一念恭敬,一念清靜。 . 人一生中總會歷…

人一生中總會歷經各種苦 (生、老、病、死、愛別離、怨憎會、求不得、五蘊熾,這八種苦),在世間無人能夠倖免,尤其是精神意識的苦,幾乎伴隨每個人的一生。所以,從苦中解脫,就成了人們畢生的追求目標。
【Bathing the Buddha Blessing Ceremony】 A moment of respect translates into a moment of peace

Every person goes through at least eight types of suffering in his or her lifetime – Suffering at birth, suffering in old age, suffering in sickness, suffering in death, suffering of separation from loved ones, suffering of being together with people one dislikes, suffering of not getting what one wants and the suffering of the five aggregates. No one can be spared from these eight sufferings. Mental and spiritual sufferings are especially prevalent as most people suffer from some form of that throughout their entire lives. Achieving liberation from suffering has hence become a lifetime pursuit for many people.

Drawn by the cries of the people, Sakyamuni Buddha was born into this world 2500 years ago. Immediately after birth, he took seven steps, with a lotus flower flowering at every step. With one hand pointed to the sky and the other hand to the earth, he proclaimed: “In heaven and earth, I am supreme.” At the conclusion of the proclamation, the celestial dragon showered divine water on Buddha and flower petals filled the air in celebration.

Buddha has deep empathy for the suffering of the people and searched for a method of liberation to free all sentient beings from suffering.

This true significance of bathing the Buddha on this sacred day is found in the following statement: “Buddha, with his infinite great compassion, has never given up on sentient beings. It is his hope that those of us who reside in the mortal world will be able to achieve a moment of peace and tranquility. From that moment, our minds will be cleansed, we will be rid of self-obsession, freed of troubles and we will attain true tranquility in the heart.”

With every ladle of pure water that you pour over the Buddha respectfully, you will wash away the dirt that has accumulated in your body and mind over the years, washing away troubles and diseases. May the Buddha’s compassionate light shine upon you and bring good fortune, auspiciousness, happiness and good health to you.

#SakyamuniBuddhaBirthday, #BathingTheBuddha, #PeaceAndTranquility, #Blessings


在〈一念恭敬,一念清靜。 . 人一生中總會歷…〉中有 22 則留言

  1. 感恩师父,弟子期待和恩师同步恭敬浴佛,洗去烦恼病苦。祈愿佛慈爱的光芒,护佑加持所有众生,离苦得乐,吉祥如意!恭敬扣拜恩师!

  2. 感恩师父直播让弟子沐浴佛恩,洗去身心多年的瑕疵,在佛前舀一勺净水,恭敬浴佛,洗去烦恼病苦,祈愿佛陀慈爱的光芒护佑加持,带给我们吉祥如意,幸福安康。

  3. 感恩师父慈悲告知开示!弟子收到!弟子带着孩子去浴佛?️大加持!聆听师父的开示!浴净污垢。清静吉祥浴沐佛光!幸福期待20号师父的开示!?叩拜

  4. 感恩师父直播让弟子沐浴佛恩,洗去身心多年的瑕疵,在佛前舀一勺净水,恭敬浴佛,洗去烦恼病苦,祈愿佛陀慈爱的光芒护佑加持,带给我们吉祥如意,幸福安康。

  5. 师父、师母好!吉祥如意!我们今天晚上十点准时在一切为了健康群连rc同修们共同聆听佛师开示!共同沐浴佛光!共同和师父一起沐浴佛陀!沐浴我们自己!沐浴家人!沐浴所有亲人、好友,和一切众生!祈愿众生都清静自在!身心光明!健康吉祥!幸福如意!智慧通达!慈悲善良!爱一切众生!恭敬顶礼!叩拜佛菩萨!叩拜恩师!

  6. 浴佛节感恩佛陀降临,感恩佛陀传授佛法救度无数无量的众生,佛陀圣诞感恩师父带来我们浴佛,沐浴佛恩洗去身心的瑕秽,一份恭敬,一念清静,上报佛恩,下济众生。祈愿佛陀慈悲的光芒护佑众生吉祥幸福安康!

  7. 感恩师父!期待师父带我们一起浴佛!沐浴佛光!洗去烦恼病苦,给我们吉祥如意,幸福安康!祈愿所有众生,都能离苦得乐,吉祥如意!恭敬感恩扣拜恩师!!!

  8. 感恩师父直播让弟子沐浴佛恩,洗去身心多年的瑕疵,在佛前舀一勺净水,恭敬浴佛,洗去烦恼病苦,祈愿佛陀慈爱的光芒护佑加持,带给我们吉祥如意,幸福安康。

  9. हार्दिक अभिनन्दन। महात्मा बुद्ध ने कहा पहले समझो जानो फिर मानो। भेड़ चाल पर मत चलो। मन को समझो। मन तो वश में नहीं जो हमारे साथ है। परमसत्ता परमपिता को क्या जान पाओगे। भ्रम के सिवाय कुछ नहीं।
