天珠──開運保平安的通靈寶物 . 天珠,…

https://www.facebook.com/BodhiMeditationSingapore/rnrnHeavenly Dzi Beads–Holy Treasures that offer auspiciousness, protection and peace

The Dzi Bead is the gift of Heaven. It contains the spirit of heaven and earth, and the energy of the universe. The intricate pattern on the Dzi bead encompasses the most significant and evil-dispelling “eye(s)” in the world. It can purify the energy field, break evil spells, and bring its wearer luck and protection. The five-colored rope is a treasure that is commonly used to usher auspiciousness in Buddhism. It harnesses the immense Vajra (ultimate) energy and protection from the Buddhas of five directions. Coupled with the highly auspicious heavenly Dzi bead, the five-colored rope is enhanced with positive, great illuminating energy that averts disasters, resists diseases, and dispels demons, in favor of gains, blessings, peace, and a smooth-sailing path. Let me share a netizen’s testimonial on the benefits of the Heavenly Dzi Bead.
I am Qiou from Singapore Bodhi Meditation Center. My husband transports equipments and materials at construction sites. Due to the dangerous nature of his job, I got him a Dzi bead from the Singapore Bodhi Meditation Center “Thousand-People Chant Class” in August 2016, hoping that he would wear it to keep him safe.

One day in August 2017, he and several colleagues were setting up iron frames between the first and second floor of the building to move the air-conditioners. Due to the structural constraints of the building, he had to step on an 8 inches wide narrow board to move an air conditioner. At that time, he accidentally lost his balance and fell down! The air conditioner was caught by other colleagues in time.

My husband fell on the board below, and his mind went blank instantly from fright. He then realized that the board had a huge crack and he was only caught by his hips. If the board had completely split, he would have continued to fall from the air, and the consequences will be unimaginable. At that critical moment, he immediately caught hold of a wire dangling nearly and with a spurt of energy, climbed to safety. Even his colleagues were stunned by that frightening scene.

I sincerely thanked Master Jin Bodhi and the Dzi Bead for their protection. Even though he felt from that height, my husband did not suffer any serious injury or fracture, but just some abrasion on the skin. I am thankful to the Dzi bead for saving my husband’s life!

Remarks: If you wish to obtain the Dzi beads, welcome to drop by any of our Bodhi Meditation Center worldwide for more details.

#DziBead, #FiveColorRope, #MiraculousTestimonial
Information reference:


在〈天珠──開運保平安的通靈寶物 . 天珠,…〉中有 13 則留言

  1. 感恩师父慈悲分享宝贝!《天珠》可以驱除魔障,增益聚福。太好了!???感恩师父慈悲加持!??????☕?????

  2. 感恩師父慈悲分享。弟子也有分享。我的一位朋友孩子去年請了師父一顆天珠,在一次宿營的晚上。天突然一片漆黑,霧非常大。一群孩子開始害怕,朋友孩子突然想起自己身上有一顆師父的天珠,就開始想希望天珠可以幫幫他們。突然一道光芒出現,霧也散開,孩子們很快找到了營地的出口。後來孩子自己回來說,好在天珠幫了他們,回家之後叫媽媽帶他做大禮拜感恩師父和佛菩薩。菩提的法寶見證很多神奇,如果說點燈是化解災難的妙寶。那法物應該是遇難呈祥的法寶,時時刻刻護佑一切有緣人吉祥平安健康。

  3. 太好了!有一位邻居,他最近经常会遇到鬼压床、半夜惊醒的事情,非常害怕,后来那位师姐就给他佩戴了一串菩提禅修的【天珠】,现在就好了。师姐介绍说,天珠含有很强的磁场能量,天珠上画的天眼,代表着天地之间最大的驱魔之眼。可以驱走罪恶的邪魔,使佩戴者得到吉祥的护佑。。感恩菩提禅修!感恩师父!

  4. 感恩师父慈悲分享天珠宝物的加持能量和护佑平安吉祥,健康快乐!感恩师父佛菩萨每时每刻慈悲加持和护佑我们健康成长,我让师姐帮忙请师父慈悲加持五彩绳的如意天珠和其它五彩绳穿的天珠了,我们永远爱您师父,因为有您我们真幸福健康快乐,弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!

  5. 感恩师父加持的吉祥天珠,配带者避难成祥,开运保平安,弟子也请到师父加持的天珠,非常喜爱,感恩师父!
