念佛的神奇效果 . 感謝馬來西亞/周化的…



The miraculous power of chanting

Thank you to Malaysia Bodh Meditation practitioner Zhou-hua for her sharing on the benefits of chanting.

Let’s take a look at how she has benefitted from chanting
After attending the chanting class, I gained the magical blessings of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. This helped my son’s injured hand to recover quickly. I remember that on the day before I attended the chanting class, my son accidentally fell while skate boarding, hurting the muscle tissues on his right arm, and as a result, he could not lift his arm up.

When I attended the chanting class the next day, I quickly offer a light for my son in front of Buddha, and persisted in chanting very sincerely, hoping that his arm will heal quickly. At the end of the chanting class, I went home and my mother told me that my son could lift his arm. He could even wear his clothes and wash himself without needing extra help. It was simply miraculous!

I could feel Master’s blessings while chanting. It was really incredible.

Following Master’s teachings, I also discovered the purpose of being a a human. Each of us should have a compassionate and grateful heart and respect the elderly. I am very grateful to Master’s teachings and will remember them for a long time.

*The effects of meditation varies among individuals *

#Chanting, #MakeLightOffering, #AuspiciousBlessingrnrn念佛的神奇效果


The miraculous power of chanting

Thank you to Malaysia Bodh Meditation practitioner Zhou-hua for her sharing on the benefits of chanting.

Let’s take a look at how she has benefitted from chanting
After attending the chanting class, I gained the magical blessings of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. This helped my son’s injured hand to recover quickly. I remember that on the day before I attended the chanting class, my son accidentally fell while skate boarding, hurting the muscle tissues on his right arm, and as a result, he could not lift his arm up.

When I attended the chanting class the next day, I quickly offer a light for my son in front of Buddha, and persisted in chanting very sincerely, hoping that his arm will heal quickly. At the end of the chanting class, I went home and my mother told me that my son could lift his arm. He could even wear his clothes and wash himself without needing extra help. It was simply miraculous!

I could feel Master’s blessings while chanting. It was really incredible.

Following Master’s teachings, I also discovered the purpose of being a a human. Each of us should have a compassionate and grateful heart and respect the elderly. I am very grateful to Master’s teachings and will remember them for a long time.

*The effects of meditation varies among individuals *

#Chanting, #MakeLightOffering, #AuspiciousBlessing


The miraculous power of chanting 
Thank you to Malaysia Bodh Meditation practitioner Zhou-hua for her sharing on the benefits of chanting. 
Let's take a look at how she has benefitted from chanting 
After attending the chanting class, I gained the magical blessings of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. This helped my son's injured hand to recover quickly. I remember that on the day before I attended the chanting class, my son accidentally fell while skate boarding, hurting the muscle tissues on his right arm, and as a result, he could not lift his arm up. 
When I attended the chanting class the next day, I quickly offer a light for my son in front of Buddha, and persisted in chanting very sincerely, hoping that his arm will heal quickly. At the end of the chanting class, I went home and my mother told me that my son could lift his arm. He could even wear his clothes and wash himself without needing extra help. It was simply miraculous!
I could feel Master's blessings while chanting. It was really incredible.
Following Master's teachings, I also discovered the purpose of being a a human. Each of us should have a compassionate and grateful heart and respect the elderly.  I am very grateful to Master’s teachings and will remember them for a long time. 
 *The effects of meditation varies among individuals *
 #Chanting, #MakeLightOffering, #AuspiciousBlessingrnrn念佛的神奇效果

The miraculous power of chanting 
Thank you to Malaysia Bodh Meditation practitioner Zhou-hua for her sharing on the benefits of chanting. 
Let's take a look at how she has benefitted from chanting 
After attending the chanting class, I gained the magical blessings of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. This helped my son's injured hand to recover quickly. I remember that on the day before I attended the chanting class, my son accidentally fell while skate boarding, hurting the muscle tissues on his right arm, and as a result, he could not lift his arm up. 
When I attended the chanting class the next day, I quickly offer a light for my son in front of Buddha, and persisted in chanting very sincerely, hoping that his arm will heal quickly. At the end of the chanting class, I went home and my mother told me that my son could lift his arm. He could even wear his clothes and wash himself without needing extra help. It was simply miraculous!
I could feel Master's blessings while chanting. It was really incredible.
Following Master's teachings, I also discovered the purpose of being a a human. Each of us should have a compassionate and grateful heart and respect the elderly.  I am very grateful to Master’s teachings and will remember them for a long time. 
 *The effects of meditation varies among individuals *
 #Chanting, #MakeLightOffering, #AuspiciousBlessing


在〈念佛的神奇效果 . 感謝馬來西亞/周化的…〉中有 18 則留言

  1. 感恩馬來西亞/周化的念佛分享。真心念佛一句,胜过万两黄金!真心念佛能打动佛菩萨,感动师父,与师父合二为一,得吉祥如意!

  2. 感恩慈悲的师父分享”周化“师姐念佛的神奇效果。念佛的决壳是”真诚恭敬感恩”心与心和佛及慈悲的师父沟通,才能获得极强的光明能量普照、加持、护佑,一定实现愿望收到神奇、不可思议的显著效果!随喜赞叹师姐!

  3. 我们每个人的家庭都有麻烦不随心、不如意的事,如果我们真心的去帮人,真心的念佛,那就真改变我们的一切,使我们更光明,更有健康幸福的人生!感恩师父慈悲的教化!给我们指引光明路!弟子叩拜师父!???

  4. 感恩师父慈悲分享见证禅修!随喜赞叹师姐通过念佛供灯家庭受益!感恩师父传授的妙法!☕????

  5. 感恩师父慈悲分享!随喜恭喜师姐念佛点灯受益!真心真诚念佛,与佛心相映会产生不可思议的神奇力量!

  6. 感恩师父慈悲分享见证禅修!随喜赞叹周化师姐供灯念佛家庭受益!真诚念佛,与佛合二为一,会产生非常神奇的能量!顶礼叩拜师父!

  7. 感恩师父慈悲分享!恭敬供灯真心念佛让有缘人收到佛师的慈悲加持护佑!改变命运身心健康快乐吉祥如意!随喜赞叹师姐分享获得吉祥能量加持孩子健康了家庭幸福快乐了!感恩本师释迦牟尼佛!感恩师父慈悲加持护佑!恭敬感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!!!

  8. 感恩师父慈悲分享!随喜师姐点灯利益,以及师姐的真诚心大恭敬心。只有真诚恭敬才能得到师父佛菩萨的慈悲加持!有多大的恭敬真诚心就能得到多大的加持力!顶礼师父!

  9. 感恩师父慈悲分享!感恩师父传授的妙法!报告师父一个好消息在减压班时候我向师父求子,希望菩提送子送一个小金猪!师父我的愿望实现了!昨天儿媳妇去医院做了检查真的怀孕了!感恩师父!我们全家人真诚顶礼叩拜恩师!阿弥陀佛!!!
