曾經有弟子問我:「這個世界是由因緣和合而成,人來到世間、遇到的一切事、面臨的一切苦,都是由『前因』決定的,既然因緣已經註定,煩惱已經註定,那我學會看開就好了,多讀一些心靈雞湯的書籍,心胸再寬闊些、神經再大條些、心態再陽光些,隨遇而安,對境不生『煩惱心』不就行了嗎?還修禪做啥呢? 」
【Newly released】 – Four Immeasurables
The four key words in meditation practice
Once a disciple asked me, “The world is made up of karmic affinities. Since our accumulated karma is the reason for us to come to this world and our destinies have been pre-destined since birth, we should simply learn to accept and let go. To help us broaden our hearts and spiritual realm, we can choose to read books for the soul like the Chicken Soup series so that we will have more positive outlooks in life and not be easily troubled in the face of adversities. So, why we do still need to cultivate?
In reality, there are two levels of acceptance with calmness. The first is to integrate into the environment; the second is to change the environment. People in the high spiritual realm can easily become one with the environment: environment affects them and they affect the environment. When we follow the guidance of “Compassionate joyous giving” and enter deep meditative state, we will have the ability to change our surroundings, our lives and even transform the world. This form of self-cultivation has the ability to help us transcend worldliness and attain great divine power to relieve sentient beings from pain and sufferings.
Now, I welcome all to join me in opening the door of self-cultivation. Experience for yourself the wisdom and mystery that lies beneath deep meditative state. Gain a profound understanding of the “Four immeasurables” and attain the miracles of tranquility, great wisdom and complete enlightenment.
#SaturdayOnlineGlobalGroupPractice, #FourImmeasurables, #CompassionAndSelflessGiving, #MasterJinBodhiDharmaTeachings
Good Morning Master Happy Weekend ???
✅ тσρρєяχ кα вσт ? 金菩提禪師 Master JinBodhi <3 gσσ∂ мσяиιиg ✅
? ∂αу Saturday ✅ ∂αтє 2 /06/2018 ? тιмє 6:38 AM ✅
??? CH BOTTERZ ? SURAJ-KING,TK ✅ OWNER Suraj Badayak ???
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敬爱的佛陀师父 菩萨母亲 阿弥陀佛 上午好
Budham sarnm gachami
Master Jinbhon i love the wisdom u give us i might be wiccan but i can appreciate a wiseman thank you master
感恩师父!让我们学会懂得了慈悲喜捨!當我們順著「慈悲喜捨」的一路指引,深入禪定之後,能讓我們成長到足夠強大,擁有改變環境、改變人生、甚至改變世界的能力。這樣的修行,更具有超凡入聖的能力,和普度眾生的神聖意義。 ???南无本师释迦牟尼佛!南无本师释迦牟尼佛!南无本师释迦牟尼佛!
Very very thanks friend ,
We cant read ur languge plz wrote in english about think of buddha its world to know about buddha thought
We are buddhasian.so.we not need to pray the other.the malaysia of china are not buddah.their home have not buddha.they not belive buddha. They want money money money and they are !!!!!!!!!!!!”not buddhasion
Belive buddha they want money money money
師父好 慈悲喜捨,請問師父,”喜捨”這兩個字可不可以合起來一起解釋呢?喜捨可不可以解釋成喜歡付出,樂於奉獻,喜歡給予?,因為我在不求回報,無私心的狀態下,給予人幫助的時候,我心中好歡喜,也因為這樣,我就更喜歡幫人了,感恩師父的開示。