

#週六網路共修 #共修引導 #發現孩子 #親子教育

【Saturday Online Global Group Practice】 How should you love “disobedient children”?

Parental love is the most selfless love on earth. There is no tool in the world that is able to measure the devotion and affection of parents toward their children. But what is the right way to love a child, especially to a child who does not listen? How to love adequately and yet not to spoil the child?

I have some suggestions for parents to consider:

1. Give the child the right to choose. Let him try. Lessons learnt through personal experience will stay with him throughout his life. The experience will provide solid cornerstone for his future.

2. Love in moderation. Love also has limit. Like food seasoning, the right amount of sugar brings sweetness but excessive sugar is harmful to our body. Love is similar. Too much love will give the child pressure and may even lead to greater rebellion. Adequate amount of love is the key to great parent-child relationship.

3. Set rules. Parents should lead by example and be role models for the children. As parents, if you are not able to observe the rules that you set, then you should not be imposing these rules on them.

I welcome you to share any suggestions or thoughts that you may have on parenting. Let us work together to create a good environment for the children to grow and develop. This will be the foundation for their future achievements in life.

#SaturdayOnlineGlobalGroupPractice, #GroupPracticeGuidance, #DiscoveringYourChildren, #Parenting


在〈【週六網路共修】如何愛「不聽話的孩子」?…〉中有 10 則留言

  1. 工業社會的制式學校教育,培育生存競爭的”一般人”。道法自然的生命教育,養成智者德者能者。

  2. 师父每次都让我觉得很佩服,跟上时代,与时并进,思维清晰,立场公正,感恩师父慈悲开示!

  3. 师父好!感恩师父给予我们孩子们的关爱管教引领与呵护!让孩子们都健康快乐吉祥如意,懂道理明是非,学业有成,前途光明,都做对社会对菩提有用的人才就好了!感恩师父????????????

  4. 师父师母早上好,吉祥幸福,健康快乐!感恩师父慈悲开示,感恩师父慈悲的教悔和关怀护佑,我们永远爱您师父,因为有您我们真幸福健康快乐,弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!

  5. 感恩师父,师父的几点建议非常好,尊重孩子,和他们交朋友,还有把孩子交给佛,菩萨,交给师父最放心!
