三條魚的故事 . . 大河中有一對魚兄弟…

然而,想太多和想太少這一對兄弟,因為懈怠猶豫,又對食物貪執,遲遲不肯動身。『 好吧!明天就走 。』但明天到來時,他們又說隔天,就這樣一天拖一天,日子過去了三個月,最後他們還是不肯走。
六度中,唯有勤奮能戰勝懈怠, 戰勝自己多年的陋習!
#佛教故事、#根除怠惰習性、#不找藉口、#即刻修行rnrnThe Story of Three Fishes

Once upon a time, there was a pair of fishes who were brothers and lived in the river. One of them was called Think Too Much, and the other was called Think Too Little. There was another fish called Think Just Right who lived in the same river. One day, the brothers decided to swim from the river in the jungle to the place where the humans lived. Think Just Right had a bad feeling about the place and warned the brothers: “This is a dangerous place. The fishermen will try to capture us with their baits and nets. Let us return to the jungle!”

Think Too Much and Think Too Little however, hesitated. They were complacent and were greedy for the abundant food found there. “Ok! We shall go back tomorrow.” But when tomorrow arrived, they would procrastinate the return by another day. Before they knew it, three months had passed.

One day, the brothers got lured into a fisherman’s net by the baits. They panicked when they realized that they were trapped. Fortunately, Think Just Right saw what happened and managed to bite through the nets to release them.

The brothers were grateful to Think Just Right for the rescue but they did not change their ways. They were still as complacent, lazy, and as enamored of the worldly pleasures as before. A few lifetimes passed. Eventually, Think Too Much and Think Too Little reincarnated to be dharma brothers in the same monastery. Even as monks, they were still as complacent and lazy.

One day, the dharma brothers decided to make a trip to pay their respects to Buddha. They finished their preparations and were ready to start the trip, but they kept telling themselves “Let’s begin the journey tomorrow!” One month passed before they finally began on their journey.

The moment Buddha saw them, he reprimanded them for the procrastination and for wasting their time. Knowing that life is unpredictable, how can you continue to waste the days of your lives? As they listened to Buddha, the dharma brothers repented deeply and finally resolved to change the bad ways of their past. At that moment, they attained enlightenment and were liberated from the sufferings of reincarnation.

Remember the fish Think Just Right who rescued the brothers from the net? That was Buddha in his previous life. The jungle is akin to the shores of liberation while the fishing net represents the traps of the pleasures in the secular world.

Moral of the story: complacency and laziness are the biggest obstacles to our growth. We always have plenty of excuses to justify our laziness – we would claim to be too busy today, promise to practice the next day, or simply claim to be too tired.

We ought to remember that life is unpredictable. A day spent without diligent practice is a day lost. Secular pleasures are like the fishing net that traps all sentient beings! This is something we need to be aware of, and be cautious about!

Today is Labor Day. Let it be a day of action for us!
In the Six Perfections, only diligence can overcome complacency, overcome the years, we have been held back by our bad habit of complacency.

May all of you be blessed with good health and happiness!!

#BuddhistStory, #UprootComplacency, #NoExcuses, #StartPracticingNow


在〈三條魚的故事 . . 大河中有一對魚兄弟…〉中有 37 則留言

  1. 师父好上午好!弟子看到了师父讲的故事就是说我自己,我知道自己错了!师父总是在我困难时帮助我,我真心感恩师父大慈大悲救我,弟子明白了道理,我一定听师父的教育我精进,跟上师父的脚步,往前走,今天是五一劳动节!祝愿师父师母节日快乐!开开心心!吉祥如意!

  2. 唯有勤奮能戰勝懈怠!

  3. 感恩师父教诲!习性是阻碍前进的最大阻力。有时心情不好就觉得特别累,就不想练,就是说明天吧,是这样的。五一,从小过这个节日,不知是什么心情。习性有时很难克服,不那么容易。从小一有印象就怕毒死,记得有一年,姐姐捡了好多马肉,那时很小,姐姐干活回来,见大家都吃,问我为什么不吃,我告诉她我看他们吃了死不死再吃,那时是吃一点肉,有时会吐。一个很小的孩子,一年难得吃肉,但就怕毒死。长大以后,水杯总是随身携带,直到禅修以后才放下这个心结。在克服偷懒的毛病。

  4. 感恩师父慈悲开示与分享!感恩师父教诲!怠惰和偷懶的習性,是障礙前進的最大阻力。根除怠惰習性、不找藉口、即刻修行!一定听师父的慈悲的教导!唯有勤奮能戰勝懈怠, 戰勝自己多年的陋習!5月1日勞動節,動起來!祝愿师父师母节日快乐!开开心心!吉祥如意!

  5. MASTER. Did you get my message? Your Xin is hiding from my message regarding the bodhi meditation in Los Angeles diamond bar..I seen too much illegal activities and auctions there. I mind my own business. I live a simple life with Buddha’s. But sometimes even Buddha, gets hungry for money. I am sorry for coming at you with situation,
    Regarding scandalous, out of proportion gossip and incidents. Regarding volunteer at the center. They don’t listen to your message,
    They go there because they don’t know how to live. They need you. Billy Ping Kuo

  6. 感恩师父慈悲开示与护佑!祝师父师母节日快乐!吉祥如意!弟子一定牢记恩师教导,不偷懒,勇猛精进如法修行。感恩师父!!!

  7. 感恩佛师慈悲用心良苦决不放手,为弟子们离苦得乐时时刻刻的如説服小朋友们耐心善巧拉着我们前行???顶礼叩拜尊师???佛师五.一劳动节快乐?师兄师姐们五.一劳动节快乐???????

  8. 感恩师父分享故事,弟子想想自己也是想太多或想太少,懒惰还为自己找借口,这次回国就没日日修练,还贪吃美味,回来就受惩罚了,皮肤过敏,不敢吃还受熬煎,感恩师父,感恩佛陀又让我清醒起来,弟子要克服懒惰,好好修练,好好念佛,戒除贪婪,消灾灭难,找回健康!

  9. 感恩佛师慈悲用心良苦决不放手,为弟子们离苦得乐时时刻刻的如説服小朋友们耐心善巧拉着我们前行???顶礼叩拜尊师???佛师五.一劳动节快乐?师兄师姐们五.一劳动节快乐???????感恩叩拜顶礼恩師我们进精修行不要愉懒永恆跟随師父永不改

  10. 师父,您好!收到师父满满的祝福!谢谢师父!同时也謝謝師父大慈大悲的开示!在修行路上不要懒惰,不要受无常影响,精进修行。感恩师父!

  11. 师父好!弟子看到了师父讲的故事就是感到说我自己,我知道自己懶散!感恩师父在我迷茫时指引我,我真心感恩师父大慈大悲传受加持,弟子明白了道理,我一定听师父的教化精进修行,跟上师父的脚步,往前走,今天是五一劳动节!祝愿师父师母节日快乐!开开心心!吉祥如意!

  12. 师父我今年早晨起的比较晚,都是六点钟,以前我是五点起做大礼拜一小时,然后在做饭送孩子去幼儿园再去走八卦!今年我心态总是…所以师父我就不知道怎么了!那个心总感觉有压力!师父我也懒惰了!其实不是懒师父!我也不想懒惰,就是说不出来的感觉〒_〒

  13. 感恩师父讲的故事弟子谨记:佛陀斥责他们不改蹉跎時光,无常紧追再后,一个人究竟有多少生命可以浪費?一日不精进就是一日的损失,世俗享乐就像渔网,众生被困在其中还不自知呢!慎哉!

  14. 感恩师父慈悲开示!弟子收到!弟子都无地自容了,这个习性弟子有时很严重,不知道无常还在继续不精进勇猛。感恩师父慈悲加持护佑愿我们都能到彼岸!❤️您师父!?叩拜

  15. 感恩师父的教诲。生命中有太多不如意都与懒惰有关,要想成功就要想好了就去做,明日复明日,万事成蹉跎。怠慢和懒惰会障碍前行的信心与步伐,修行只有精进才能消除业力,提高心性获得觉悟智慧。无常和明天我们不知道哪个会先来,所以修行已是燃眉之急,只有珍惜今世稀有之缘,尊师重教听话照做,跟随师父永远前行!

  16. မဂၤလာပါရွင္​
