
?‍♀ 問:「雨季能在戶外走『八卦』嗎?」


【Energy Bagua Q&A】Practice 3 heats in summer and 3 colds in winter

?‍♀ Question: During the rainy season, can we practise Energy Bagua outdoors?

When practising Energy Bagua, it is most effective to do so outdoors all year round. As the saying goes, ‘Practice 3 heats in summer and 3 colds in winter’. Thus, if we can sustain our practice through the harshest of the days in summer and winter respectively, we would be able to master some skills in the process, and foster greater vitality.

An analogy is the forging of the weapon used in wars in ancient times – the sword. The sword is wrought from iron that had been subject to the furnace. As it turned blinding-white from the initial red-hot state, it is repeatedly hit with the hammer so that it will be toughened. Then, it is heated until red before plunging into cold water; a process called “quenching steel.” The successive hot-and-cold treatment is so that iron that is not hard enough initially, gradually become carbonized and tempered, enabling the blade to become sharper. A superior sword like this can even slice through cotton and rubber, its sharpness due to this process of ‘quenching’.

The human body may not be like steel, but the approach is similar – to sustain (our practice) through nature’s extreme heat and extreme cold. If we remain indoors, with air-conditioning in summer, and the heater in winter, the stable temperature means that we would always enjoy a temperature that of the spring. In this way, the training would not encompass the variations or ‘quenching’ of the four seasons.
Hence, where health permits, it is recommended that we practice outdoors.

Maintenance of practice through the hottest of the summers, and coldest of the winters thus helps to build strong physiques, provides great benefits to health, and is a superior practice approach. Such an approach offers the opportunity to enhance the practitioner’s constitution and skills. It is also a well-kept secret for health and wellness left behind by our forefathers.

Yet, in today’s increasingly urbanized societies, if one really do not have the convenience of practising Energy Bagua outdoors, you are welcome to join us at our respective Bodhi Meditation Centers or Energy Bagua centers.

#EnergyBagua, #Q&A, #CanWePractiseEnergyBaguaOutdoorsInRainySeasonrnrn【八卦內功問答Q&A】夏練三暑,冬練三寒。
?‍♀ 問:「雨季能在戶外走『八卦』嗎?」


【Energy Bagua Q&A】Practice 3 heats in summer and 3 colds in winter

?‍♀ Question: During the rainy season, can we practise Energy Bagua outdoors?

When practising Energy Bagua, it is most effective to do so outdoors all year round. As the saying goes, ‘Practice 3 heats in summer and 3 colds in winter’. Thus, if we can sustain our practice through the harshest of the days in summer and winter respectively, we would be able to master some skills in the process, and foster greater vitality.

An analogy is the forging of the weapon used in wars in ancient times – the sword. The sword is wrought from iron that had been subject to the furnace. As it turned blinding-white from the initial red-hot state, it is repeatedly hit with the hammer so that it will be toughened. Then, it is heated until red before plunging into cold water; a process called “quenching steel.” The successive hot-and-cold treatment is so that iron that is not hard enough initially, gradually become carbonized and tempered, enabling the blade to become sharper. A superior sword like this can even slice through cotton and rubber, its sharpness due to this process of ‘quenching’.

The human body may not be like steel, but the approach is similar – to sustain (our practice) through nature’s extreme heat and extreme cold. If we remain indoors, with air-conditioning in summer, and the heater in winter, the stable temperature means that we would always enjoy a temperature that of the spring. In this way, the training would not encompass the variations or ‘quenching’ of the four seasons.
Hence, where health permits, it is recommended that we practice outdoors.

Maintenance of practice through the hottest of the summers, and coldest of the winters thus helps to build strong physiques, provides great benefits to health, and is a superior practice approach. Such an approach offers the opportunity to enhance the practitioner’s constitution and skills. It is also a well-kept secret for health and wellness left behind by our forefathers.

Yet, in today’s increasingly urbanized societies, if one really do not have the convenience of practising Energy Bagua outdoors, you are welcome to join us at our respective Bodhi Meditation Centers or Energy Bagua centers.

#EnergyBagua, #Q&A, #CanWePractiseEnergyBaguaOutdoorsInRainySeason


在〈【八卦內功問答Q&A】夏練三暑,冬練三寒…〉中有 33 則留言

  1. 感恩師父慈悲開示 今天是練習八卦內功 52天 目前先要抽出時間去台北禪堂 請購 八卦內功 音樂CD片 我現在在家練習買了一雙練功鞋有模有樣 我想先超越108天 在做考慮 因為 我一直在增胖中 現在練功以後 身材越來越苗條我必須少量多餐 感恩師父

  2. 可以向師父回報 我去養生 素食餐廳 用餐 老闆師兄 伸出他的大手 讓我筆劃一下 看看有沒有能量 結果 老闆好高興地說 有一點 那個時候我才練功38天 感恩師父

  3. 师父师母早安:感恩师父慈悲开示!真诚祈愿一切众生都获得上师佛菩萨慈悲加持护佑,感恩开心快乐每一天!???

  4. 师父早安吉祥!感恩师父慈悲开示!祈愿一切有缘人都能来走八卦!感恩师父???

  5. 师父好!

  6. 感恩师父慈悲开示,愿天下所有有缘人都来走八卦,让我们获得健康、快乐,弟子就是八卦的受益者(以前我胆小的要命,稍微声音大一点或者有人在背后喊我一下我的小心脏就会砰砰直跳,有时感觉就会被吓过去,好久才能平静下来,我曾经想过,最后肯定是被吓S的,八卦半年以后这种情况没有了,弟子每天都在走,现在走两年多了,身体其它小毛病都没有了,我们不管做什么一定要坚持)所以感恩师父,顶礼叩拜?最尊贵的上师。

  7. 感恩师父的慈悲开示!我们都是走八卦的受益着,体能和身体各方面素质都提高了 ,会一直走下去,也㊗️愿所有的有缘人都来走八卦,让健康和快乐永远伴随自己 .感恩师父!

  8. 師父好,感恩師父八卦内功講解,弟子喜欢在户外走八卦,外面大自然走八卦非常好,很舒服,是雨天我会多穿—件棉衣,会穿上塑胶包鞋,头上帶顶帽,免得着凉,那是我的经验,八卦内功,生命能量,感恩師父传受八卦内功,愿喜欢八卦内功有缘人,获得健康快乐?

  9. 感恩师父慈悲开示!感恩师父慈悲加持护佑我们有缘众生离苦得乐!自在吉祥!祝愿更多有缘人都能早日受益菩提禅修健康快乐!都来走八卦!健康快乐!弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!

  10. ?感恩师父慈悲开示?夏练三暑冬练三寒,一定照做,不光身体受益,心性也会得到提升,八卦妙法太棒了??✌

  11. 感恩师父!夏练三暑冬练三寒,让更多有缘人从痛苦中走向健康快乐!长寿吉祥如意!叩拜恩师!

  12. 八卦坚持走,医药绕门走!八卦内功,大光明,让我们健康不得疾病!感恩上师!

  13. 感恩师父慈悲开示与呵护!收到;夏練三暑,冬練三寒。三九天、三伏天這兩個最嚴酷的季節都能夠堅持下來,才可能練出點功夫來,人也就會結實了。感恩师父传授我们特殊无比的法宝,让我们健康幸福自在!顶礼感恩叩拜师父!!!

  14. 感恩师父慈悲开示!我特别喜欢树,特别喜欢走八卦,每天早晨或者上午只要来到我走八卦的地方,就感觉身心放松,走一个小时八卦加收功以后,腿脚和胳膊越来越轻松灵活了,头也不那么发懵不混沌,也清醒了很多,非常感恩师父的八卦等妙法!无论严寒酷暑,我都会坚持走下去的,顶礼师父!

  15. 师父:我也是通过两年走八卦,胆子变大一些了,心慌减少了许多,原来我妈妈说话,还有别人背后跟我说话等等声音,我都会害怕紧张,经过师父大能量加持和修行,我感觉自己变美和壮实了,不怎么感冒发烧了,感恩师父!

  16. 感恩师父慈悲开示!冬练三九夏练三伏!只有经历过严寒酷暑才能练就“精钢不坏”之身!感恩师父赐予改变基因的妙法!感恩师父赐予我们第二次新生!顶礼师父!

  17. 感恩師父!師父真好!時常关怀我们一切等等指引比娘还亲!我真有福!我愛師父!也很愛所有神佛菩薩!我得知人要認真真誠敬愛和善慈悲的心!这是我们的福,我还要修是我路,现我有个好好的真心時常关怀照著我们指引的好好師父!还所有神佛菩薩保佑! 真誠的感恩谢谢啊!

  18. 师父好!我是不管什么天,早晨就是我走八卦的时间,只要不是打雷就行。感恩师父传授最殊胜的妙法!!!

  19. 感恩佛师慈悲开示???弟子坚持户外八卦,关键是客厅小走不开???尊佛师开示现在城市生活不能一年四季生活在春天里,弟子这边四季分明,感恩生活在这样的城市感受四季分明的大自然???

  20. 感恩师父传授八卦妙法!好多人都受益八卦,身体健康起来!八卦靠的是毅力丶忍耐,坚持下去,风雨不误,还得姿势端正,那我们的效果会更好!我们的人生更精彩!生活美满!家庭幸福!感谢师父!???

  21. 師父好?弟子有一事想請示師父

  22. 感恩师父开示。昨天早上走八卦,走了四十分钟左右天降大雨,越来越大,雨水顺着头发往脸上流,眼睛都睁不开,外衣也都湿了。幸好播放器没有问题。继续走了大概十几分钟,雨又小了,等走完,雨停了。身上热乎乎的,能量的积累没有因为下雨而降低,感恩师父护佑!
