。???❤️❤️❤️感恩师父

  21. 感恩师父,!师父吉祥如意!修行方法贵在坚持✊长时间的积累才能获得正能量来抵销我们生活中贪嗔痴慢的负能量!今生今世能遇到师父真好!???

  22. 师父好!不知道我是送宝宝上幼儿园碰到那个老太太的原因还是怎么!浑身没劲!连走路都没力气!做大光明就手也抬不起来,就疲劳的一点劲都没有!所以大光明没做好第一遍,都躺下了没力气!?

  23. 师父我浑身没力气!这几天我的心态也上来胡思乱想了师父!然后我老公也莫名其妙的难受吃不进去饭没力气!我也是很心烦师父!我就天天硬挺着去走八卦!然后还一去学校看见那老太太就难受,宝宝起满身疙瘩又,脸上的才下去我就给她送去学校了!师父我想哭…???

  24. 师父早,昨天晚上我睡觉做梦梦到的都是鬼,没有头的那些个乱七八糟的鬼的梦!特别吓人!每天早起来师父我都小肚子左侧难受,半个身体都感觉麻恶心想吐!心焦磨烂的难受闹心!〒_〒师父人家都说没有过不去的火焰山,可是师父我这么久了还是过不去〒_〒?

  25. 师父好,师父我浑身都没劲,连说话的力气都没有了!饭也吃不进去,练功也没力气,起不来!身上还哆嗦!心态也莫名其妙的不好!乱想事,抑郁!一天了一个功课都没做!我就连说一句话都感觉没力气!我老公也莫名其妙没力气!师父我感觉很辛苦!生不如死的滋味〒_〒为什么总这样我!
